Wednesday, January 29, 2020
Tuesday, January 21, 2020
Floating Point Coprocessors :: essays research papers
Floating Point Coprocessors      The designer of any microprocessor would like to extend its instruction set almost infinitely but is limited by the quantity of silicon available (not to mention the problems of testability and complexity). Consequently, a real microprocessor represents a compromise between what is desirable and what is acceptable to the majority of the chip's users. For example, the 68020 microprocessor is not optimized for calculations that require a large volume of scientific (i.e. floating point) calculations. One method to significantly enhance the performance of such a microprocessor is to add a coprocessor. To increase the power of a microprocessor, it does not suffice to add a few more instructions to the instruction set, but it involves adding an auxiliary processor that works in parallel to the MPU (Micro Processing Unit). A system involving concurrently operating processors can be very complex, since there need to be dedicated communication paths between the processors, as well as software to divide the tasks among them. A practical multiprocessing system should be as simple as possible and require a minimum overhead in terms of both hardware and software. There are various techniques of arranging a coprocessor alongside a microprocessor. One technique is to provide the coprocessor with an instruction interpreter and program counter. Each instruction fetched from memory is examined by both the MPU and the coprocessor. If it is a MPU instruction, the MPU executes it; otherwise the coprocessor executes it. It can be seen that this solution is feasible, but by no means simple, as it would be difficult to keep the MPU and coprocessor in step. Another technique is to equip the microprocessor with a special bus to communicate with the external coprocessor. Whenever the microprocessor encounters an operation that requires the intervention of the coprocessor, the special bus provides a dedicated high- speed communication between the MPU and the coprocessor. Once again, this solution is not simple. There are more methods of connecting two (or more) concurrently operating processors, which will be covered in more detail during the specific discussions of the Intel and Motorola floating point coprocessors.      Motorola Floating Point Coprocessor (FPC) 68882      The designers of the 68000-family coprocessors decided to implement coprocessors that could work with existing and future generations of microprocessors with minimal hardware and software overhead. The actual approach taken by the Motorola engineers was to tightly couple the coprocessor to the host microprocessor and to treat the coprocessor as a memory-mapped peripheral lying inside the CPU address space. In effect, the MPU fetches instructions from memory, and, if an instruction is a coprocessor instruction, the MPU passes it
Monday, January 13, 2020
The Flight English short story
The Flight â€Å"This is gonna be so cool†Ryan said, staring at the 12inch model aircraft his twin sister, Beth got him for his Christmas. â€Å"Come on Ryan, you've never stopped staring at that since I got you it and you still haven't even said thank you†Beth said. â€Å"Oh yeah,†he grinned â€Å"thanks.†Ryan was 17, well built and his jet-black hair was nearly always spiked up with gel. Beth was 17 and looked exactly like Ryan apart from the obvious fact that he was a boy, probably what you would expect if you had a twin. â€Å"When's Jack coming?†Beth asked. Jack Forrest was Ryan and Beth's best friend from school and they had been friends ever since they had started school. â€Å"He said he'd b here at 10pm, Ryan said, looking at his watch. â€Å"its ten-to ten now sp we better put these suitcases in the car, that way we can head to the airport as soon as Jack comes.†They wheeled the cases out the door and put them into the boot of the car. â€Å"I still can't believe we won those tickets to Canada on the new 5 star luxury plane.†Ryan said as he lifted his suitcase and positioned it on top of Beth's massive holdall, â€Å"it's always been a dream on mine to fly in one of those planes, and it even has a restaurant!†Just as Ryan said that, Jacks taxi pulled up and he got out of the back with a giant suitcase and a rucksack. â€Å"Hey Ryan,†he grinned, â€Å"Hey Beth!†â€Å"The flight's gonna leave with out us if we don't get to the airport by eleven so we better get a move on, its already five past ten,†Beth said, pointing to the car. They all piled into the car and Ryan pulled out of the driveway. It took about half an hour to get to the airport and about an hour to go through the check-in and passport control, so when they got to the welcome lounge they all headed straight to the gate. â€Å"Here we go†Beth smiled as they reached gate 22, â€Å"Our plane's gonna be boarding in a minute so I'm gonna quickly get a pack of smarties from that vending machine.