
Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Power and Politics

The capacity to control some one and only(a) else and cleaveting them to do what is in ones interest, is known as military group. Managers in large and small organizations spate make excellent use of a variety of evasive action to implement their personal forcefulness and get the results they want from subordinates. angiotensin-converting enzyme tactic well known and highly utilize is quit power. What this means is that double-deckers reward their subordinates by ether increasing salaries, adult them good job assignments or better tools to perform their jobs. another(prenominal) potential reward give notice be the recognition of a job well done in front of peers or simply a complement and praise for a yesteryear behavior.

Additionally, if an employee has respect for his or her manager they will be to a greater extent willing to perform a job to the best of their business leader is another effective tactic. The response from employees to this type of power can be positive when all work together to get carried orders, requests and directions done efficiently.

Using this power, building it and keeping it, is consider as organizational politics in today business world. regime involve the use of power and managers must remember that power is very slippery. This has to be taken into consideration especially if one is engage in competition for power.

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Competition between departments in an organization is common and can be healthy if the footing for competition relates to the progress of obtaining common goals.

Consequently, internal competition in an organization can create friction between managers. The power of reward becomes useful in this situation. The more popular the manager is and the bigger his or her network gets the longer they will be able keep the power.

Referent PowerReferent Power is based on the employee?s perception that the supervisor possesses positive personality characteristics which results in an...

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