Wednesday, July 31, 2019
Bullet in the Brain†by Tobias Woolf Essay
In â€Å"Bullet in the Brain†(1995), Tobias Woolf conveys the story of a man named Anders, a book critic, who experiences one final memory after being shot in the head by bank robbers. The story begins with Anders entering a Bank in the closing hours and criticising the long lines and bad service. Then, two bank robbers hold up the bank and end up shooting Anders in the head for his arrogant behavior. Woolf then goes on to explain his last memory as he is dying from his wounds. The bank robbers dialogue is important. The different ways that Wolff depicts the Robber’s dialogue greatly influences the tone of the story. Wolff’s way of using peculiar responses from the bank robbers is almost like a death trap for the critical Anders. He dares to taunt the robbers and makes ironic remarks on their usage of words. â€Å"Hey! Bright boy! Did I tell you to talk.. Did you hear that. Bright boy. Right out of the killers†(Anders202). Anders finds their words distinc tive enough that he needs to make a comment about it. By ignoring what the robbers do and say he makes the situation worse as the robbers start to lose their head because of him. A nervous robber is much more dangerous than a calmed one and Anders would consider this but he does not. He doesn’t realize that he just put the people in danger as well as himself, even when he was asked to be quiet by a woman next to him. The woman is aware of the seriousness of the situation unlike Anders and tries to save her and maybe the others’ life as well. A person who does not take care of a dangerous situation is foolish but in this case Anders does not take care of the others’ safety as well and considers the criticism more important than the people’s life around him. Wolff also brings out a humorous tone with the robbers dialogue. He uses explicit words that give readers a more vivid image of the robber’s personalities. The words let readers get a sense of the persona they have. In one scene the Wolff writes, â€Å" You like me, bright boy?..You want to suck my dick†(202). Obviously, this shows the robber has a childish type of humor. One can also say this type of humor is more consistent with someone young rather than an older person. Instead of Wolff explaining the characteristics of the robbers, he lets the readers figure it out themselves. Wolff gives little detail about the characteristics of the robber. The ammoniac smell coming out of his mouth gives a sense that he is under the influence of some type of drug. His twitching eye rather reveals that he is just extremely nervous or he is just high on drugs. Lastly, The way the robbers address the people inside the bank is important to the topic. It brings out the aggressive tone. It was a good way to act like professional robbers and make people think if they try to be a hero in this situation they will be shot. â€Å"One of you tellers hit the alarm, you’re all dead meat. Got it?†(201). The robbers uses really demanding words to terrorize the people. They are also able to take down the security and put him on his knees. This strategy not only takes down the banks best line of defense, but it also lets the customers and workers acknowledge that they mean business and will hurt somebody that gets in their way. Nobody thinks they are a hero and can break up three or more people especially if they are holding guns in their hands so this tactic works very well except that Anders is there. Anders is there and makes them really adrenalized as he also makes the situation more dangerous. Anders’ behaviour is clearly blameable for the actions taken by the robbers. The aggressive tone did not even pass through Anders’ mind and he did not hesitate to make a remark. His own happiness and joy in finding imperfectness in everything led to his downfall. It would be very reasonable to say the Anders triggered his own downfall but the robbers style of communicating also ignited the situation. Anders criticizes everything and the style of talking that the robbers conversate with was clearly distinctive enough for Anders to have a comment about it. Their dialogue provoked Anders. Who knows if there would have been a different approach of conversating from the robbers, then the story could have had a different ending.There will be no happy end for this story and Anders behaviour adds oil to the fire and make him responsible for his own death.