†Just as a packet of smarties dropped out of the vending machine, a woman's voice came up on the tannoy, â€Å"Flight 2780 is now boarding from gate 22†They all went up the steps and boarded the huge plane. It had four floors, a bar, restaurant, widescreen TV and loads more extras. â€Å"Whoa,†Ryan gasped as he took his first step into the newly built luxury jet, â€Å"This is amazing!†There was fancy lighting, a bar in the middle of the 1st floor, a huge red carpet stretching the whole length of the plane, and recliner seats. â€Å"This is nothing I ever imagined,†Jack joined in with the dazed expressions on both Ryan and Beth's faces. They all found their seats and buckled up their seatbelts. * Once the plane levelled off in the air all of the seatbelt signs went of. â€Å"I'm gonna go and get a coke from the bar,†Ryan said, â€Å"you two coming?†â€Å"Ok,†Beth and Jack said in unison and they all headed towards the bar. Just as they were about to sit down a guy came barging through and knocked Jack over. He was middle-aged and was bald. He was the type of guy that you didn't want to mess with. â€Å"Watch it!†Jack shouted back at him but he didn't even turn around to look at him again, he just kept walking purposefully. Jack was about to shout back at him â€Å"Are you gonna say sorry or what?†but he changed his mind when he saw a vague outline of something bulging from his trousers – a gun – â€Å"Oh my God†Jack said, â€Å"Ryan, Beth, that guys got a gun†. They looked round and saw it too. â€Å"We'll have to do something†Ryan decided. â€Å"What if he hijacks the plane?†The three kids all came to a decision to follow him. If they stopped and told a stewardess about the gun, it would cause panic and they would lose him. They walked quickly and followed the mysterious man. The three kids all went to karate and judo classes when they were about 10 so they all knew how to defend themselves. The guy led them down to the basement of the aircraft, three floors down from were their seats were. He opened a hatch, which was concealed by a bin and stepped down some stairs into the very bottom of the aircraft. Here there were all sorts of controls like lighting, radiators, fridge temperatures, fuel, and all sorts of controls for everything. Ryan, Jack and Beth all sneaked down the ladder and hid behind a huge metal board. The man went of to the other side of the room and looked closely at a set of labelled toggles and controls. He flicked a switch and suddenly the lights went out. â€Å"Whets happening†Beth whispered, with a touch of panic in her voice. â€Å"I haven't a clue but it's definitely something serious if he's turning the lights out, it could be the fuel next.†â€Å"What if he's going too hijack the plane?†Beth asked. â€Å"We cant take that risk, we all know how to take him down and its one against three so I bet we will be better off than him when its over†Jack said. They sneaked behind another metal divider but Beth tripped up and fell over, giving the man a warning and he reached for his gun. Before he could reach it, Jack and Ryan lunged forwards and kicked him to the ground. Beth had twisted her ankle from the fall but still managed to haul herself up and grab the man's gun. â€Å"What are you doing here?†Beth asked, pointing the man's own gun at him. â€Å"Do you seriously think I'm gonna tell you?†The man replied, unable to get away from Jack and Ryan's powerful hold. She was about to boot him, but she heard the sound of another man in the doorway and looked around to see him standing with a gun pointing towards them. â€Å"Let him up†he ordered, still pointing the nozzle of the gun at them. Ryan and Jack released their grip on him and he stood up. They both looked around but they realized that Beth was missing. Just as the man got up she launched herself at the guy in the doorway. He was caught by surprise and he crashed to the ground, sending his gun sliding across the floor. â€Å"Don't move†She said to the other man who was about to make a gab for it. Ryan and Jack ran forwards and grabbed it before he got the chance. â€Å"I'll go up and tell someone†Jack said, â€Å"You two keep them on the ground. It wasn't long before the whole crew were in the basement, including the captain. It turned out that the captain was an old enemy of the two hijackers and they were going to crash the plane and parachute out before it hit the ground. â€Å"Well done†the captain said as he shook Ryan, Beth and Jack's hands. â€Å"You should have seen the faced of everyone when the lights went out,†one of the crew members said, â€Å"Some people said they were going to die!†* Ryan, Beth and Jack all wore their bravery medals and the flight was still showing on the news. â€Å"This has been the best holiday ever†Beth grinned, â€Å"The snow here in Canada is great!†The all got on a taxi to take them to the airport. â€Å"To the airport please†Ryan said to the taxi driver. â€Å"Ok he said and turned around to give them an evil grin. It was the man who had tried to crash the plane . . .
