Thursday, January 31, 2019
Environmentally Conscious Propoganda :: social issues
environmentally Conscious PropogandaWRIT 140 September 11, 2000 Environmentally Conscious Propaganda or so every single original concept forthwith has become mainstream or shows a general trend towards becoming so. Propagandists realize this and frequently effort these ideas, tainting their flavor of originality and creating a new generation of gullible wannabes who can part adhere to any philosophy, but do not allow themselves to be inconveniences by certain doctrines. Anything that might elicit followers or fork over the potential to, has drawn the attention of these solicitor, yet one of the fastest developing target audiences today calculate to be nature lovers. Three examples extracted from heterogeneous sources reveal that advertisers are targeting a presumed cultural attitude that peck today wish not only to save the environment, but also trip up nature as the idealistic existence in contrast with the ordinary city life most people have accustomed themselves to. c onterminous one must question, What is the idealistic existence? All three advertisements blot to one notion or another but more often than not seem more different than similar. The fist two automotives ads for Toyota and Honda severally both deal with the natural environment. However Toyota assemblings directly toward nature lovers and those who parcel out an outdoorsman spirit by asking the question of whether one would blend in with nature, or with traffic. The advertisement crosses both a machine and the environment, suggesting that a ratio can be achieved between man and nature. The subliminal hint seem to be that the advertised 4-Runner will somehow help one crease into nature. The stance from the Honda Insight, however, is far from Toyotas. Reaching for the environmentalist, the ad immediately grabs at people who are to some degree conscious of environmental concerns such as pollution. While not an environmental movement all by itself the appreciation does pollute cons iderably less than normal 4 cylinder and 6 cylinder vehicles. While not designed to adhere to hardcore environmentalists, it does appeal to the average person concerned with it. Car promoters also presume that magic spell people today are concerned with the environment, most people wouldnt lift a finger if they had to go out of their way. The average Joe would sort of pass a piece of trash on the street than strip it up, because they would inconvenience themselves in the process. The Insight is accordingly partially battery powered, neer needs to be plugged in, and is more of a convenience.
Wednesday, January 30, 2019
Jill Bolte Taylor’s Stroke of Insight
penning I Title Jill Bolte Taylors stroke of insight Link http//www. ted. com/talks/jill_bolte_taylor_s_powerful_stroke_of_insight. hypertext mark-up language Speaker Jill Bolte Taylor Affiliation http//www. drjilltaylor. com Jill Bolte Taylor is a Harvard-trained and published neuroanatomist who dedicated her career to investigate into the severe mental illnesses. She had a stroke piece she was researching or so biologic differences between healthy originators and brains of individuals diagnosed with schizophrenia, schizoaffective or bipolar disorder at1996.One of her blood vas exploded on the left side of her brain and it caused the stroke. In the seminar, she explains her observations about the 4 hour by and by the stroke as a neuroanatomist. match to her experience she could not able to walk, talk read, write or sequestrate any of her life. In this talk, initially she explains the major functions of the brain with a authentic mankind brain. Then she clarifies her str oke according to these functions. She tells the results of her bleeding step by step with examples and helps us to imagine a stroke.After all she finishes her linguistic communication with explaining her feelings after she survived and recovered. Beside Jill Bolte Taylors stroke of insight video, I watched videos about being smart Dan Gilbert asks, Why are we happy? , about intelligence of plants Stefano Mancuso The grow of plant intelligence and about brain damages VS Ramachandran on your drumhead. I generally watched the videos about brain and intelligence because I arouse in the human intelligence and brain functions. Mr.Gilberts talk showed me the effects of our psychological immune system to be happy, Mr. Mancusos talk correspond me the intelligence of plants which is similar to animals and Mr. Ramachandrans talk helped me to illustrate the brain functions of human while he was talking about the brain damages. All of these bailiwicks were interest but I mostly intereste d in Taylors topic because she had a disease which is about her researches and she survived from it without any permanent damage. I want to hear this neuroanatomy specialists own life experiments about brain disease.Favorite quotes and sentences I essentially became an infant in a womans body. For those of you who understand computers, our right hemisphere functions like a parallel processor, while our left hemisphere functions like a serial processor. About Jill Bolte Taylors stroke of insight video, I did not understand why and how she mat up that she is in nirvana after she woke up after the surgery. I powerfully recommend this video to the other students because it is one of the most interesting speech I have ever heard.
Tuesday, January 29, 2019
Geely Company Analysis
Geely Company Analysis When globalization be discerns a circumstance, some companies try to present oversea market place. Here, wed like to collect a look at a Chinese private-own motor gondola rail agency car society Geely. As chinas top car maker, Geely abstracted the spheres eyes recently. In 2004, Geely plans to export 5,000 vehicles to the essence East, South the States and North Africa after shipping 1,000 cars to Syria in the fourth quarter of 2003 at US$4,000-$6,000 each. This family, Geely expects to open US market.But with many strong competiters in car manufactory in US, with weak temperament about Chinese product, How does Geely envision an prehend approach to develop its business? This paper go forth try to find the answer. First, we entrust introduce Geely background to help ref know its history and present situation. Then we impart do turn out analysis and Entry mode comparison toward its current status to find a fall in approach for Geely to come in in US. We testament crossbreed chapter 4 and chapter 14 in this paper. Company chanceAlthough its securely for a new automotive manufactor embark in US market, which is virtually saturated and full of strong competitors, Geely until now has its own advantages and oppotunities. Its super- unhopeful toll becomes a brick to knock the door of US misfortunate end vehicles market. Some actor(a) famous and successful brand bulid a good model for Geely in car substitution class, design etc. Also, US market is huge and American people have a eminent consumption, if Geely can catch the oppotunities, the adventure to success will be great. Now, lets take a look at its follow background. Company backgroundGeely motorcar party was found on March, 1997 in Zhe Jiang mainland China. It is a private own gondola company. The registered capital of this company is RMB 20 million. In 2001, Geely motorcar became the first authorize private company in terms of machine manufacture in mainland China. The chairman of the company is Li Shu Fu. He has good relationships with the Chinese judicature leaders and Zhe Jiang commonwealth government leaders. China has high economic off array rates since 1980s. Many Chinese people make a pass around of m wizy every year. Most of them want to own cars or pack cars for many easons. So the Chinese car market become macroscopicr and abundantger. It provides a good opportunity to Li Shu Fu and his employees to realize their dream lease the best Cars, ordinary People Can Afford. Geely automobile company hires many workers to produce different styles cars in Zhe Jiang province and operates big business in mainland China, Middle East, southern America and Africa. The operation of the company can mint the economic growth of Zhe Jiang province. So, Geely automobile company al bureaus gets support from the Zhe Jiang province government.Gerry automobile company is concentering on low-income market in mainland China. In the first half of 2003, Geely Company produced 34360 units of cars and renews the last-place legal injurys of its products in the automobile industry, so the company sh ard 3. 84% of the total Chinese car market. At the same, the company make technical cooperation agreement with German Rucker Company. The cooperation agreement helps Geely automobile to improve its products quality quickly. This company gets success in domestic market after its first car launched off in Linhai City Zhejiang Province.On June, 2003, the one hundred thousand Geely cargon launched off in Zhejiang Province. This company has import & export license and the ISO 9001 quality system certification, so it is very easy for the company to export its products to other countries. Gerry Company tries to enter in international market since its foundation. The company sells its products or establishes extensive concern relationship in different countries and areas since 2003. It seems to get success in Middle East, Southern American and Africa because the company exports large quantities of products to those areas per year.This company is looking for the opportunities to enter the U. S. market now. S. W. O. T Analysis Since we have assumed that Geely has its potential to open the automobile market in American, past the next step is to conk out the company and automobile industry environment. iodine of tools is provided by our text sacred scripture called S. W. O. T analysis which stands for strengths, failinges, opportunities, and threats (Sulivan, 2002). * Strength A strength could be outlined as something a company is good at doing or a characteristic that gives it enhanced competitiveness. It may include aluable physical and/or valet de chambre assets, an achievement or attribute that takes the company in a post of market advantage, alliances or cooperative ventures, and so on(Thompson & Strickland, 2001, p117). For Geely Automobile Company, low hail of physical and/or human as sets is one of the major strengths. As we know, although Chinese labor approach is not the lowest in the world, its cost is still much begin than often of industrialized countries. Besides, the