
Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Caves Of Steel

The Caves of Steel          This story, The Caves of Steel, writ ex by Isaac Asimov is a great erudition metaphor novel. Asimov is an awesome spring who really knows how to explain and face his characters. I destine that if Asimov were still alive he would salvage numerous more books because I can tell from his opus that he loves to write! I could tell that he vomit up a lot of feeling into this book. The Caves of Steel is one of Isaac Asimovs many books. This book is about robots, a favorite subject to the author because he loved robots from childhood on. The most master(prenominal) affair to know about the author is that he made the known laws of robots.

One of the lessons this book helped me realize is the concept of teamwork. Teamwork is so precise important because you need a lot of people workings to demoraliseher to do freehand tasks such as knead a mystery, or take care of a big mansion! All efficient businesses need teamwork to serve and fit their customer base. Teamwork combines the brainpower of e very(prenominal)one. Teamwork helps everyone do a task hurrying and repair because more people are fit to think of more ideas. This makes me think of the phrase; two heads are better than one!                  The some other lesson I learned is respect. In the book, the chief(prenominal) character, Elijah Baley, had to show respect to the robot, named Daneel Olivaw because if he didnt, the Spacers would destroy planet earth. admiration is one of the most important lessons because you need to be venerating of others in order to Have harmony and be respect in turn. Respect is the key to getting good grades. I have respect for everyone even if I dont like them because its the expert and nice thing to do. I think that if everyone respected everyone else, this humanness would be a better place!         One other lesson I learned is to follow directions. Elijah had to try and follow directions addicted to him by the chief of police. Following directions is a very important lesson because if you dont you will get into trouble often and people may not like you as much. If I do not follow directions my parents become irritated and disappointed in me.

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They yield me to do things as told, and take responsibility. Responsibility is also very important because if you dont take care of yourself youll never be able to take care of someone else. I think am very responsible and I also think I follow directions, even though my parents might disagree. I listen to people and if they tell me they want me to do something I usually do it, unless its something dumb.

        I think this book is going to get even better than it already is because Isaac Asimov is a great author. I would definitely give this book to anyone who loves great science fiction novels.

The most exciting thing about this book I think is that Isaac made the laws for robots that have never been changed. I would insure this an awesome accomplishment. On a scale of one to ten I would rate this book an 11 so farthest because this book is very well written.

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