Tuesday, July 30, 2019
Going to College Essay
Going to college really does open a new chapter in everyone life, the beginning of new friendships, opportunities and growth. As a college student, a new student will be introduced to new areas of interest, broaden his vision of possibilities, establish and accomplish goals, develop lifelong friendships and define him or her in ways that he can imagine. Anyone on Earth already asked, or will ask himself where he would be in 10, 20 or even 30 years down the road. It is hard enough imagining what his life is going to be like in a year or two. Questions like â€Å"Where do you want to be today, tomorrow and in the future?†might be hard ones for young teenagers, who just graduated from high school. Attending college will help anyone answer those questions, develop a realistic plan for accomplishing his goals, and equip him with the knowledge and skills he will needs to see his goals through to the end. We usually assume that a college degree is necessary when it is not actually. We can also noticed that, because we place so much emphasis on degrees, people who have not attended college think of themselves badly, and this lack of self-confidence can really impede their success. There are some people for whom the college is actually not the best way to learn. However, a college education is an opportunity for everyone to learn what he loves. A new student can actually take the time to enjoy learning what he is truly passionate about. If he is interested in a variety of things and he is not sure where to focus, he can take his time to try them all. Nobody should look at college as a long-term contract that he is not going to be able to get out of once he starts. Anyone should feel like he needs to decide on a major area of study before starting college. College is a time for everyone to test himself, explore his interests, see what the possibilities are, and to see what he can achieve. Most other students attending college are going to be in the exact same boat . There are also a variety of resources, provided by most universities, to help anyone through college, including academic advisors, professors accessible on campus, tutoring academic support, full-time counseling staff and more. While the prospect of attending college may seem a bit daunting and even suffocating, a graduated high school teenager should not forget that he will still get to live his life. He will be able to participate in a variety of extracurricular activities, social groups, maintain a job, or even pursue a career while completing his studies. He may even find that college ends up being much more enjoyable and fulfilling than he ever expected. There are additional reasons as to why it is important to go to college. When students experience a post-secondary education, they have the opportunity to read books and listen to the lectures of top experts in their fields. This stimulation encourages students to think, ask questions, and explore new ideas. So, â€Å"why should you go to college?†The reasoning does not begin and end with the job aspect. A good education is beneficial from many different viewpoints. If any teenager is still asking himself why he should go to college, it is important to remember the significant amount of opportunity available for college graduates. The global economy is becoming increasingly more competitive, and in order to give him the best chance for a well-paying job, he must first understand the importance of college education. Attending college provides students with the knowledge and experience they are unable to receive from a secondary education, and finding a way to fund a higher education now can pay off in a huge way in the years to come.
Monday, July 29, 2019
Summary (maple syrup) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Summary (maple syrup) - Essay Example The remaining 82% of the world’s Maple syrup is produced in Canada (Pure Canada Maple, 2013). An interesting fact it is little known about true Maple syrup is the fact that it is 100% pure and natural. Furthermore, strict guidelines are in place with regards to the production of Maple syrup to which both the United States and Canada subscribe. One of these professional organizations that helps to monitor the production of Maple syrup in Canada is known as the Federation of Quebec Maple Syrup Producers. In order to ensure that the raw material that is utilized to make maple syrup, the tree itself, remains healthy, each year trees are At different places and varying heights so that growth, re-growth, and healing can take place in between the seasons of harvest. Moreover, an added benefit of Maple syrup is with respect to the fact that it represents an alternative to traditional sugar. As such, baked goods, glazes, and sweets can all be flavored with Maple syrup rather than sugar itself. Maple syrup production itself is a massive business within Canada and the United States. For instance, within Canada alone 8600 Maple syrup businesses are known to exist and registered with the government; a full 7400 of these exist in Quà ©bec itself. However, even though Maple for syrup production dominates the Canadian market in the current era, it was in fact the Amerindians who taught Canadians how to tap and boil sap in order to make maple syrup in the first place. As a function of this level of knowledge, Canadians have been known to extract around 67.6 million pounds of syrup each and every year; exporting this to over 50 different countries around the world (Wild Blueberries, 2012). The trees that Maple syrup itself is harvested from typically live around 30 years; moreover, the base of the tree must be at least 12 inches in diameter prior to being tapped. Further, only 10
Sunday, July 28, 2019
Sales Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 4