average cost of raw materials, plant, and land is excessively cheaper than some western countries. Moreover, Geely does not provided have low cost labor but also has divide of valuable human assets.In 2003, Geely recuited some experienced managers into their team including former the General Manager of SAIC Volkswagen, Vice President of FAW Volkswagen Group, President of Dongfeng Automobile institute Research, Chief Representative of German BMW and General Manager of China constituent after service company of Benz Company. These glare-cost advantages make Geely achieve its low price strategy among other competitors. On May, 2003, Geely sparkplug automobile publicization and renovate the newest and lowest price of automobile in the automobile industry.For instance, Geely makes some low-priced sedans. One of those is under the brand name, Haoqing minicar which is the cheapest on the Chinese market, at in force(p) 32,000 kwai which converts to $ 3,867 U. S. dollars. Some companys alliances or cooperative ventures also ready up its strength. On Dec. , 2002, Geely make contracts with Daewoo International Co. , Ltd and Maggiora S. p. A, a famous Italy automobile project group with respectively to develop CK-1 and CI-1 automobile project. On June,2003, Geely made a technical cooperation agreement with German Rucker Company. * WeaknessA weakness is defined as something a company loses or does poorly or a condition that makes the company at a disadvantage. A weakness may include lack of financial support, poor brand image or reputation and so on (Thompson & Strickland, 2001, p117). As we mentioned that Geely is a private owned company in our company background section, it is to a greater extent difficult for them to get financial support in lay to fatten up m arket or R&D. Further more, even though it made strategy corporation with several Shanghai and Zhejiang commercial banks, from an international perspective, the lack of a strong relationship with a large bank with lobal connections (Sulivan, 2002, p512) seems to be a big weakness for them. The second weakness is the reputation of Chinese products. For example, every epoch we, including Europeans, Americans even Asians, mention made-in-China products, we probably are talking about most of toys, shores, textiles or cheap electronics, but fewer of advanced products. It is true for Chinese automobile manufacturers much(prenominal) as Geely that in order to open western markets they still have a long way to build their product images. * OpportunityIt is no doubt that America has one of the most easy automobile markets in the world. The political and businesses environment such as regulation are stable and well-developed. The income per capita is also ranked at top. Besides, its in frastructures such as freeways and national transportation network are also well built. For automobile manufacturers, they can either open luxury car markets or focus on mid-income or lower-income consumers. For foreign car makers especially from Asia, Japanese opened American market in 70s and Korean opened in 90s the next cogency be from China. Threats Like opportunity, a threat is also viewed at upstanding industry level rather than each single company. In the automobile industry, the most common threat is a lot of competitors. at that place are not only many worldwide well-known brands such as General Motor, Ford, Toyota, Martz-Benz which produce different kinds of luxury automobiles for high-or-mid income consumers but also lots of small manufacturers such as Hyundai, Geely, or Chery ( other Chinese automobile company) which focus on lower-income market. Another threat is fueling fears.Since Asia economy boom, the demand of infixed resource such as petroleum is increased dr amatically. However, nowadays, the oil take is decreasing. Due to the high demand and short supply in oil, consumers endure to consider not only the prices of automobiles but also the ability of natural gas saving while they purchase the cars. The change of consumer purchase behaviors will now affect automobile manufactures market strategy and R&D. In sum, S. W. O. T analysis is very helpful for both domestic-oriented and international-oriented companies to analyze immanent or external economic environment.However, after finish this analysis, there is another analysis to do country analysis before we choose an appropriate entry model. US Country Analysis In US, automobiles play an pregnant role in our daily lives. We can not finish our duties without impulsive a car. According auto Automotive News, there are 16 million cars in US. Most of the car gross revenue are not made US car companies. US made cars sales is around 44. 9 %. That means 55% of cars sales in US are from foreign company. Japanese cars are the most sales cars in US. There are a lot of reasons why the Japanese cars are popular in US market.First, Japanese cars are better quality and lower price than US cars. Second, the Japanese cars saves their customers in gasoline cost. Because gasoline price increases so quickly, the US economy is experiencing a inflation problem. The daily behavior product prices are in a rise. People have less(prenominal) spending power than before. The market for cheap cars will increase year by year. On the other hand, people who have higher income still want to buy an expensive car. Most of the rich people want to buy Europe cars, such as BMW, Mercedes Benz, and Audi.As for the cheap car market, Korean cars are taking over most of the sales. China automobiles may have a good chance to break into US market, because China may be more competitive than Korean cars. The car come from China also consume less gas. It is may have a good opportunity to break into US market. Entry mode Since the aim for Geely Automotives is to eventually dominate the U. S. low end vehicles market, the most appropriate way for Geely automotives to do this would be through the direct exportation along with sales subsidiary method of entry.Geely will start out by selecting markets that are more susceptible to buying Chinese vehicles such as atomic number 20 and certain parts of Texas. Additionally, this process is set up to allow Geely to break away carefully, develop a good foundation in the U. S. markets and if the future looks favorable then Geely may eventually grow and expand from there. Since China already has some of the lowest labor costs in the world, Geely automotives may be able to leave their manufacturing plant in China and the cars will then be directly exported to the U. S. from China. Once the cars arrive then Geely U.S. subsidiary will be responsible from there on and transport the vehicles to the enfranchisements for sale. To augment the expo rting process, Geely will open up sales subsidiary dealerships in the selected locations in California and certain parts of Texas. The function of these sales subsidiaries will be sales, customer support and along with repair and maintenance on the vehicles. The way team will be also be imported from Geelys headquarters in China, whereas sales, customer support and mechanics can be hired locally, since there is a good supply of well skilful car salesmen in U.S. already. While a sales subsidiary dealership may be more expensive to set up in the U. S. than a simple sales branch, the sales subsidiary will be better for long term growth and the expenses should be off set by higher revenues earned from the subsidiary. According to Dr. Sullivan in Exploring International vexation Environments, a sales subsidiary will also be better for long term growth because a sales subsidiary will allow Geely to 1. Be closer in touch with end-user needs. 2. Have more control over distribution channel s, And 3.Being perceived by customers as more committed to the market. ( 263). Dr. Sullivan also notes that the major disadvantage of a sales subsidiary is in finding sales personal with the right commixture of experience, language skills and willingness to work for foreigners. However this should not be a big issue for Geely since there is a large Chinese population in California and many well trained sales people. (263). The major have behind Geelys entry mode is to expand through economies of graduated table even if it means sacrificing short term profits.Lawrence Ang, executive director of Geely describes it distinctly when he said in a recent news modify Were the most aggressive market player in pursuing price-cuts and economies-of-scale strategies, Ang continues by explaining that Market share is relatively more important for us in the near term than profit margin because Chinas auto industry will experience a trend of declining profit margins in the next equalize of ye ars, Furthermore, Ang concludes that We need a critical mass. Then we can push obliterate our per-unit costs, leaving board for maneuvering on pricing. (china. org. cn) Case study Hyundai MotorsTo understand the posture of this entry mode better, let us look at Hyundai as an example. Hyundai first entered the U. S. market in 1986, their timing was perfect because it was a time when most automobile manufacturers were striving to dominate the higher-end markets, and this left plenty of room in the low end vehicles market. Hyundai took advantage of this by providing affordable cars for college students and lower income families. Hyundai also started out by exporting to Canada and later to the west and due east coasts of U. S. where these markets are more liberal to foreign cars.Hyundais success was immediate, lay a record by selling their 100,000th Excel in just seven months of their first appearance. (Hyundai. com). With the American car manufacturers slowly loosing market share and Hyundai moving up in their target market, this could be the perfect opportunity for Geely to enter the U. S. market and reproduce Hyundais astounding results. Conclusion Eventually, as U. S. has huge demand of automobile, and slowly looses its market share to the Asian automobile manufacture, and as Hyundai moves to higher-end markets, this presents an opportunity for Geely.According to S. W. O. T analysis, Geely has its strength on low cost of natural resource and labor, and opportunity on focusing large demand of low-income consumers but the threat on powerful competitors, and weakness on poor reputation. Thus, if Geely could fully utilize its strength and opportunity, and build up its reputation by improving its qualities, we strongly believe that Geely could successfully enter U. S. market, and has high chance to capture part of U. S. automobile industries.
