
Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Odysseus is able to survive due to his amazing personal qualities displayed throughout the Odyssey, by Homer

Odysseus, the hitman of The Odyssey, has found himself in many interesting, as well as dangerous, predicaments. Although these predicaments were extremely ch every(prenominal)enging, Odysseus al panaches found a way to survive. His survival depended on his mind and body combined. With pop this important counterpoise of thought and strength, it is obvious that Odysseus would not have made it mob safely, or he may have not til now made it home at all. Through pop out The Odyssey, by Homer, Odysseus showed amaze personal qualities that enabled him to survive his adventures.

His third stop on his expedition home to Ithaca was the land of the Cyclopes, where Odysseus success beaty equivocationd danger. Odysseus showed guile when creating his escape plan. Odysseus fed Polyphemus (the Cyclops who captured him and his troops and kept them hostage within his cave) wine to make him drunk. To trick Polyphemus when he was drunk, Odysseus said, My name is Nohbdy: m opposite, father, and friends, everybody calls me Nohbdy (p. 608, lines 298-299). Odysseus showed courage and strength when fighting the Cyclops. Although Odysseus did not carry out his action, he was brave enough to be willing to risk his smell to slay Polyphemus with his sword. Instead of fighting with his sword, he decided to scoke out the giant eye of Polyphemus, which not only call for his strength, besides also the strength of four other men. Odysseus showed staggering intelligence service in carrying out his escape plan. As express above, Odysseus was intelligent enough to recognize the importance of keeping Polyphemus alive, in order to be able to escape. Odysseus also used his intelligence to notice that if he and his men hid under Polyphemus rams, when they were let out to graze, they could escape with the rams.

Upon Odysseus return to his home Ithaca, he had to get...

Good essay!

Soz this sounds rattling random but im meant to be reading the book at the moment. So far ive only read the bit close the Cyclops, but does anyone else think that Odysseus is a little arragant and full of himself.

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Although he seems to have the ultimate edge and always manages to get himself out of fatal situations, he always seems happy for his men and the other people around him to die first.

You described him as brave, but is that really how you describe a person who puts his own life,wants and inevitably before those of others?

I just finished reading this for school. Good job. line of reasoning: sizeable idea including page numbers and lines, but it is good to include the edition you have; page #s may vary)

The_Beer_Barron: The Odyssey is cognise as the earliest example of the modern super hero such as Superman. Superman was never afraid of a fight or showing himself up because he knew he would always come on top. That is how Odysseus is like.

Also, the Greeks believed in the idea that your fate was compose by the gods. Odysseus was told by one of the gods (Athena I think) that all the sailors with him would die. He didnt worry about them because he knew he couldnt do anything about him- their destiny to die on the journey was written by the gods and you dont argue with gods. lol.

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