Sales Management - Essay Example Direct mail incorporating an 800 number can be used similarly to the Yellow Pages, as can advertising in many other media.  «Outbound telemarketing takes many forms, but it most resembles traditional, unsolicited door-to-door sales. Contacts are made through cold calls (random), warm calls (referrals) or hot calls (customer-initiated requests for information)†2. For example, manufacturers who were primarily communicating with customers through nonintegrated channels are now finding it is possible to reach them also through telemarketing efforts at a substantially lower cost than other integrated channel alternatives. In this case, manufacturers increase their channel control by adding an additional in-house channel (telemarketing) while keeping cost efficiency high through the application of information technology. At the same time, firms must move with caution as the increase in integration is likely to result in less flexibility. However, the net result is that new technolo gies allow firms to enter customer segments much more easily than before. In other words, market entry barriers are no longer so high, as new technologies enable firms to enhance market coverage while containing costs3. Both direct selling and direct marketing make wide use of telemarketing techniques. Studies noted earlier show that the public perceives some disadvantages in buying from a telemarketing firm. Evidence also exists that image questions still haunt the perceived legitimacy (e.g., pyramids) and ethical propriety of direct selling, as well of selling in general4. Major negative factors attributed to telemarketing by a cross section of consumers are high-pressure selling, unreliable salespeople, and loss of contact after the sale. While some instances of these behaviors undoubtedly exist, they are far from endemic to the industry. These image problems should be addressed and alleviated job satisfaction, commitment, and productivity and
Saturday, July 27, 2019
Comparison Between the Epic of Gilgamesh and Genesis Essay
Comparison Between the Epic of Gilgamesh and Genesis - Essay Example The King lived approximately between 2750 and 2500 BCE. The first half of the story focuses on the friendship between Gilgamesh-king of Uruk and Enkidu. From the Epic, Enkidu is a wild man created by the gods as Gilgamesh’s peer to relieve him from oppression caused by the people of Uruk. In a joint mission, the two gentlemen began a journey to the Cedar Mountain where they defeated Humbaba. Humbaba was the monstrous guardian to the Cedar Mountain. This victory called for a celebration and they killed the Bull of Heaven for the celebration. However, this did not go well with goddess Ishtar who sentenced Enkidu to death as a punishment for the actions. The second of half of the Epic highlights how Gilgamesh was distressed at the death of Enkidu and this resulted to him taking a long and perilous journey to discover the secret of eternal life. He later learned that you cannot get everything you are looking for in life. He realized upon creation of man, the gods let death be his share and hence life withheld in their own hands. However, it is worth noting that Gilgamesh fame survived the death of Enkidu because of his account of Siduri’s advice, his great building projects and what he was told about the great flood. GENESIS Genesis is a Greek word that means â€Å"origin†or â€Å"birth†. It is the first book of the Torah or Pentateuch. Genesis is also the first book of the Hebrew Bible and the Christian Old Testament. Torah is a Hebrew word for â€Å"instructions†while Pentateuch is a Greek word for â€Å"five scrolls†. In regards to tradition, the Torah was dedicated to Moses by god. However, several scholars are of the opinion that Torah was composed from four different sources between 950 BCE and 500 BCE, which were later joined together around 450 BCE. The book of genesis is structured around ten toledot sections; however, modern commentators see it in terms of a primeval history. The book of Genesis is an example of â€Å"antiquarian history†. That is, a type of literature telling of the first appearance of humans, the origins of culture, the stories of ancestors, cities and heroes. Similarities There are several similarities between the epic of Gilgamesh and the book of genesis. One of the similarities lies on the flood account. The first point of similarities was the fact that God chose a righteous man to build an ark because of an impending great flood. In both cases, animals of all kinds were to be on the ark and birds were used after the rains to determine if floods waters had subsidized. After the rains stop stopped, both arks settled on mountain whereby Noah’s Ark and Utnapishtim’s on Ararat and Nisir respectively. It is worth noting that these mountains were not far from each other and sacrifices took the center stage after the flood. Apart from the floods, there was also the similarity in terms of the themes. Apart from the theme of seduction and civilization as r evealed by Eve and Shamhat; the theme of love and friendship and God’s chosen people also stood out. Themes Love and friendship The greater understanding and great love that emerged between Enkindu and the King; makes King Gilgamesh a better leader to the people of Uruk allowing him to better understand and identify with them. The epic of Gilgamesh may lack a female love interest, but the revelation of erotic love plays a vital role. Love and friendship in the epic is not considered not only as a part of life, but also as a vital part of the poem to
Friday, July 26, 2019