Drug Abuse and Treatment Centers in Afghanistan Essay
The issue of narcotic medicines production and consumption is worsening in Afghanistan which threatens the g mature and hinders the groomwork forcet. Afghanistan as the largest opium-producing outlandish in the macrocosm produces 94% of the worlds opiates and thus has 920,000 illicit dose users. Ministry of Counter Narcotics (MCN) and numerous opposite major organizations such as International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs (INL), UNODC and capital of Sri Lanka Plan aim to eliminate opium and illicit medicates cultivation, production, trafficking and addiction in Afghanistan by means of different programs.As an example, INL has taken actions to precipitate medicine demand by establishing word centers in many provinces of Afghanistan. Specific every last(predicate)y, this paper aims to analyze interventions in medicine addicts lives by Nejat as a male and Sanga Amaj as a egg-producing(prenominal) medicate treatment center from an ethical point of view. Throu ghout the intervention, these dickens centers have overlooked issues related to women, affectionate stigmatization and problems of strained treatment. nonwithstanding its deficiencies, intervention by Nejat and Sanga Amaj significantly contri stilles to medicine abusers human chastens and too the security and development of Afghanistan and thus benefits both(prenominal) individuals and the society. First of each(prenominal), Sanga Amaj and Nejat promote the Human right wing to Health by providing access to drug treatment and also aiming to decrease and prevent negative health consequences of drug abuse. Right to health is the economic, social and cultural right of every unmatched to the highest get-at-able standard of mental and animal(prenominal) health.Sanga Amaj and Nejat jockstrap drug users to lead healthy lives by decreasing the mental and physical health problems, t wear drug customs duty poses to their lives. HIV Aids, Hepatitis B, social exclusion and suicide s among drug users argon some of the main examples of physical and psychological harms of drug work primarily among injecting addicts. According to an HIV report in Afghanistan, al virtually all the known cases of HIV infection in Afghanistan today argon callable to injecting drug use, thus drug use treatment lead save a great number of injecting drug users lives.Besides, treating drug users, a socially excluded and marginalized group affected by drug addiction, and bringing them can to live normal and healthy lives in their societies like everyone else help them thrash the psychological problems posed by addiction. Usually, drug abusers live in uncongenial and unclean places like under bridges and garbage piles that ar unhealthy habitats and cause varieties of separate diseases curiously caused by bacteria.By providing treatment facilities to drug abusers and thus eliminating and preventing all these health disadvantages, Sanga Amaj and Nejat support health eudaimonia of the society overall. Secondly, Sanga Amaj and Nejat contribute to promote the security in individuals lives which promotes the security of everyone and of the country. The diseases that develop in relation to drug abuse (HIV, Hepatitis and other diseases including mental disorders) are all a threat non merely in drugs users lives but also to individual, national and human health and financial security.Besides, according to studies, drug consumption causes poverty, violence and criminal behavior in a certain society which poses severe scotch and social insecurity not only to drug users lives but also their families and the society. Many road and domestic accidents, drug crimes, and death because of overdose are due to drug usage. Such as, it is commonalty that drug abusers commit crimes such as they steal money for acquire drugs. Besides, insecurity and disorder due to drug trafficking and crimes becomes the bases for corruption, insecurity and illegal drug smuggling and povert y in society which affects everyone.Thus, these treatment centers intervention promotes the apology of drug users rights by facilitating treatment and preventing them from these crimes magical spell leading them to health, social and economical security. Nejat and Sanga Amaj also add to human resources and productivity and play a despotic role for the development of drug abusers and other citizens lives and thus for a sustainable development of Afghanistan. First of all, intervention in drug abusers lives causes them to lead ofttimes more(prenominal) rich lives than before because drug abusers are unproductive both in school and labor.Drug abuse incurs social costs in the form of loss of productivity and family income, violence, security problems, traffic and workplace accidents, and associate with corruption and loss of productivity and corruption affects the development of a country and its all citizens negatively. Much HIV-related mortality occurs in adults in their produc tive age, which causes loss in an individuals life, and also the prosperity of their families, and the country.When drug users get treatment, they go in societies and lead much more productive lives which not only benefit them but also the society and its other citizens. Thus, by decreasing drug usage, a harmful factor of drugs users lives and also of the society and thus decreasing the level of health issues, violence, crimes and poverty, Sanga Amaj and Nejat are truly promoting the well organism of the citizens as human beings and leads them and their societies to development. In addition to all these, treatment centers, specifically, Sanga Amaj highly contributes in promoting childrens rights. 0,000 of this drug-abusing populace are children who are usually born from or breast ply by devoted mothers, get addicted due to second hand smoke in families with addicted members, or are given opium or drugs directly for ailments or more functional hours.As a doctor states, If a child cries, they give him opium, if he cant sleep, they use opium, if an infant coughs, opium, a child is fed opium frequently which makes them addicted. These children while growing up then have to dislodge a way to get opium or drugs. It usually leads them to crimes, such as, thieving at an early age, or leads them to being abused, especially inner abuse.A great number of drug addicts sell their bodies or work as prostitutes to get money. For example, many male children become dancing boys who usually trip the light fantastic in front of men and are used by them for internal purposes and thus get little money or drugs in return. It increases sexual slavery of children, social crimes against them and also exploits their lives and thus deepens the issue even more. Sanga Amaj as a childrens treatment center provides treatment facilities which help in promoting childrens rights to healthy and normal lives.It plays a safe(p) role in preventing the devastating consequences of child dru g abuse and thus has a cock-a-hoop hand in supporting childrens rights. On the other hand, not only the treatment facilities on hand(predicate) for drug users are insufficient compared to the level of drug consumption but also it is unevenly distributed between men and women and also different provinces. According to DW report of 2013, around 1. 3 one thousand thousand of population in Afghanistan is addicted to drugs. The existent services are sufficient for only 10,000 addicts every year so the remainder of the addicts do not have access to treatment facilities.The drug abusers without services are mainly women who have only 2 treatment centers around the country and the drug users in provinces without centers as most of the centers are primed(p) in capital of Afghanistan while some provinces do not have even one. For example, Sanga Amaj as one of the only two womens residential treatment centers among the 40 treatment centers overall has 20 beds while Nejat as one of the man y treatment centers for male drug users provides structured treatment with 50 beds available . Thus, as though Sanga Amaj has successfully treated 400 women with having only 15 relapses, it is much less compared to the number of women drug users.Additionally, these treatment centers are located only in some main provinces such as capital of Afghanistan while leaving other provinces without centers. This proportion of facilities has created an uneven distribution of facilities among volume in different provinces and also among male and female drug abusers. handed-down drug treatment programs have been designed to treat male addicts and spoil to address the needs of women leading to inequity. Basically, 120,000 of the drug users in Afghanistan are women which qualification be less than the real number as most of them are reluctant to reveal their addiction.As UNODC reports, Drug use among women and children is extremely rocky to estimate in Afghan society as it is easier to conce al and most often occurs in the home, women make a big bankrupt of this populace but have remained invisible. Besides, most addicted women are from country areas where they consume opium on a regular basis to cure their illnesses while the only two residential treatment centers available for them are located in big cities, leaving out women in the rest of 34 provinces demanding treatment.Men have more treatment centers than women though it is easier for them to travel from one province to another and despite the fact that many women are not addicted by their choice. They are strained by members of family, especially by husbands, and thus do not have the autonomy to decide or so their addiction or undergoing treatment. As Shinkai Zahin claims, Woman addicts were ignored by both the Afghan government and international donors, womens needs have been overlooked.As every woman, man, youth and child has the equal human right to the highest attainable standard of physical and mental he alth, at this point women drug users right to health is undermined by discrimination. The social stigma of drug abuse creates an milieu where society overlooks the external reasons of drug addiction and instead blames and ill-treats the drug abusers and leads to forced treatments. Initially, drug usage is considered disgraceful and drug users as the ones who perform this inglorious act are degraded though it is usually unemployment, poverty, sickness, depression, violence, migration, imprisonment, etc. hat leads to addiction. Putting all the blame on the drug abusers leads to their ill treatment, being marginalized and negative psychological effects. Therefore, drug usage turns into shameful secret for drug users and they are socially condemned such as many of drug users especially male are beaten and sometimes they are forcefully absorbed or brought to treatment centers. As The right to health is an inclusive right and contains freedom, forced treatment which is against a drug u sers will is a form of degradation and violates his/her right of decision-making.Moreover, the treatment process is a difficult, galling and cruel process and sometimes drug abusers are dehumanized during the process. interposition includes withdrawal effects and drug detoxification which is extremely painful and if the clients resist, they are buttoned to beds for hours to days. Sometimes, drug users who cannot endure these pains die during the treatment, try to commit suicide or run away. These cases are against the key aspects of Right to Health be by the UN high commissioner that right to health should be free from non-consensual medical exam treatment, torture and other cruel, inhumane or degrading treatment or punishment.Some drug users claim that forced treatment violates their liberty and forces them to quit, wrap up with the withdrawal, and give up what they call the intense feeling of pleasure. A former heroin addict states, The War on Drugs isnt a War on Drugs, its a war on in the flesh(predicate) liberty and a war on ones monomania of their body, so forcing treatment is degrading them and their human rights. Therefore, considering drug usage a crime or shameful act and thus enforcing treatment on unwilling drug abusers cannot be justified based on their individual human rights.To conclude, Sanga Amaj and Nejat as two major treatment centers benefits drug users and Afghanistan in many ways through their intervention in drug users lives. It ensures their human right to health, security and development and also childrens rights in many ways. Thus, it advantages not only the drug users but also their societies. Besides, though the treatment facilities provided is not sufficient and also is unevenly distributed among places and genders, based on cost-benefit analysis their intervention still is justified as it does more good than harm.Having less or insufficient treatment facilities is better than not having at all and in the same way treating s ome women is better than none. Instead, stopping point the social stereotypes about drug users and also men and women, and also preventing forced treatments while providing more counseling can make the intervention more sufficient. Besides, building more centers for females and rural areas is a better way to check equality.
Sunday, January 27, 2019
Stalin – History
How far was Stalins victory in the strength contest between 1924 and 1929 the result of the popularity of his policies? sluice though Stalins victory in the power struggle was part due to his popular policies, it was not exactly this that allowed Stalin excessively because of the mistakes made by former(a) rivals and factors that played into his hands. For example Trotsky was a former menshevik which helped Stalin accuse him of not been a true Bolshevik. There are some reasons that suggest Stalins victory in the power struggle was because his popular policies.For example Stalins popular policy of Socialism in iodine country place the needs of the USSR first, this was particularly popular because the conditions for the majority of the Russian people was inconceivable as extreme p overty was common for the average Russian in the the early 20th Century. It was a lot more popular than Trotskys mind of World variation, which would have seen many of the resources owned by the USSR sent oversea to try spread the Communist revolution abroad in other countries. Stalin developed his idea in Socialism in one demesne because he did not like Trotsky.Stalin recognised that Trotskys policy was over optimistic and unpopular. The First World War and the civil war had undo the Russian deliverance and Stalins policy showed faith in the Soviet people, almost portraying that Stalin believed in the Russian people. Stalin portrayed the Worldwide revolution as a policy that put the needs of other countries originally those of the Russian people. Trostskys Jewish background marked him as a disloyal come outsider among many political party members anyway, and his international policy completely seemed to confirm that he was not loyal to the people of Russia.It was not just his popular policies that saw Stalin replace Lenin as the leader of the USSR. It was also partly due to the mistakes and weaknesses made by the other leading Bolsheviks such as Trotsky. Trotsky w as seen as too mesomorphic because he was the leader of the 5 cardinal strong red army, he was known as the Red Napoleon. Trotsky was also Jewish, even though he himself believed that this reason would stop him from becoming the close leader, many argue that this was not such a big problem.However he was an ex menshevik which allowed Stalin to question his belief in Bolshevism, it was this fear that Trotsky was too powerful that led to kamenev and Zinoviev to side with Stalin. His popular policies were key to Stalin becoming the future(a) leader of the USSR. Stalins commitment to the NEP until 1927 allowed him to defeat the united opposition of Trotsky, Zinoviev, and Kamenev. After the make pass of Trotsky Zinoviev and Kamenev realised that Stalin was now the most powerful effigy in the party and they began to speak out against the NEP.This was not only an attack on Stalin but an attack on Bukharin resulting in the two uniting. The NEP was particularly popular because it was following(a) the line of Lenin and more than anything it seemed to be working as the Russian economy recovered in the mid 1920s. However Stalin was rejoicing in the power struggle not just because his policies were popular but because he had a great deal of luck. The two main pieces of luck that Stalin had was the ban on factionalism introduced by Lenin before his death and the appointment of Stalin as general depository in 1922.Originally when Stalin was first appointed as General Secretary many Bolsheviks didnt realise the potential power which this now gave Stalin,one Menshevik described Stalin as the grizzly blur. However this gave Stalin power that nobody could have anticipated, it allowed for Stalin to appoint the regional secretaries, signification that Stalin was able to rebuild the party by selecting the people who he valued into key posts. This meant that slowly the party was been built up of people which were supporters of Stalin. The uphold bit of luck which inevit ably benefited Stalin was the toss out on Factionalism which was introduced in 1921.This Ban on Factionalism meant that everybody within the party were not able to speak out against official party policies and if somebody did then they were accused of been a factionalist and therefore expelled from the party. This benefited Stalin greatly as he could use this to his advantage, anybody that publicly spooke out against one of the policies which he supported could be branded as a factionalist and not a supporter of Lenin and therefore be defeated in the struggle for power. It could be argued that Stalins policies were the main reason as to why he was triumphant in the power struggle, however it is important to remember hat Stalin was passing pragmatic when it came to what he believed in, changing his mind and supporting particular policies when it worthy him, so the real fundamental reason as to why Stalin was victorious in the power struggle was because Stalin unlike the other le ading figure of the party played his cards right and was clever when it came to who he sided with. It was his cunningness unite with the amount of luck which he had which led to him eventually becoming the next leader of Russia in 1928.
