
Wednesday, April 3, 2013

The Quest Is Complete

The dreaded twelve-hour flight was over, but our much-anticipated journey had solely begun. Holding my beach bag in one kick in and rolling my luggage in the other, I couldnt spring up fall out of the drome fast enough. After a six-year family following to visit all fifty states, we completed our journey and we were here(predicate) in the final state, Hawaii! Walking out of the airport and seeing all the beautiful palm trees and flowers of every polish of the rainbow gave me a chill, as well as a majuscule sense of exertion. I read the big sign refreshing TO HAWAII. We did it, I thought to myself. At eighteen age old, I have visited all fifty states. The feeling at that moment is some social occasion I will never for train and an accomplishment no one can ever take away.
My family and I were lucky enough to stay on the breath-taking islands of Hawaii for one-third weeks. We visited Oahu, Kauai, and Maui. The natural beauty we encountered on this trip was incredible. One thing that I will never forget was going snorkeling. I can still remember it perfectly; all adapt up with life vests, snorkels, flippers, and masks. We walked to the beach and looked out at the glisten water. The waves were gently crashing against the shore, inviting me to come and explore. I smiled, took a deep breath, and plunged into the water.

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We swam by means of a narrow channel and started seeing little tip with rich hues of every color. Already satisfied with what I saw, I couldnt imagine it getting better. As we swam further plenty the channel, I saw bigger and brighter fish. These were the kinds of fish Id see only in aquariums or fish tanks and I was right there swimming with them. It was surreal. I got tired and frore but I couldnt take
my head out of the water. I just wanted to see more and didnt want to miss anything. Then we saw itabout a mile out into the channel, a huge green ocean turtle swam towards us. It was
beautiful, majestic, and graceful. The search for more sea turtles became the...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: Ordercustompaper.com

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