Management skill Personal Statement Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Management skill - Personal Statement Example The celebration of birthday states how old a person would be. It is the way of being thankful for what we have in life and a time to celebrate the joy of life i.e. birth itself. A surprise birthday party may sound exciting but is not an easy task. Being a part of event planners, I have already been organizing birthday parties in the past, so I was given the responsibility of planning and organizing a surprise birthday party for my best friend which was to be held in October. For this I took help of my other friends to organize and manage this event. With the beginning of the preparations I was faced with conflicts among my two friends over the responsibility of making the list of the guests, both were of the point that he can make the list better, so in order to face this situation I allotted both of them the responsibility but for different areas so that they both can do the same work in different manner. Both friends started with making list of her friends, family, relatives and co -workers to be invited in the party. This is how I handled this conflict and made the work progressed. This was started fifteen days prior to the birthday date. The overall work was divided between five of us who were organizing the party with me leading and managing everything (Devney, 2001). One friend was given the work of selecting and sending the birthday invitation cards because he was good at attending and communicating with people. It was started two weeks in advance of birthday so that guests can R.S.V.P. thus giving a confirm status of who all will be attending the party. My house was chosen as the venue for celebration. After getting confirmation of people who would be attending the party I then started with making list of food, beverages and party supplies etc. which would be required in the party. Two friends were given the responsibility of decoration and booking of band while other two were to take care of party supplies and catering on the day of the party. My friend s were nervous due to their participation in first such surprise event, so I motivated them by telling that everything will be alright as they are doing extremely well and are on the right track. I was deciding the food menu for the party and gift to be given to her. The budget for party was preplanned by me and was divided between all 5 friends and activities as per the requirement and need for each activity, I have taken this responsibility because I am quite good at handling finances. The work given to other four friends of decoration, booking of band, taking care of party supplies and catering was done by them. I being from event organizer’s background had various contacts in all the fields and departments. So I advised my friends about where to get the decoration done so that they may go and finalize the theme of decoration. I also suggested them few orchestra and bands for the party to be booked. The catering was finalized and booked and also the party supplies were ord ered well I advance. The food menu for the party was to be decided by me, which I after considering everybody’s taste opted for Chinese and Italian food along with soft drinks and juices (Devney, 2001). The catering was booked from a renowned hotel where we placed the order keeping in mind the gathering we were expecting, though an issue of home delivery was raised by the hotel but I somehow managed it by increasing the pay to them and made them forced to deliver at the party venue. A dark
Speech 100 level class Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Speech 100 level class - Essay Example Let’s assume for the purpose of this presentation that we are setting up a construction company in Dubai. The first and foremost thing that is required is the permission of the authorities in the region that deals with providing legal permits to set up a company. In order to obtain this permit the company needs to have a plan for the infrastructure and manpower requirements of the company. Some of the legalities related to obtaining permission from the authorities requires for the company to obtain permission from the municipality by registering at least one engineer for the project. The company needs to obtain permission by the Labor office by providing housing for the labor that the company would recruit which includes contract staff for the construction projects. After this the company needs to obtain a trading license issued by the permission from the Chamber of Commerce in Dubai. Once all these permissions are obtained and legalities have been met the company needs to sta rt by setting up an infrastructure and base where they can do business from in the region. In order to obtain a license the company needs to set up an office in the city. A labor camp needs to be provided in the city by the company according to their deal with the labor office earlier.
Thursday, July 25, 2019
Portfolio Report of Theory of Customer Service in a Service Setting Essay
Portfolio Report of Theory of Customer Service in a Service Setting - Essay Example A futuristic outlook should be used for an increasingly growing and counterintuitive, making an analysis with fewer errors (Shuen, 2008). Currently, the net lifetime worth of every Redbox client stands at 70$, and the stir rate stands at a constant 5%. This $70 presumption is openhanded because it does not consider the dilutive impacts of stock-based payment. This reimbursement does not have an impact on the value for every consumer. However, it has a direct impact on the share of every shareholder on every customer’s value. Redbox’s stir rate can keep on reducing, causing other competences to rise. At the same time, Redbox’s may perhaps raise its prices, an approach that has previously been done numerous times. This strategy creates a favorable environment for the organization to stick with the $70 value for its customers (, 2005; Shuen, 