Saturday, January 26, 2019
Brand analysis of Jo Malone Essay
1. BackgroundJo Malone is an international place which was established in joined Kingdom by Jo Malone in 1994, then it was acquired by Este lauder in 1999(Jo Malone 2014). This stain has a series of products, such as scents, remains c be products and ingleside supplies (ibid). Its products atomic number 18 extracted from natural materials with pure flavor so it is always pursued by many stars and upper class (Jo Malone 2013). Jo Malone allows consumers to turn off their own scent by combining different smells and to personalize their home by using home housedles, elegant diffusers and room sprays (ibid). Therefore, the lark about of Jo Malone is natural, high-quality and distinctive.As regards the market environment, at that place is a bright market prospect for Jo Malone, because the general economic and fragrance market developed very well in UK (Monaghan & ampere Kafkaesque, 2014). In addition, the culture force can non be ignored, because the understated genius of Br itish can be reflected well from the reproach spirit elegant but personalized (Jo Malone 2013).2. SWOT Anaylsis2.1 Strength accord to the background of Jo Malone, the strengths of this blot atomic number 18 relatively obvious. First of all, its brand position is precise which is high-end and distinctive. This can be reflected in its brand image. Its stores and packages are both well-designed to express the characteristics. Second, its products are personalized and high quality. All ingredients of the products are extracted from natural materials. Furthermore, an outstanding feature of Jo Malone, fragrance combination as mentioned earlier, institutes this brand differ from other(a) brands (Unger 1974). Final, this brand belongs to Estee Lauder, which can provide solid support for Jo Malone in many aspects.2.2 impuissanceThere are cardinal points in total. First, the brand recognition is low, particularly compared with other fragrance brands, such as Chanel, Givenchy and D ior. Nevertheless, this situation may receiv able-bodied to the short history of this young brand. Second, the promotion of this brand is ineffective. Spokesperson and publicizing on mass media are absent. According to the Beauty Digital IQ Score (2013), the brand ranking of Jo Malone is 31, which means the influence of this brand is not sufficient. Third, the distribution channel is peculiar(a).Instead of selling products mixed with other brands in fragrance stores or online, Jo Malone sells its products in its own stores and website only, this may lead to limited coverage of market. Nonetheless, this can be its strength because it might be their supernumerary brand strategy that is aimed to highlight unique brand position (Brownlie et al 1999).2.3 OpportunitiesNowadays, people presume agency products made by natural ingredients, which are healthy to human. Besides, customization has become popular in this market. As a result, Jo Malone corresponds with these certain foresho rtens. Next, men perfume is a high potential and less competitory market. Owing to be important in the social interaction betwixt humans, male consumers care more about their personal image than before (Lindqvist 2012) However, Jo Malone does not strike a series of products for men, which can also regarded as a weakness of this brand. Finally, global branding has become a trend and an important market strategy. (Tybout and Calkins, 2005, cited in Wong) With its unique style, Jo Malone extends its overseas market, especially in Asia recently. It is believe that there will be a wider chance for Jo Malone in the future.2.4 Threats referable to low brand recognition and competitive pressure in this market, Jo Malone occupies low market share even though perfume is its study product. More and more luxury brands have launched perfume, such as Chanel and Dior. According to Rachel Felder (2014), those luxury brands attract consumers by their fame. Consumers, who cannot afford a Chan el bag, can leverage Chanel perfume to satisfy their vanity. Moreover, Jo Malone is a brand with particular features, in other words, there might be some copy-cats appear to confuse consumers and detriment Jo Malones brand image.3. RecommendationsBased on the SWOT analysis above, there are three recommendations could be proposed. Firstly, recommending Jo Malone to promote itself in the public media. Due to Jo Malones low brand recognition and ineffective promotion strategy, it is prerequisite for Jo Malone to increase investment of promotion, to advertise itself on TV and premium truelove magazines, and to invite a few stars who are well known and have similar characteristics with Jo Malone to be spokespersons. Moreover, allowing perfume stores and online stores to sell Jo Malone products is also an option to upraise brand recognition and expend distribution channels.Second recommendation is to fall in with other brands. In order to increase sales and expand not only premium m arket, but also mass market without undermining brand value, there are two options to target different consumers. One is to collaborate with Superdry, which is a young and fashionable brand with gigantic reputation. Consumers are able to smell the partner perfume in Superdrys shop and make purchase if they are interested in. Another is to collaborate with five-star hotels. There are many kinds of bath products of Jo Malone, and these products are priced very high due to temper and health materials. However, five-star hotels are for customers who pursue the quality of life, besides, the daily bath products uptake of hotels is huge. Therefore, providing the bath products to these hotels is able to increase the sales effectively.Finally, male customers are just to find a specific product for themselves due to Jo Malone products are sort out by ingredients and smells only. According to the SWOT analysis of mens market, entree a specialized series of product for men is a possib le recommendation.4. ConclusionIn conclusion, this report analyzed the market environment of Jo Malone, and three recommendations were proposed for this brand based on the SWOT analysis. There is a great potential market for Jo Malone to expand. Furthermore, utilizing effective marketing strategies would help to promote the brand better, occupy more market share and strengthen its brand recognition.5. ReferencesBrownlie, D., Saren, M., Wensley, R and Whittington, R. (1999) Rethinking tradeing Towards Critical Marketing Accountings. 2nd ed. London SAGE Publications.Capozzi, C. (2014) perfume Market Analysis. online.eHow. Available from http// Accessed 9 October 2014Catherine, W., Tat Pui, L. and Henrik, U. (2011) The Roles of stationing for a Brand Entering Overseas Markets A Case Study of a Danish Butter Launching in Hong Kong with Success. Industrial Engineering and Management, KTHCraik, J. (1993) The face of fashion Cultu ral studies in fashion. London Routledge.Jo Malone (2014) Home. online. London. Jo Malone. Available from http// Accessed 5 October 2014Jo Malone- Jo Malone London(2013) Home. online. London. Jo Malone. Available from http// Accessed 9 October 2014Kafkaesque (2014) Perfume News 2013 Fragrance Sales Figures, Revenue & Fragrance Markets online Available from http// 2013-fragrance-sales-figures-revenue-fragrance-markets/Accessed 9 October 2014Lindqvist, A. (2012) Preference and Gender Associations of Perfumes use on Human Skin. Journal of Sensory Studies, 27(6), 490497.L2 ThinkTank (2013) Beauty Digital IQ Score Online Available from http// Accessed 8 October 2014Monaghan, A. (2014) UK economy grew 1.9% in 2013 the fastest growth since 2007. online. The Guardian. Available from http// m/business/2014/jan/28/uk-economy-2013-fastest-growth-fourth-quarter-gdp Accessed 9 October 2014Unger, L. (1974) Market Segmentation A useful tool in the marketing of fragrance (perfume) compounds. Industries Marketing Management, 3(3) 267-273.
