
Thursday, April 11, 2013

Lady Macbeth: Guilty or Innocent?

In William Shakespeargons play Macbeth; one of the leading roles is madam Macbeth. brothel keeper Macbeth is the married woman of Macbeth, a warrior and cousin of King Duncan. As the play progresses and the maculation thickens, Lady Macbeth changes. Her actions change, her words change, her personality changes, and her motivations change. Now the real header is; is Lady Macbeth guilty or innocent?

Upon Lady Macbeths archetypical appearance in the play she is very affectionate towards her maintain. She reads her earn of endearment from her hubby and is the symbol of innocence. The second her husband arrives at their home, however, Lady Macbeth jumps on her and tells him what to do. As the conversation continues Lady Macbeth literally tells her husband that he is not a man. The exact words she uses are:

When you durst do it, then you were a man;

And to be much that what you were, you would

Be so much more the man. (Macbeth I.vii.49-53).

It is evident that Lady Macbeth is not as innocent as she first appears. Lady Macbeth is in like manner guilty when she is learning about Duncans murder. She is so shocked by the discovery that she faints and is tended to. The biggest factor to Lady Macbeths guilt though is her noctambulation.

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She is sleepwalking and trying to wash her hands of the blood from Duncans murder. Lady Macbeth screams to no one while sleepwalking. Are these the acts of an innocent woman?

What Lady Macbeth does not do also proves her guilt or innocence. In the very beginning of the play, Lady Macbeth allows others to do the dirty choke that she herself cannot do. She allows her husband to kill Duncan; she herself does not commit the murder. Lady Macbeth tells her husband that she cannot kill...

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