2008). Critical Incidents Redbox is a media store that provides rental movies to its clients, along with other enter tainment material such as music, videos and books. Redbox has a headquarter store that is located at 1 Tower Ln., Ste. 1200 Oakbrook Terrace, IL 60181, United States, the enterprise has more than 27000 branches all over the country, with about 750 workers employed in these stores (Redbox, 2011). The specific locations at which the stores are situated include grocery stores, huge merchant vendors, drugstores, restaurants, and huge convenient stores nationwide. Redbox has however been looking forward to expanding its objectives into majority of the demands and requirements of the movie renters market. Founded by Coinstar, Redbox has the initiative as establishing it stores in major supermarkets and mall stores such as McDonalds as well as discount stores. However, the store is experiencing poor customer service management systems due to the lack of the latest and popular movies, which are the films with the most demands (Redbox, 2011). A major move that the owner of Redbox has to real ize is that customer service has five main varying orientations. They include CS (Customer service) software expertise, system, and technology; data storage space and scrutiny; CS has to be viewed as an alteration in business culture from a dealing objective to a client centric one; CS involves managing demand and that CS is also a strategy phase aiming at clients’ interests. Redbox on the other hand has the intentions of employing internet streaming to enable smoother movie selection as well as viewing (Reinartz et al, 2005). This initiative will enable the preferences of the clients to be heard and dealt with at a closer scale. Data storage systems of Redbox require improvement since the latest films are very much reported by clients to not be available at websites and their stores. Since such films are in the most demand, therefore, to maintain the most returns that the enterprise is capable of making, the data storage improvement can withhold the latest movies at a higher number that can sustain the market demands. This approach will improve the customer service with the enterprise (Kumar et al, 2011). Another approach about a proper CS system is the existence of elements that comprise the CS system. The elements are a data storehouse, systematic apparatus, protests management apparatus, interfaces to sustain panels. Databases ran by Redbox operate on the
Wednesday, July 24, 2019
Good Cholesterol and Breast Cancer risk Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Good Cholesterol and Breast Cancer risk - Essay Example This phenomenon reduces the risk of heart diseases but at the same time HDL also stimulates migration and activates signal transduction pathways in the human breast cancer cell lines, thus acting like a catalyst in the development of breast cancer. Thus knocking down the HDL receptor, SR-BI by some pharmacological methodologies play an essential role in regulating cellular proliferation and migration, thus controlling the growth of tumor cells, and hence SR-BI can be essentially used in the treatment of breast cancer in humans. The Popular article, Good cholesterol and breast cancer risk explains about the above detailed primary research article in a crisp manner. Though HDL that is, good cholesterol is good for health and acts like a protective shield against heart disorders, it has a negative impact on breast cancer development in humans. Higher the level of HDL in blood, higher is the risk of developing breast cancer. Thus limiting the HDL receptor, SR-BI the rapid proliferation o f tumor cells were found to be greatly reduced. The popular article also interacts with Dr. Philippe Frank, head of the research team and a cancer biologist in the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology at Thomas Jefferson University who stresses on the importance of inventing more specific drugs to inhibit SR- BI and the safer level of HDL to be mentioned in cancer patients. How it relates to the theme – ‘Gender, Science and Technology’ Both the articles are interlinked and have a strong correlation with the theme of ‘Gender, Science and Technology’. The main focus of both the articles is about the treatment for breast cancer. Though the exact cause for breast cancer is still a topic under research, analysing the risk factors can show who is most likely to develop the disease. Lifestyle choices, genetic disorders and medications taken for some kind of diseases may be some of the risk factors for developing the disease but some risk factors are more vulnerable, particularly one’s ‘Gender’. Breast cancer is most common in women because they have more breast tissue than men. Breast cancer causes include what stimulates the breast tissue to grow and develop. Female relatives can also be a risk factor for getting breast cancer. If one’s mother, sister or daughter have breast cancer, the chances of getting the disease is doubled. Though cancer of several types is the leading cause of death in the world, medical science and technology has empowered people to make life changing decisions by matching them with modern and advanced treatment options based on individual conditions of the patients. Modern science and technology has revolutionized the breast cancer research therapies and now chances of overcoming breast cancer are much better than in earlier days. Main Scientific Claim The authors claim that their examination about the role of HDL and SR-BI in the regulation of cellular signalling pathwa ys in breast cancer cell lines and development of tumors show that, HDL can stimulate the signal transduction pathways in the human breast cancer cell lines. Then, accelerate the formation of tumors and hence knocking down of HDL receptor, SR-BI limits the