The Pamplona Bull Run: Danger Bull’s Eye!
dickheads Eye Each year from the 7th to the 14th of July, wad gather from all around the world in Pamplona, Spain for an appalling unconstipatedt- the Pamplona diddlysquat ladder, I think this result Is truly awful because every year, sees be taken from non only the experienced older runners, but in like piecener from the inexperienced young teenagers. As you will have guessed by now, the Pamplona shucks Run is indeed a dangerous outcome with many injuries and even deaths every single year.The most dangerous element for the runners atomic number 18 the tricksy cobbles (besides the cooks of course). These can cause pile ups being the ultimate death rest rain for the runner since everybody is hysterically nerve-racking to squeeze past. Surely there be policemen and nurses present but once the race has begun, theyre unable to help bulge because theyre mainly behind the unstable barricades, controlling the chaotic masses. Their presence does not mean safety, its Just to show that they are there and to make everything bet safe, when actually, nothing Is safe.Could you imagine that anybody is allowed to Join this event? Even the young and adolescent college kids who have been drinking all night-theyre basically dead meat. You couldnt possibly come through running against a bull for the first time, its like throwing a 2 year old baby into a pool without floaties. The experienced runners should belt up be scared though. They are armed with rolled up newspapers to stop the hot, charging bulls when in danger, because that is just the ultimate weapon when youre trying to save your own spiritednessThat is Just absolutely ridiculous, because your life depends on a newspaper- nothing else. If gladiatorial fights were stopped hundreds of years ago, then wherefore does the battle between man and bull still exist today? Its basically the same archetype killing Is illing. Is there a difference between man and bull? Why would the life of a human have a higher(prenominal) value than the life of a bull? I dont understand. The Pamplona Bull Run is still said to be a very nicetyd event since its in honor of Saint Fermin.However, is this still the reason nowadays why people are running from bulls? I dont think so. Nowadays, In my opinion, culture Is not as important as It once was. People are using this event to show off their manliness, bravery and skill not for the history, which lies in this place. The media has been too open about this event they milk this event for views, eplying some of the most disturbing parts when runners are trampled on and so on you get the Idea. Especially to little children who grow up reflection this, how will this influence them?The event might event demonstrate that much(prenominal) animal cruelty and violence Is okay Anotner negative Tactor 0T tnls event Is tne be 0T damage ana repalr (as well as medical supply etc. ). stacks and tons of glass has been collected from the streets. It gets to th e point, where normal people who actually live in the bull-run area, have to barf up protection for their own houses, so they dont get absolutely trashed. Thats just outrageous if you ask me. You either put up protection for your house, or there are high chances of it getting destroyed unbelievable.But after all, the amount of damage caused, isnt hard to believe since theres angry bulls running amok in narrow pathways. I hope, in the future, the Pamplona Bull Run will be extinguished, because its Just naturally wrong. Do you convey this fun or entertaining, to watch a bull slowly and painfully die? I hope that there will be an straightaway end to this festival. Sadly, too many people celebrate this, so trying to put an end to an event this big, would be like waiting for rain in a drought hopeless and disappointing.
Friday, January 25, 2019
Planning in Early Childhood Essay
The observation of fryren is performed by t separatelyers and pedagogues, to help come about all(prenominal) baby bird, and their characteristics. Along with valuatement and evaluation, educators are able to understand to each one childs victimization, and form decisions around appropriate activities and experience to qualifying each child, to help foster their one-on-one separatement. (Veale, A. and Piscitelli, B. 1988) This essay will talk over the Value of the Observation Process in Planning for early childishness settings, and the role of each teacher in facilitating childrens individual nurture and development.Observation is a very valuable and all-important(prenominal) part of the homework address as each child is different. Observation and Record right-hand(a)ty in Early Childhood Programs (Veale, A. and Piscitelli, B. 1988,) Suggests that in order for educators to supply proper skill experience for children, they must bang each childs strengths, weaknes ses, interests, fears, joys, ideas and individual interests to plan stimulating and appropriate ingesting experiences.Through observation, Educators notify gather this info on what each child is capable of, how each child behaves under a range of different circumstances and how the child interacts with other children, and adults. The information collected from observation helps educators to develop objectives and plans to enhance childrens learning and development (Planning and Learning, NZTC pg. 5). Effective Planning and developing of learning outcomes for children is a collaborated effort between colleagues, children, Parents/Whanau and the community.DOP 6 outlines that importance of collaboration between colleagues when it comes to forming an potent plan in the early childhood milieu. Open consanguinitys and free discussions amongst each other empowers educators to become reflective practitioners and to understand different perspectives (MoE, 1998) By collaborating with p arents/ Whanau educators locoweed increase their apprehensiveness of the childs thinking and learning, parents and carers become wiser about the child (Stonehouse, cited in Hanna, 2006, p.73) and planning becomes more effective and purposeful for the child.Te Whariki states under the principle of Family and Community, The rise upbeing of children is interdependent with the well-being and culture of local anaesthetic communities and neighborhoods. Childrens learning and development are fostered it the well-being of their family and community is supported. (MoE, 1996, p. 42) monastic order is constantly changing, and children grow and change with the community, so educators adopt to plan for the ingathering and change.And most importantly the children need to be delveed while planning. Children are individuals and their representative needs to be heard. Educators need to be aware of the childs capabilities, interests and learning needs to provide cost-efficient learning acti vities that will be effective and enjoyable for the child. The purpose of assessment is to give useful information about childrens learning and development to the adults providing the program and to children and their families. (MoE, 1996 pg.29)Assessment of the effectiveness of the program and keeping track of the childs development helps educators to book decisions so effective changes washbowl be made as take to help the childs personal progress and learning objectives. similarly with planning, assessment needs to consider the changes in the community, consider the needs of the child and the parents/whanau to be the most effective for the childs learning. Evaluation is the concluding step in the on-going planning of childrens learning.The purpose of evaluation is to make aware judgments about the quality and effectiveness of the program. (MoE, 1996 Pg. 29) Evaluation is a all important(p) part of the planning process as it gives educators a chance to assess and evaluat e the effectiveness of their program planning and to be better informed for future planning. Educators need to use a range of manners to evaluate the program. This merchantman be done by reflections, regularly updating what works well and monitoring effectiveness, consulting with patents/whanau, and most importantly making appropriate changes.Educators hold the important role of supporting and facilitating each childs development, one method of facilitating for the child is by recognizing and providing an optimal learning environment. An optimal learning environment is a safe environment specifically designed to facilitate a childs learning and developmental needs. Educators need to provide clock time and opportunity for children to respond and experience the world creatively, it also needs to set up exposure to a variety of experience, to be secure and offer stimulating experiences so children can take risks and investigate the world around them safely.Olds (2001) suggests that children need to feel cozy in their environment for them to explore. Educators need to be active in making sure that each individuals needs are met so the child feels safe and comfortable in the learning environment. Creating an optimal learning environment means educators need to consider the aspects that create this environment. Harris Helm suggests that the boilers suit effectiveness of an early childhood program is dependant on quality of staff, suitable environment, consistent schedules and parent involvement.Another aspect educators need to consider while facilitating learning is the importance of the interpersonal environment. Interpersonal environment refers to the relationships launch in the environment. (Planning and Learning, NZTC, 2009, pg 49. ) Educators need to provide an environment that will allow children to learn through responsive and reciprocal relationships with people (MoE, 1996). Children must feel comfortable safe and secure in order to assume in effic ient and pregnant learning.Fu (2004) believes that establishing supportive, responsive relationships with children and parents/whanau helps with the development of knowledge, neighborly skills and attitudes and reinforces learning. Building a relationship with the child and their family will help educators to have a clear taking into custody of the childs development and the holistic needs of the child. Educators need to engage in constant interactions with parents to gain proper insight into the childs individual beliefs, rituals, preference and values, so to build a personal and meaningful relationship with the child.Relationships are the heart of learning. By Building a mop up relationship with the child allows educators to respond sensitively to each childs needs. By building this Positive and sensitive relationships, research has shown that it enhance a childs development and is the base of early childhood education. Vygotsky social constructive theory of the Zone of Proxim al Development can efficaciously help educators with providing the best support and to develop strategies to assist the learning and development of the children.The Zone of Proximal Development is described by Vygotsky as the blank space between the actual developmental level as determined by independent problem solving and the level of potential development as determined through problem solving under adult guidance, or in collaboration with more capable peer (L. S. Vygotsky, p. 86) Vygotsky observed that when an individual was tested on tasks alone, they rarely did as well as when they were functional in collaboration with an adult. The process of involvement by the adult enabled them to consume their thinking or their performance to make it more effective.(James Atherton, 2009) by observant a child, educators can observe what a child needs individually, find out what is changeling for the child and work collaboratively alongside with the child and develop strategies to help fu rther the childs learning. From this theory the teaching outline of Co-construction was developed. Con-construction is described as a collaborative process from which new understanding and concepts emerge. (Planning and Learning NZTC, 2009, Pg. 39)By collaborating together to find new understanding and concepts between the child, peers, and adults can develop strategies to offer new ideas and concepts to activities.Educators have the important role of providing a co-constructive environment by listening to the child, playing with the child, and have an active involution in their learning, to help develop a childs interests in learning further. Educators also need to encourage children to share what they think and know (Planning and Learning, NZTC, 2009, pg. 39) . Planning the curriculum should be a continuing process, involving careful observation, appellation of needs and capabilities, provision of resources, assessment and evaluation (MoE, 1996, p.28).Observation, planning, asse ssment, and evaluation is an ongoing process that must be part of a daily routine. Every educator will be different in how they plan, but thru collaboration with colleagues, parents/whanau, the child, and attachment of the community will help educators to plan as effectively as they can for each individual and help them to grow and improve, and learn how to provide children with the best possible environment to learn and develop in.
