
Wednesday, April 10, 2013

A biography on Gandhi.

Although short in stature, he stood for towering ideals, among them political liberty, companionable skilfulice, and religious tolerance. In an age of empire and military might, writes Johanna McGeary of fourth dimension magazine, he proved that the powerless had power and that force of arm would not forever prevail against force of spirit (McGeary 1). His liberal name was Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, but he was kn have popularly as Mahatma, or ample Soul. Mark Shepard, a journalist specializing in Gandhis life and method of nonviolence, describes the title of Mahatma as somewhere amidst a saint and a Messiah, and in many respects, that explanation fits Gandhi well (Shepard 1). Considered the founding father of modern India, Gandhi not alone helped bring about Indias independence, but also inspired infinite people around the world to struggle passively for their own freedom. He remains to this day the greatest advocate of nonviolent protest the world has ever seen. Since his death, numerous democratic and anti-racist activists, including Martin Luther faggot Jr. and Nelson Mandela, have applied his principle of Satyagraha, or the true force, with great success. All told, Gandhi was and forever will be Indias Great Soul--a blazing testament to the indomitable power of truth, love, and faith.

Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi was born(p) into a Hindu family in the town of Porbandar in Gujarat, India on October 2, 1869.

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As the descendant of traders (the word Gandhi means grocer), and the son of the dewan, or Chief Minister, of Porbandar, Gandhi was considered to be a member of the Vaishya, or merchandiser caste in Hindu society (Mahatma Gandhi 1). Despite his comparatively comfortable background, however, Gandhi would come to dedicate his life to eradicating the unjust affectionate and economic aspects of the caste system, especially for the untouchables--who were considered to be outside of and...

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