Tuesday, July 23, 2019
Monet Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Monet - Essay Example Bearing in mind how all these painters elaborated their strongly personal manners relating to the new imaginative ideas, one notices that the new aspects appeared most frequently in the work of Monet to be captured by the other Impressionists including them as ideas or as explicit methods and applying them in their own ways (Monet biography,, Monet, Monet's father wanted him to go into the family business of trading in grocery supplies but Monet (the second son of Claude-Adolphe and Louise-Justine Aubre Monet) wanted to become an artist and was admitted in the Le Havre secondary school of the arts in 1851 after his family shifted at that region. He was not a typical, good student in school. He had said, "School seemed like a prison and I could never bear to stay there, especially when the sunshine beckoned and the sea was smooth." He always drew funny caricatures of his teachers. He always got in trouble for his drawings, but he became very good at them ( It was Eugene Boudin Boudin, his early mentor, who used to draw his sketches outdoors that pushed Monet to do the same. "Suddenly the veil was torn away.... My destiny as a painter opened out to me," he later said. For the next 60 years Monet delved into the effects of light on open-air scenes (plein-air landscape painting). He was the first artist to let his f irst impressions remain as finished works, rather than as "notes" for doing work inside the studio. (House, 1998, Monet bio, After his mother died when he was only 16 years (in 1857) he left school, went to live with his childless aunt. His family was not very happy about his occupation as a painter. In 1860 he was conscripted and had to go to Northern Africa for two years. After his return he took a trip to Paris to visit the Louvre Museum copying old masters and took painting lessons at Gleyre's studio in Paris wher he got to know Auguste Renoir, Sisley, Bazille, Pissarro ,Edouard Manet.and others. The basis of the future Impressionist movement was built. Monet liked to paint water, the way colors reflected in the water and boats, seas, and lakes were some of his pet subjects, so much so that after he married in 1870 (he married his favorite model Camille, whom he painted in Women in the Garden), and settled in Argenteuil, he fixed a boat with an easel and painted his way wavering down the Seine River, seizing his impressions of the relationship of light, water and surroundings. The boat served him as h is floating studio where he kept paints, brushes, canvas, and drawing materials (, Colors in plein air Soon, Monet averted from the conventional style of painting inside a studio and with his new friends went outside in the Fontainebleau forest to paint in the open air. Albeit Monet painted outside, he never found it to be easy. Every time, more or less, he painted outside, a bit got glued to the wet paint. If he was in the wilderness, sand and rock would get attached to his paintings. In the forest, leaves and other things would fix to his
Monday, July 22, 2019
A Research Paper on American Airlines Flight 587 Essay Example for Free
A Research Paper on American Airlines Flight 587 Essay The airplane’s engines also separated in flight and were found several blocks north and east of the main wreckage site. All 260 people aboard the airplane and 5 people on the ground were killed, and the airplane was destroyed by impact forces and a post-crash fire. Flight 587 was operating under the provisions of 14 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Part 121 on an instrument flight rules flight plan. Visual meteorological conditions prevailed at the time of the accident. The accident airplane was delivered new to American Airlines on July 12, 1988. At the time of the accident, the airplane had accumulated 37,550 flight hours and 14,934 cycles. History of Airbus A300 The development of the A300 airplane began in May 1969, and the first flight of an A300 occurred in October 1972. The A300B2 and A300B4 models entered service in May 1974 and June 1975, respectively. The development of the A300-600 series airplane (a derivative of the A300B2/B4) began in December 1980, the first flight of an A300-600 occurred in July 1983, and the airplane was certificated in March 1984. Before the accident, 242 A300-600 series airplanes were in service worldwide. The A300-605R is one of several variants of the A300-600 series airplane. The â€Å"5†refers to the type of engine installed on the airplane and the â€Å"R†refers to the airplane’s ability to carry fuel in the horizontal stabilizer. (National Transportation Safety Board [NTSB], 2004, p. 14) First Officer Information The first officer, Stan Molin age 34, was hired by American Airlines in March 1991. He held an ATP certificate and an FAA first-class medical certificate dated October 18, 2001, with a limitation that required him to wear correcting lenses while exercising the privileges of the certificate. The first officer received a type rating on the A300 in November 1998. According to American Airlines records, the first officer had flown Shorts 360, Beechcraft 99, and DeHavilland DHC-6 airplanes in commuter and regional operations under 14 CFR Parts 121 and 135. He had accumulated 3,220 hours total flying time in commercial and general aviation before his employment with American Airlines. American Airlines records also indicated that the first officer had accumulated 4,403 hours total flying time, 26 including 1,835 hours as an A300 second-in-command. (National Transportation Safety Board [NTSB], 2004, p. 1) Rudder Structure The A300-600 vertical stabilizer and rudder were constructed with composite materials, that is, mixtures that contain two or more distinct materials that