Tuesday, January 22, 2019
Humans & Errors Essay
Humans, by nature, be pr genius to errors. Most likely, its creation is close to errors as well. Since software is one of the many unique things man has made, it also has a high prospect to fall into errors. Accordingly, the software that is used to write a Java architectural planme language may contain errors, too. Programmers saw this problem, thus, created an error- discourse system that could look in to the world of programming particularly the Java language and its runtime environment.The runtime errors found in Java are otherwise and collectively regarded as exceptions, and the procedure to exhibit and deal with such errors is what we call exception handling (Cohn, Morgan, Morrison, Nygard, Joshi, & Trinko, 1996). This describes how intimately runtime errors, exception, and exception handling are related to each other. exception handling is a process. Its main purpose is to detect and take action to exceptions in the most trusted manner.Exception, on the other hand, is the term used as an alternative for errors. This is because exception stands for exceptional or abnormal forms that are non essentially considered errors. Since technology is growing so fast, exception handling becomes alpha in such a way that it is used as a tool to improve the management of errors as they grow together with technology. Exception handling is a standard approach to the growing number of errors.Precisely, it is essential in managing runtime errors because it has an innate characteristic to separate error-handling code from its functional program code. Apart from that, it provides a certain method of call stack wherein the method used to resolve a higher level of error hobo be used for lower ones. References Cohn, C. , Morgan, B. , Morrison, M. , Nygard, M. , Joshi D. , and Trinko T. (1996). Java DevelopersReference. Indianapolis Sams. scratch Publishing
Friday, January 18, 2019
Planning and enabling learning
Rationale The following is inquiry that I carried step forward Is relating to four mall points. The first being Negotiating with prentices, when we first meet with a savant we conduct an Minimal assessment and a on argumentation turn up for functional skills, this allows us to check on previous schooling and some(prenominal) under planning knowledge they already have, thus allowing us to make sure the learnedness will be go under at the right level for that particular learner.When we are sure we know this we fucking discuss with the learner what targets we are going to settle them, this would Include goals and actions we requisite them to reach, we pauperization the learner to achieve so would make the targets SMART so they are achievable to the leaner, in turn this would help to keep the learner motivated in the learning environment. Having started with the internet I looked at several(a) sites detailing the reasoning and methods of negotiating with learners in respec t of initial assessments and agreeing goals and actions.During my inquiry I found a site detailing how negotiating with learners has changed over time in regards to higher education. This john, however, be considered for other areas of education. The website (www. Hacked. AC. UK) looks at a publication by Mac McCarthy for Higher Education for Capability. (Originally from Lack et al 1992) Within in this it is considered how learning contracts are used.McCarthy considers the factors affecting negotiating with learners and believes the ability to negotiate is affected by * the established look at of education within an organization the established face of how the organization operates * personal factors which influence the extent to which the find proscribeder feels comfortable negotiating with learners * the demands of the pedigree which defines the limits of what can be negotiated and to what extent. Inclusive learning Is the future(a) subject for research one that I conducte d a micro instill for, this Is a massive subject area that I will afflict to condense Into a few words.Delivery methods I consider these to be valid and Interesting points to a greater extentover wanted to discover to a greater extent ethos of negotiation, I therefore looked towards the Learning Skills Council for supercharge information regarding the starting point of initial assessment. Wanting to gather more information on methods and reasoning for initial assessment I discover a useful publication from them (Initial assessment, Learning Skills council. They state that a veracious initial assessment must be done early on prep and enabling learning By precociousnesss STALLS Assignment social unit 2 Jerry Tyler.The following is research that I carried out is relating to four important points. The first initial assessment and a on transmission line quiz for functional skills, this allows us to check on previous learning and some(prenominal) under pinning knowledge they already have, thus allowing going to set them, this would include goals and actions we want them to reach, we what can be negotiated and to what extent. Inclusive learning is the adjacent subject for research one that I conducted a micro teach for, this is a commodious subject area that I will strain to condense into a few words. Delivery methods I consider these to be valid and interesting points tho wanted to discover morePlanning and enabling learningRationale The following is research that I carried out Is relating to four mall points. The first being Negotiating with learners, when we first meet with a learner we conduct an Minimal assessment and a on line test for functional skills, this allows us to check on previous learning and any under planning knowledge they already have, thus allowing us to make sure the learning will be set at the right level for that particular learner.When we are sure we know this we can discuss with the learner what targets we are going to set t hem, this would Include goals and actions we want them to reach, we want the learner to achieve so would make the targets SMART so they are achievable to the leaner, in turn this would help to keep the learner motivated in the learning environment. Having started with the internet I looked at confused sites detailing the reasoning and methods of negotiating with learners in respect of initial assessments and agreeing goals and actions.During my research I found a site detailing how negotiating with learners has changed over time in regards to higher education. This can, however, be considered for other areas of education. The website (www. Hacked. AC. UK) looks at a publication by Mac McCarthy for Higher Education for Capability. (Originally from Lack et al 1992) Within in this it is considered how learning contracts are used.McCarthy considers the factors affecting negotiating with learners and believes the ability to negotiate is affected by * the established view of education wi thin an organization the established view of how the organization operates * personal factors which influence the extent to which the teacher feels comfortable negotiating with learners * the demands of the chassis which defines the limits of what can be negotiated and to what extent. Inclusive learning Is the next subject for research one that I conducted a micro teach for, this Is a huge subject area that I will try to condense Into a few words.Delivery methods I consider these to be valid and Interesting points but wanted to discover more ethos of negotiation, I therefore looked towards the Learning Skills Council for raise information regarding the starting point of initial assessment. Wanting to gather more information on methods and reasoning for initial assessment I discover a useful publication from them (Initial assessment, Learning Skills council. They state that a effectual initial assessment must be done early on Planning and enabling learning By precociousnesss STAL LS Assignment unit 2 Jerry Tyler.The following is research that I carried out is relating to four important points. The first initial assessment and a on line test for functional skills, this allows us to check on previous learning and any under pinning knowledge they already have, thus allowing going to set them, this would include goals and actions we want them to reach, we what can be negotiated and to what extent. Inclusive learning is the next subject for research one that I conducted a micro teach for, this is a huge subject area that I will try to condense into a few words. Delivery methods I consider these to be valid and interesting points but wanted to discover more
Bamya- Egyptian Food
Food and Nutrition ISP World cuisine Egypt Alex Easton The password of the Egyptian or lotus revolution has headed the media world-wide a few months ago. An become of the middle class Egyptians has led to overthrow the notorious Hosny Mubarak who had reigned Egypt for 30 abundant twelvemonths. The Egyptians have overcome their fear of authority and had reached the point of no return. Unemployment, poverty, ravenous and poor Egyptians now seek a better future for their estate and for themselves. The Arab Republic of Egypt is a link between Africa, Europe and Asia.Egypt is located in the northeastern region of the African continent. Egypt has three major water resources, the river Nile, the long-life river in the world, the Mediterranean sea and the Red sea, however, only when the river Nile provides palatable imbibition water. Despite this, Egypts climate is arid and dry and most of the country receives little than integrity inch of rainfall each year. The Mediterranean Sea whitethorn offer Egypts northern coastline up to eight inches of rainfall each year, and keeps year round temperatures cooler than the in priming deserts.The widespread lack of rainfall makes it super difficult to grow crops. Egypt has no forests and only 2 pct of the republic can be farmed. The river Nile runs from the south to the north of eastern Egypt and empties into the Mediterranean Sea at the delta, the most fertile refine in Egypt. Around 95 percent of the countries community lives alongside the Nile River, including about 3 percent of Egypts world in its capital, Cairo. This overcrowding is threatening Egypts wildlife, recourses and water supply.The Egyptians still have a love of food inherited from their ancestors. Living on a fertile land that yields different fruits and vegetables all year round has enriched the Egyptian kitchen with a modification of food. Animals also show a variety, with different types of meat present beef, veal, lamb, poultry and even came l meat is popular. The unique Egyptian cuisine has been influenced by opposite neighbouring cuisines, Middle Eastern Turkish, Greek and Roman cuisines have influenced some of the Egyptian dishes lendable now. The Egyptian cuisine is also affected by the seasons products.Bread and sift atomic number 18 present all year round as the husk is made into flour and together with rice is a strategic grain in the kitchen. The varieties are in the selection of fruit and vegetables. Oranges, tangerines and citrus fruits are abundant in the winter starting from November, while watermelons, melons, mangoes and apples are available in the summer. The main vegetables available in summer are okra plant and molekheyia-a leafy green vegetable that is shredded and made as a soup. Potatoes, eggplants and other vegetables are available all year round.Despite the fertile land and the variety of crops, the Egyptians mostly are in poverty and in lust . Food prices are at record levels partly due t o population growth and increased demand from a recovering global economy, cruddy supplies, high oil prices, and weak agricultural planning and production credited(predicate) to climate change-induced natural disasters and crop loss in key producing nations. The Egyptians are now trying hard to change the policies that were available in Mubaraks regime. The Egyptian revolution was ignited by a poor mans own go out to burn himself in front of parliament as he could not feed his family anymore.Thirty years of government corruption, bribery and suspicious alliance with outside(a) nations caused the Egyptians to rebel as they repeated enough, enough. The previous policies of Mubaraks government had impovered the Egyptian farmer and peasant, abolishing wheat farming, and accepting wheat from the USA, caused this uprising as peag prices had raised. In 1999, agriculture made up approximately 16 percent of Egypts economy, employing about one-third of all Egyptians. However, Egypts agri culture is also contributing to the lessen of economic growth. A shortage of arable land (land that can be farmed) has become a serious problem.The lack of farmable land has caused Egyptian farmers to snuff it to other countries. Egypt, struggling to consolidate a revolution that deposed PresidentHosni Mubarakin February, now faces what could be even worse turmoil because the country is streak out of food as well as the money to procure it. Food prices went up 10. 7 percent in April compared to the same month in 2010, government statistics indicate. According to Al-Ahram, Egypts leading daily, hoarding of rice by wholesalers has pushed prices up by 35 percent this year. Egypt is reported to have only four months supply of wheat on hand and only one months supply of rice.Egypt faces daunting challenges as it prepares for broad presidential and parliamentary elections indoors a year. Ongoing volatility in global food prices depart strain resources during this critical transition al period. Still quite vague what the revolutionary government will do, the present change to democracy and the upcoming parlimental and presidential election is giving the Egyptians hope to a better future. Egypt is entering a new era, an era of real democracy and the will of its people, especially the jejuneness to transform their country and create a new environment for prosperity.
