
Monday, April 8, 2013

Utilitarianism applied to post war Iraq.

Utilitarianism provides us with a moral basis for judging actions, in promoting the idea that what is good is that which provides us the greatest good or happiness for the greatest number. In this essay, I will sustain the moral system of utilitarianism towards the situation of post-war Iraq, and suggest a outcome to the problems that face the region. Before we seek to apply moral utilitarianism to the political situation of post-war Iraq, we must first learn the makeup of the universe of discourse of Iraq, so as to see who we be to provide these principles to.

Iraq feces be divided into three populations: the Kurds, the Sunnis and the Shiites. The Kurds are a Moslem minority, who are on the receiving end of the genocide in Iran, dud and Iraq during the reign of Saddam Hussein. The Sunnis are a moderate Islamic minority, and were the main support base for Saddam Husseins populist-socialist society, the Baathists, which severely lost the Shiites and the Kurds.

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The Shiites are the majority of Iraqs population, and the Shia Islam is a purist version of Sunni Islam, and has been accused as being the foundation for much of Islamic terrorism, in their mansion belief that then Muslim world should be coupled under an Islamic theocracy (government ruled by a spectral authority), and the infidels (that is foreigners), should not be allowed to pass control over either Muslim territory, especially Saudi Arabia.

All three groups mentioned above have been at ends with each other throughout history, and this has resulted in many wars. While both the Shiites and the Sunnis are both Arabs by traditions, the Kurds are their own cultural group, holding their own identity found on language, culture and blood (the Kurds are not Arabs, simply hold more in common with the...

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