
Thursday, April 11, 2013

"All conflict in literature is, in its simplest form, a struggle between good and evil"

All conflict in literature is, in its simplest form, a shin between serious and evil. This avowal simplifies the melodic theme that all themes and struggles in literature when broken down to their intimately basic forms ar a conflict of easily versus evil. This is a valid statement because grave and evil are the arse of all conflict. A conflict is a two-sided and each struggle implies a difference of opinion or emotion which can be broken down into both unsloped and evil parts. such seduces that emphasize this statement are George Orwells novel, Animal Farm and the play, Othello, a tragedy written by William Shakespeare.

William Shakespeares use of personalityization in Othello describes the character Othello as a brave, courageous, and honorable soldier. Shakespeare also introduces the complete contrast of Othello in the character Iago. Iago is portrayed as two-faced and manipulation, representing the evil aspect in the play. Shakespeare uses Iago to take advantage of Othellos trusting personality and to attack Othellos good nature. Othello becomes overridden with hate and jealousy, which consume all of his other emotions. Othello is an example of how a character can cross the line between good and evil. The relationship between Othellos character and Iagos character can be viewed as a battle of the two forces.

Animal lift is a modern political novel set in the Twentieth Century. Disliking their owner, the physicals of Animal Farm attempt to revolt with the determination of setting up a perfect Utopian golf-club for themselves, a society without the evil of servicemans. With the help of two brilliant pigs, Snowball and Napoleon, the animals were able to defeat their enemy and conquer animal far. Towards the end of the novel, we discover that Snowball and Napoleon are passing influenced by the actions of humans. Years pass on Animal arouse and we find that the pigs become more and more like human beings by walking upright, carrying whips, and wearing clothes. In the end, the pigs backfire on their original plan of eliminating humans but instead, joined them.

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In conclusion, the struggle of good and evil is a basic struggle that is common in all novels. This common struggle is illustrated in Shakespeares Othello and George Orwells Animal Farm through various themes and characterizations.

To take the statement that all conflict is a struggle between good and evil, and then analyze two works and say that this proves the validness of the sweeping universal statement is more than a act much.

Consider some of the other works in which thither is conflict, but not necessarily good and evil. Hesses Steppenwolf deals with conflict, but it is grave to say who is good and who evil. Who is the good in Moby Dick, a work filled with conflict throughout? Or the classics: who is good in The Iliad. In short, literature cannot be reduced to a single, simple, incapable statement.

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