Wednesday, January 16, 2019
Comments on “Cold Cuts†from Truman Capote’s novel ‘In Cold Blood’ Essay
Before commenting on the quotations from the saucy I have to clarify that In Cold Blood is a fiction based on a accepted written report. This means that the book has several documentary elements and others are fictionals. hooded coat had to use peckerwoods of composing a report, and of traditional fiction as well. As a result, sometimes it is diifficult to separate the realistic parts from the nonrealistic ones, even because of sagacious the generators long investigation slightly the slaying and its background. carnal knowledge the custom of hunters mightiness be a true story besides the other half of the quotation is fiction, I guess. By the time of writing the novel Mr.Clutter has been dead, so Capote couldnt quote from him. just now in that location is a need for the execration given into his mouth, because by this (Im not as poor as I looking) the readre sees his effigy as a very kind, nice, generous person. So, after the murder we feel troubling for him, and its easier to understand why the villagers were so blow out of the water because of his death. Im not sure whether this part is ture or provided created by Capote plainly I think its principal(prenominal) role is to show Dicks strangeness and insensitiveness. To kill an artless dog for no reason (I dont think that there would every be any reason to kill someone) is a metaphor of the also innocent Clutter family. I think that this story might be real because after reading the book the readre feels care from Dick, he is so evil. But on the other occur the writer forms our opinion about the characters in his novel, as wee see them the management Capote describes them. This quotation is so formal, so distanced, that it sounds a report from the news. I think that this is real and the writers aim was to make the novel much realistic. This part is real again because it only gives facts about the murderers. With the alleviate of this we read the novel as a true story.Its well-known(a ) from rhetorics that facts are unquestionable, so they are true. This quotations is a good example of conflate realistic and fictional elements, I think. The garden might have been albumin with sea-fog, but Mrs. Johnson can only recall what did she in reality think when she closed in(p) the door. I think the writer here used the literary tool of projecting a characters inner feelings onto the environment, or nature. That might also be ture in the case of the second sentence about the murderers who look like in this picture as two escaping animals. Mentioning Perrys shorter leg is again used to show that the writer felt sorry for him.In this case the type of the car can be true and even the act of stealing but on the other hand its not mentioned in this sentence, only the reader knows the next steps. In my opinion only the writer found out the contex of stealing the Chevrolet (so discharge the cigarette) and mentioning only this but not the act itself. In this description its m ore interesting. Showing Perrys thoughts before being captured is again a mixture of reality and fiction. As Capote met him on the interviews and in the jail, not during the big travel, he could only collect recalled information which is usually a bit different from reality.Im not sure whether Perry had really thought that, so I think that the writer here project on Perry what the villagers or the detectives thought, or wanted to believe in. The perspective is retro in this sentence whereas the writer puts them in a present situation. This confession-like sentence from Perry might be true bt on the other hand I think again that the write used this to create Perrys figure likeable, but on the other hand not saying that he is innocent. I think this uotation might be partly true but Im not sure that this is what Perry exactly said.
The Role of the Individual in Matthew Arnold’s “Culture and Anarchyâ€Â
The Role of the Individual in Matthew Arnolds Culture and Anarchy Culture, as defined by Matthew Arnold in his essay Culture and Anarchy, is the drive to run into perfection through development and growth bolstered by knowledge and reach of the beauty of humanity. Granted, this is an oversimplification of Arnolds complex musings on what culture is, yet this broad concept of culture, here, is useful in the discussion of the role of the psyche in society.Ideally, for Arnold, those that perpetuate this idea of culture argon the same mint who ought to comprise a kind of rational control within the State. Arnold working to define the three pathes of 19th blow England (Barbarians, Philistines, and Populace), and makes it clear, following his conditions for culture, that none of the classes agree the appropriate means to govern properly. Arnold says, It seeks to do away with classes to make the beaver that has been thought and known in the world current everywhere. Ostensibly, it is up to the exclusive to transcend their class, and nurture the State in a utilitarian fashion. However, the chasm amongst the maturation of the soul and the ultimate betterment of the community seems daunting. Arnolds saint culture originates with the individual, as it is a study of perfection, which is an inward condition of the capitulum and spirit. Yet, Perfection, as culture conceives it, is not possible while the individual mud isolated, because, it is necessary, in order to obtain a collective perfection, that there be a ready exchange of ideas and sense of commonality.How can the potential insecurity of isolation via individualism be curbed? Additionally, Arnold is aware that a weighty facet of individualism is that people are concerned with, and believe in, having their personal freedomsthe make up to do what one equivalents. This assumption of personal freedom can, according to Arnold, lead to anarchy. It looks, then, as if there must be a balance between the individuals duty to himself, and duty to others.Indeed, Arnold contends, the men of culture are the certain apostles of equality, at once extolling the potential of the individual, while maintaining the importance of a take aim society. However, these individuals cannot be ordinary, but must exemplify Arnolds idea of the opera hat(p) self, or, the individual who is united, rather than at odds, with others. The people that can become their best self are persons who are mainly led, not by their class spirit, but by a general humane spirit, by the get along of human perfection. Here, the concept of the individual and the community can be reconciled, although the efficiency of one to completely transcend societal structures is idealistic. This idealism, for Arnold, is transferred to the art of his contemporaries. Regarding 19th century England, Arnold states, Each section of the prevalent has its own literary organ, and the mass of the public is without any suspicion that the val ue of these organs is relative to their being near a certain ideal centre of correct information, taste, and intelligence, or farther away from it. As Arnold depicts Englands current situation, it is clear that he believes that literature, like individualsor as the product of individualsshould embody an ideal cultural universality. In looking at the literature of Victorian England, is it possible that there are any works, which would satisfy Arnolds criteria for cultural harmony?
Tuesday, January 15, 2019
The Limitless Effects of Immigration in the United States
The deeds that in-migration has on the linked States atomic number 18 limitless. in that location hasten been endless studys all over these accomplishments since as early as the colonial times. The economic, pecuniary and demographic effects atomic number 18 three major(ip) topics that consort to rule these debates. Based on both positive and banish effects in-migration has on the economical, fiscal, and demographic sides of the united States, one fag conclude that immigration is full, but should be limited. The effect of immigration on the thriftiness is a major topic discussed among much of the nation. It is said to open both positive and prejudicious effects that cancel each another(prenominal) out.Many agree that immigration brings a gain to the economy. James metalworker gives an explanation of how the immigrants growth the economy, yet still may redeem negative effects for some people At the most basic level, immigrants increase the supply of labor and jo ck produce new goods and services. But since they atomic number 18 paid less than the total value of these new goods and services, interior(prenominal) workers as a group must gain. On the production side, immigration allows domestic workers to be used more productively, specializing in producing goods at which they are relatively more efficient. Specialization in consumption also yields gain.Even when the economy as a wholly gains, however, there may be losers as well as gainers among contrastive groups of unite States residents. (4) Some argue that term immigrants help the growth of the fall in States economy, the effect is very small. According to David Lagesse, a recent study says immigrants contribute as much as $10 billion in economic growth each year, largely because they help keep prices lower. But the effect is small on a unify States economy that produces nearly $8 trillion (1). It has also been argued that the poverty array of the United States has been negative ly effected by immigration.Peter Brimelow agrees, saying, because many immigrants are relatively unskilled, their poverty rate is significantly blueer at 18 percent, compared to the 12. 1 percent poverty rate for the native (11). Immigrant workers also exploit a graphic symbol in the economy. There has been a debate indoors the last few years involving the computer industry and immigrants. Many companies step that there are not enough skilled people in the United States to fill the demand for computer programmers. They also argue that these companies do not give Americans the chance to work in these positions, and are slow to retrain older programmers.They want only people trained with the in vogue(p) computer skills, and look to foreigners to fill these demands. Roy Beck explains that industry officials counter that American programmers ofttimes dont have the specific skill needed for a new task and that companies like to be able to scout the whole world for somebody who ca n step right in and do the job (141). Beck also argues that for other businesses, the preference for foreign workers is no slash they are looking for people who will work for less gold and put up with worse working conditions (142).Only in areas with spirited concentrations of low-skilled, low-paid immigrants are assure and local taxpayers paying more on reasonable to support the publicly funded services that these immigrants use (Lagesse). temporary hookup the immigration of workers does have its downside, it mainly has a positive effect The benefits of immigration however are manifold. Immigrants are highly entrepreneurial. Their rate of business start-ups and self employment tend to be higher than that of United States born citizens. Immigrants contribute to the global fighting of US corporations, particularly in high technology industries.Perhaps the most important benefit is that immigrants come to the United States with critically needed talents, energies that do as an engine for economic progress (Kposowa 78). The benefits and downfalls of the immigration workers both gaming a big part in todays debate over immigration. It is clear that each side of the debate has both good and bad points. A second aspect of immigration that has been debated is the fiscal effect of immigration on the United States. The fiscal effects of immigration exchange widely, causing it to be another no-win debate.According to Smith, the difference surrounded by taxes from households of immigrants, and the cost of government services for that household help measure the fiscal results of immigration (8). The fiscal impact is polar at each level. Normally, the fiscal impact is positive at the federal level, and negative at the state level. Because the negative state impacts are concentrated in the few states that line up the majority of immigrants, some states experience fiscal burdens from immigrants (Smith 12). The age of the children of immigrants plays a role in the fiscal impacts of immigrant households.Households headed by immigrants include the native-born train-age children of immigrants, who incur high costs of public education, but do not include the native-born children of immigrants, who have a positive fiscal impact. For this reason, current fiscal impacts estimated for immigrant-headed households are biased towards negative numbers (Smith 352). The gigantic-term fiscal contributions that immigrants make, however, will divert depending on such factors as education and age of reaching to the United States. Immigrants with higher levels of education will pay more taxes in the long term because they have higher incomes.But immigrants who dont have high school educations and those who are age 50 or older on arrival may receive more benefits than they pay in taxes (Lagesse). The fiscal impacts of immigration are obviously very dependent on several different factors, and hard to classify as either good or bad. The Demographics of the Un ited States is a third point commonly discussed in the debate over immigration. With the continuation of immigration to the United States comes higher universe of discourses and changing of the percentage of different races in spite of appearance each city. This major change has caused major controversy within these cities.Immigrants are starting to settle in more and more states than before, and fetching some towns by surprise. Some greet them with open arms, and welcome a new culture into their area. Others feel invaded and fight the sudden increase in population and race differences within their area. The sudden change in population within these cities has formed a need for bilingual teachers, policemen, and general servicemen (Bustos 1). While some see this as a threat, it can also be viewed as a positive step towards bringing down the boundaries in the midst of culture, race, and countries.One can see that limited immigration is good ground on the good and bad results immi gration has on the economical, fiscal, and demographic positions of the United States. The positive and negative effects that immigration in general and workers have on the economy cancel each other out. Many factors submit the United States fiscal situation, including age, causing the federal fiscal level to more often than not be positive, while the state level is normally negative. The fact that so many factors influence the fiscal situation proves that one can never determine whether immigration has a good or bad effect on the United States.The increase in population caused by immigration is also causing both good and bad problems in the United States, causing some people to feel threatened, while others feel a sense of togetherness. Without immigration the United States would not be what it is today. Almost everything in life has both good and bad qualities, but with a petite regulation and control they can turn out to be positive. in-migration is one of those instances in l ife where with a little regulation immigration can be a great push towards a damp future.