Sunday, January 5, 2020
The Cost Of Health Care - 1378 Words
When you think about health care cost and what was done in the past to help people who could not afford it to be able to get coverage now. Many people will not be able to afford to get the mandatory coverage and if they do, they will not be able to afford to see the physician or take the medication that they needed. Some of the plans worked and others helped for short periods. With other countries, finding ways to make it work for them and stakeholders more worried in the U.S.A. over their assets. With the rise of the older generation living longer but having more health issues is a reason to look into getting better coverage that is affordable for all for health care. Over the course of the last thirty-five years, the cost of health care has risen to the point that many people in the middle class to low income cannot even afford to participate in preventative medicine. Several Presidents have tried to get certain plans passed and even when they did; it seemed it was only a short-term fix to an issue. Our nation’s health care costs does not seem to have a lasting impact rather by health care industry, managed and market competition or by regulation (Altman, D. E., Levitt, L. (2003). As a national issue, there is a problem of the reemerging of rising health care costs. Over the last thirty-five years, the United States has tried to control the health costs. In 1960, there was the passing of Medicare and Medicaid. The program took some of the load off the private sectorShow MoreRelatedThe Cost Of Health Care1480 Words  | 6 PagesThe cost of health explains almost half of the budgets of the state from financing the Medicaid program to providing health care for the employees of the state and other less qualified population like the prisoners (Vanderbeaux, 2014). In America, thousands upon thousands of decisions concerning health care are made by State legislatures every year (Vanderbeaux, 2014). Some of those decisions involve how best to provide appropriate care more efficiently, and deciding on what age group of patientsRead MoreThe Cost Of Health Care Essay1325 Words  | 6 PagesThe Cost of Healthcare Introduction â€Å"The biggest problem with health care is not with insurance or politics. It is that we are measuring the wrong things the wrong way†(Kaplan Porter, 2011, p. 46). Total healthcare expenditures and expenditures as a percentage of GDP have been considerably higher in the U.S. Hospital care, physician and clinical services, and drug prescription expenditures have been the principal components contributing to growth in healthcare expenditures in the U.S. comparedRead MoreThe Cost Of Health Care899 Words  | 4 PagesHealth care cost is defined in three meanings. One is price which consist of physician’s bill, prescription bill, premiums. Second one is national perspective means how much a nation spends on health care that is health care expenditure and the last one is provider perspective which is cost of production. Reasons to control costs: †¢ Health care consumes a greater percent of the total economic output †¢ Resources are limited †¢ Other economic uses are curtailed †¢ Limited resources should be directedRead MoreThe Cost Of Health Care1291 Words  | 6 PagesThe Cost of Health Care The nation health care system is facing significant challenges that requiring immediate major reforms. Lately close attention is drawn to the uninsured Americans, such as the most painful dilemmas of health care system. The problem of uninsured and uncompensated care continues significantly contribute to the rise of the health care cost and has been a chief topic for public debates and political campaigns for a long time. The purpose of this paper is to describe the currentRead MoreHealth Care Costs1190 Words  | 5 PagesHealth Care Costs Health care costs have become a major issue in the United States, both socially and politically. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, 50.7 million people, or nearly one in six U.S. residents, were uninsured in 2009 (Kaiser Health News, 2010).This is because the high cost of health care has driven the cost of insurance out of the reach of many Americans. Contributing factors to the continuing increase in the cost of health care are the generally unhealthy lifestyle practiced byRead MoreThe Cost Of Health Care2167 Words  | 9 PagesTraditionally the American health care system relied heavily a repayment model referred to as fee-for-service which is described as a form of repayment that generates a greater emphasis on the volume of patients seen rather than healthy outcomes produced under a physician’s care. The fee-for-service repayment method poses multiple issues such as: duplicating services which in turn renders some of the services unnecessary, utilization of expensive technology because of the revenue generation ratherRead MoreThe Cost Of Health Care1829 Words  | 8 PagesHealth care costs currently exceed around twenty percent and continue to rise where other countries spend less of their funding on health care but have the same increasing trend. An aging population and the development of new treatments are caus e for some of the increase. Unrealistic incentives also contribute: third-party insurance companies and governments who reimburse for procedures performed rather than outcomes achieved, and patients bear little responsibility for the cost of the health careRead MoreRising Cost of Health Care1289 Words  | 6 PagesThe Rising Cost of Health Care: Effects on Access to Care The rising cost of health care is a trend that is negatively influencing access to health care. According to our course textbook, Policy and Politics in Nursing and Health Care, over 46 million Americans did not have health coverage in 2008, and 25 million American adults were underinsured (p. 124-125). For most people, this can be attributed to the high cost of premiums, co-pays, and deductibles. The purpose of this paper is to discussRead MoreEssay On Health Care Costs1333 Words  | 6 Pagesubiquitously known that US health care costs are ballooning, according to research hospital costs grew around 8 percent a year, on average, between 1978 and 2008. 8 percent might seem a small number but it was double the CPI (4 percent a year) which measures the overall price rises in the U.S. economy (Baumol, 6-7). Furthermore, 17% of United States’ GDP was spent on health care, this number exceeded every other country’s health care spending (Altman and Shactman, 235). T hese costs are attributed to aRead MoreEssay On Health Care Cost1270 Words  | 6 PagesThe everyday American is faced with the cost of health care which covers, treats, and prevents illness. Health care costs include and extend into vast areas such as; insurance, medication, procedures, co-pays, medical testing, and more. Currently, the United States is facing sky rocketing health costs, a decline in quality of services, and minimal access to quality and cost-efficient care. In the year 2015, the National Health Expenditure was roughly $3.2 trillion dollars, which equates to approximately
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