
Monday, April 8, 2013

Uganda: Issues Ignored


Uganda, a Sub-Saharan country located in Africa, straddles the equator and is make up mostly of fertile highlands (Uganda: Land and People, 2005). Kampala is the capital of the United States of Uganda. Once ruled by brutal dictator Idi Amin, what is more than formally known as the Republic of Uganda gained its independence on October 9, 1962, now a nationally celebrated holiday. Since 1986, Yoweri Kaguta Musevini has been the president, chief of conjure and head of government. Prime Minister, Apollo Nsibambi assists the president in supervising the cabinet, who ar appointed by the president from a choice of take legislators (Politics of Uganda, 2005). Uganda has a population of 24,699,073 (Demographics of Uganda, 2005), ninety percent of whom live in rural areas (Uganda: Land and People, 2005). Though English is the countrys official language, about seventy percent of the people speak a Bantu language (Uganda: Land and People, 2005). Approximately two-thirds of Ugandas population is Christian, while the loosening practice animism or follow the teachings of Islam (Culture of Uganda, 2005).

Full of exotic animals and beautiful landscapes, it is no wonder that Uganda is called the Pearle of Africa. However, Ugandas natural beauty veils a country devastated by the effects of civil war, poverty, AIDS, and the suppression of women.

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War & Violence

Since 1987, the people of northern Uganda fool been relentlessly plundered, kidnapped, raped, tortured, and murdered by a get up group looking to overthrow the current Ugandan government, the Lords granting immunity Army (LRA). The victims of the LRA have been primarily the Acholi people, of what is known as the Acholiland. The Acholiland consists of the districts Kitgum, Gulu, and Pader. Since 2002, these attacks have spread into other districts as well. Since the beginning of this eighteen course of instruction conflict, up to 12,000 people have been killed, 1.5 million...

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