
Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Explain fully why it is essential for organisations to continually train and develop their employees. How can the benefits you describe be measured?

The overall role of training is to develop individuals , groups and the organisation to make more effectively. the training function has three potential discrete roles to perform. One role is as consultant to top commission for organisational problem solving, by helping identify and solve problems. The south role is about formulating of training policy and generally plan and organising training resources. The third role is about direct training, identifying needs, designing and running courses and advising line managers. (G.Bunch)

Development clear be regarded as activities undertaken by the enterprise to release the potential of individuals in order to get on the ends of the enterprise and to match the capabilities inclinations and goals of the individuals to those ends.(cornelius p.83)

After the 1980 recession there has been a flip-flop from production orientated production to the consumption-orientated production.(P.Teague). This means that instead of having a single product groceryed to the whole market we now render a vast selection of different products marketed to niche markets.(S. Birley) It is exhausting for niche markets to utilise economies of scale, and there is also a lofty requirement for flexibility since the company may have to switch over the production to an alternative product. As technology advances, new, faster, better goods and serve are available and in demand.

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To fulfil consumer demand, there is other shift in the labour market toward workers who are dexterous in the skills that can provide such goods and services. As a result there will be a eminent need for skilled workers in various fields so that they will be able to perform multiple tasks. forte in one specific task (scientific approach) will not be a viable solution when economies of scale can not be used effectively either because the market is too small or saturated from the current firms...

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