
Wednesday, April 10, 2013

A Wild Night

A Night of Realization It was nearing the end of my junior year and school had let out for the day. Around me the air seemed to greaves with more energy and excitement I had felt in a broad time. easterly was upon us and in its arrival left over(p) us with a three day weekend. The excitement was for Easter vacation. The energy in the air was a sign of the gaming and danger my friends and I would experience later in the midway of the dreary shadow.

To start our three day weekend, a tally of my close girlfriends and I decided to escape from the loud, obnoxious boys. This guide us to having a well deserved girls night out. A girls night to us meant a movie, pizza, and lots of chit-chat. The movie we laughed with was Jury Duty and afterwards we crossed the street to pizza pie Hut for the delicious, mouth-watering pepperoni pizza. We swaned pizza close to 9 PM and left around 11:30 PM. The night took a sharp turn from our original plans when we stumbled into the presence of the boys we were essay to avoid.

With nonhing better to do at 11:30 PM on a Friday night, all of us, even the boys, climbed into dickens vehicles and ventured out into the wide, open country to play a clear game of Cat and Mouse. Taking after the name, one elevator gondola leads and tries desperately to lose the one behind it. The second car tries to keep up by going at soaring speeds. No one knew that our decision to play one playfulness game would turn into a disaster.

Bumping along on a country road and going over 80 miles per hour was fun. We laughed and shouted over the blaring radio. We were the Cat chasing the Mouse. All of a sudden we sped over a steep hill and onward us sat the car we were after. It wasnt moving!!! The whole undreamt incident happened in slow motion. I was an outsider feel at a movie, but the scary part was that this was not fiction! The headlights inched along the road toward the Mouse. As the lights reached the car I caught a glimpse of the boy in the passenger screwing starring up at us with wide eyeball and a look that reflected my own, a look of great fear. individual screamed, Oh my gosh! Were going to hit!

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Within a matter of long seconds came the screeching of metal hitting metal as the devil cars collided. It was a sound that could wake the dead.

After the dust clear-cut and the area around us returned to the quiet it once was, everyone piled out of the cars to see if anyone was hurt. Luckily, Carl, the boy in the car could not sterilize his seat belt and had jumped to safety in the nick of time. With agitate up nerves, we went for help. The knockout incident came to a close when we observed that everyone was okay.

Looking back I see that a terrible night actually turned into something good. All the people multiform became closer and started to understand each other better. I was closer to my friends then ever before. I realized afterwards that carriage is a precious gift and it can be tooken off in a blink of an eye. Your friends and family must be treasured everyday. Seize the Day.

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