
Monday, April 8, 2013

Fallacy Journal


I. Introduction

II. The Fallacies

i. entreaty to Authority

ii. Appeal to Emotion

iii. Slippery Slope

iv. Begging the Question

v. Common Belief

vi. Appeal to Ignorance

vii. Two Wrongs

viii. Appeal to Pity

III. Conclusion

IV. References


When thinking in terms of detailed thinking, a fallacy is described as an incorrect design of think, an unsound line, a method of persuasion, and is used intentionally and unintentionally. A fallacy shtup excessively be defined as a form of argument that seems or appears or is perceived. It hardly relates to the pattern of thinking or argumentation that leads to the conclusion. The conclusion whitethorn be true even if the argument is mentally ill.

Fallacies are inexact notions that can weaken a writers argument and reduce his credibility. Readers neediness to be critical in determining what points they accept and should gainsay ideas that appear logically flawed to them. A system of reasoning with reference to deductive certainty and inductive probability can point readers to a reasonable position.

Writers need to be awake of fallacious reasoning and should make deliberate attempts to eliminate fallacious statements or expressions that lean towards fallacies if they are to truly contribute to the emergence of literary works.

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Writers can reduce the possibility of fallacies in their arguments if they deliver the goods a structure like the Toulmin Method in which the call is made, reasoning or evidence is provided to support the claim, the warrant or connection is made between the reason and the claim and the railyard for supporting the claim are provided. The writer will also address refutation or opposing viewpoints, provide his objections against that refuting argument and include a rebuttal that should seek to dispel discredit regarding the point that he wishes to promote in the readers mind.

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