Monday, January 14, 2019
Edgar Allan Poe and Momentary Satisfaction Revenge
punish Justified or Momentary Satisfaction Revenge is such a common travel in todays society. It is evident in television, movies, literature, politics, and even among friends at school. Everyone wants visit. Revenge is a common tendency of human nature, but strike back is never dearified. Many tribe live their lives with the philosophy of an core for an eye, but as Mahatma Gandhi said An eye for an eye only if ends up making the whole world blind. When you think of all the little things people do to excite back at those who hurt them in most way, you begin to see a pattern of destruction, even if it is on a small scale.The point here is that revenge very rarely serves its admittedly purpose, which is a sense of egotism- comfort. Seeking revenge ends up making you smelling like the bad guy and usually backfires. Humans have an preach to get even with one another for what the other has done. Often whiles karma is a better judge of people than themselves. The quote from Robert F. Kennedy that states tire outt get mad, get even. is wrong as revenge is just a case of self- satisfaction. In The Cask of Amontillado by Edgar Allen Poe, in split up 29 it states Once more let me implore you to return.No? Then I must positively leave you. But I must scratch render you all the little attentions in my power. Montresor is mocking Fortunato and then leaves him, he then states (last paragraph) My heart grew sick- on account of the dampness of the catacombs. I desire that he is saying he regrets doing what he did, and that revenge only satisfies ones need for a moment. Revenge is short lived, and has no long full term use in this life. It is simply a temptation beating on our door of reality.No matter what level of hurt one does to another violent death a loved one or simply stealing your draw at school, it is never justified to do something back. In A poison Tree by William Blake, someone does another wrong He tries to get even by poisoning him. I w as ireful with my friend, I told my ira, my wrath did end, I was angry with my confrontation I told it not, my wrath did grow. His foe polish offs him angry so, to get back at him he poisons him with an apple. And into my garden stole, when the night had veil the pole in the morning glad I see my foe outstretched beneath the tree. He got even with him by killing him this is taking it to the extremes. There is always another way She got even in a way that was almost cruel. She forgave them. From Ralph McGill (about Eleanor Roosevelt). This is saying that instead of revenge do the opposite, forgive. peradventure they want one to do something back to them, but dont give them the satisfaction of seeing ones self turn out to get even. They are not worth it. Forgiveness is not revenge but the willingness of ones self to move forward with their lives, and not live in the past of what has been done to them.Two wrongs dont make a right. When someone does another wrong and ones self does something wrong back it will never make one richly happy. In the Mentalist when Red John kills Patrick Janes wife and kid, he joins the C. B. I. group to one day seek revenge on Red John. When he finally captures him, he says he doesnt feel much better. Revenge is never justified, no matter what. It is a humans self- satisfaction that drives them to get back but, in the end no one wins everyone suffers.
Thursday, January 10, 2019
Are People Inherently Honest? Essay
there be numerous theories that attack to justify the indigence behind populate actioning in certain behaviors. This base will address three of these theories, carry out these theories to how population choose to be bring on frankly or dish whizzstly, and will attempt to recover whether or not plenty ar constitutive(a)ly hvirtuosost.Before looking into the want behind slews determination to be h one(a)st, it is important to define both(prenominal) key terms in battle array to fully understand and explore what it elbow room to be inherently honest. Merriam-Webster defines honest as free from fraud or deception, or patently put, truthful. It defines inherent as belong by nature or habit. The majority of muckle simply associate something creation inherent as natural or innate. Interestingly, this definition expands our view on what one may run into inherent by noting how past habits can in any case play a vital map in how one brooks.Now that we flummox de fined what honesty and inherent behavior entails, we can now look at the various theories that attempt to identify the motivation behind people behaving aboveboard. One of these theories is the point that humans choose to act frankly or not based on what we feel is morally good or the right thing to do concord to a very private swordtize of rules and morals. An mortals behaviours atomic number 18 intemperately influenced in order to fill this individual solidifying of rules.Of course, there ar a crook of positions one can foreshorten on when defining this establish of rules. Deontologists would betoken that one should be honest one hundred percent of the time, regardless of the situation. They cogitate that it is ones moral obligation to behave honestly and have a duty of adhering to this ecumenical rule. On the other hand, utilitarianism claims that the decision to act honestly or venally varies depending on the situation, considering all costs, benefits, and con sequences that will result from the behaviour. no matter of the persons moral standpoint, their survival of the fittest to behave honestly or not is strongly influenced by their in the flesh(predicate), or inherent, set of behaviours that they consider morally right. This supports the argument that people are in fact inherently honest. Another theory that attempts to explain the motivation behind behaving honestly is think on the consequences that will result from behaving honestly or dishonestly. Uri Gneezys paper on the role of consequences in lying looks at how different benefits and costs influence ones decision to behave honestly or dishonestly.From his studies, he comes to a upshot of conclusions describing how people conduct a cost-benefit summary when deciding to take a breather or not. First, he finds that people are particularly raw to their personal enlighten when deciding to untruth, subject matter that they place a high precession on personal assimilate i n their cost-benefit analysis. He similarly finds that people also tend to evasiveness less when the lie harms another party. However, this harm plays less of a role in choosing not to lie compared to the increased gains from lying.This suggests that the bare(a) personal gain from a lie is greater than the marginal harm that is caused from the lie. Because people are unceasingly trying to maximize their personal utility, these findings uncover how one will behave dishonestly when doing so maximizes their utility. This suggests that people do not inherently behave honestly, only when instead behave in a way that will score the most personal gain. A third theory that explains how people behave is based on the stick out that is associated with behaving honestly or dishonestly, as wellhead as the use of excuses to justify dishonesty.There tends to be a negative stigma attached with lying therefore, people are inclined to be honest simply to oblige a overconfident encounter o f themself. There are a number of ways to look at this. First, people have a natural liking to see themselves in a positive light and like to feel that they are doing what is right. Much of this plays into the previously discussed individual set of morals that people have and doing what they consider morally right.However, there are cases when people create excuses to justify to themselves that performing dishonestly is the right thing to do. For example, if a man lies by telling his fraught(p) wife that she doesnt look overweight, he will justify this lie to himself by claiming that he doesnt want to attenuated her feelings, throwing a positive image of himself. In addition, people will tend to lie less to avoid making a bad mold to others. Similarly to above, people may use excuses to justify performing dishonestly, simply to maintain their positive impression on others.This shows that in order to maintain a positive impression of oneself on oneself as well as on others, peop le are inclined to behave honestly and are willing to puzzle excuses to justify acting dishonestly to maintain this impression. This suggests that due to the natural desire to create and maintain a positive impression, people are inherently honest. The above theories and parole suggest both that people are and are not inherently honest. This is scarce why many social scientists have difficulty in this area.On one hand, people behave honestly to satisfy their personal set of morals and to shape up a positive image of themselves (in their cause as well as others eyes), but are willing to be dishonest if it results in enough personal gain to justify the lie. From this, we conclude that one cannot assoil an overarching statement claiming that people are or are not inherently honest. Whether a person is inherently honest depends on how they weigh and balance the importance of their morals, personal gain, their self-image, and the image they want to portray to others.
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