are unified into one combined material. (NTSB, 2004, p. 15) Composite materials Carbon fiber is a form of graphite in which these sheets are long and thin. You might think of them as ribbons of graphite. Bun ches of these ribbons like to pack together to form fibers, hence the name carbon fiber. These fibers arent used by themselves. Instead, theyre used to reinforce materials like epoxy resins and other thermosetting materials. We call these reinforced materials composites because they have more than one component. Carbon fiber reinforced composites are very strong for their weight. Theyre often stronger than steel, but a whole lot lighter. Because of this, they can be used to replace metals in many uses, from parts for airplanes and the space shuttle to tennis rackets and golf clubs. (Carbon Fiber, 2005, p. 1) Rudder Structural Analyses NASA-Langley’s and Airbus’ analyses determined that the fracture of the right rear main attachment lug was the most probable initial failure. The analyses indicated that, The vertical stabilizer fractured from the fuselage in overstress, starting with the right rear lug while the vertical stabilizer was exposed to aerodynamic loads that were about twice the certified limit load design envelope and after the right rear main attachment lug fractured, all of the remaining attachment fittings would fracture with no increase in external loading. (NTSB, 2004, p. 115) Flight Control System The A300B2/B4 model used a rudder control system employing a Variable Lever Arm (VLA) to limit rudder travel. A similar rudder-ratio changer design is also found in most other transport category aircraft. The VLA limited the amount of rudder available to the pilot as the airplane’s speed increased. The rudder pedals consistently moved the same physical distance, yielding a proportion of rudder relative to speed. In 1988, Airbus implemented a completely new rudder design, which significantly modified the function of the previous model and hence, the handling qualities of the new A300-600 airplane design. This new system used a variable stop actuator (VSA) which is also found in the MD-80. The VSA also limited the amount of rudder available to the pilot. The difference in this system is that the distance which the rudder pedals moved also decreased as the rudder movement decreased in proportion to speed. A significant flaw in the design failed to offer the same kind of protection as in the McDonnell design. The MD-80 limits rudder travel and affords protection in the form of rudder â€Å"blow down†should an operator demand more rudder travel (with resultant excessive load) than the structure can withstand. These kinds of redundant system designs are common in commercial aviation. The Airbus Flight Crew Operations Manual (FCOM) addresses the rudder system much like any other manufacturer and, in fact, did not change the language of the FCOM even after changing the A300 design from the VLA to the VSA system. (Allied Pilots Association, 2002, p. 9) Blow-Down System On an aircraft equipped with a hinge moment limiting (or â€Å"blow-down†) system, a device is employed to limit the force capability of the hydraulic actuators, and thereby aerodynamic forces limit the maximum rudder deflection output as airspeed or aircraft configuration changes. American Airlines, 2004, p. 11) Vortices and Wake Turbulence Vortices form because of the difference in pressure between the upper and lower surfaces of a wing that is operating at a positive lift. Since pressure is a continuous function, the pressures must become equal at the wing tips. The tendency is for particles of air to move from the lower wing surface around the wing tip to the upper surface (from the region of high pressure to the region of low pressure) so that the pressure becomes equal above and below the wing. In addition, there exists the oncoming free-stream flow of air approaching the wing. If these two movements of air are combined, there is an inclined inward flow of air on the upper wing surface and an inclined outward flow of air on the lower wing surface. The flow is strongest at the wing tips and decreases to zero at the mid-span point as evidenced by the flow direction there being parallel to the free-stream direction. When the air leaves the trailing edge of the wing, the air from the upper surface is inclined to that from the lower surface, and helical paths, or vortices, result. A whole line of vortices trails back from the wing, the vortex being strongest at the tips and decreasing rapidly to zero at mid-span. A short distance downstream, the vortices roll up and combine into two distinct cylindrical vortices that constitute the tip vortices. The tip vortices trail back from the wing tips and they have a tendency to sink and roll toward each other downstream of the wing. Again, eventually the tip vortices dissipate, their energy being transformed by viscosity this change may take some time and may prove to be dangerous to other aircraft. The tip vortices cause additional down flow (or downwash) behind the wing within the wingspan. For an observer fixed in the air, all the air within the vortex system is moving downward (called down wash) whereas all the air outside the vortex system is moving upward (called up wash). An aircraft flying perpendicular to the flight path of the airplane creating the vortex pattern will encounter up wash, downwash, and up wash in that order. The gradient, or change of downwash to up wash, can become very large at the tip vortices and cause extreme motions in the airplane flying through it. An airplane flying into a tip vortex also has a large tendency to roll over. If the control surfaces of the airplane are not effective enough to counteract the airplane roll tendency, the pilot may lose control or, in a violent case, experience structural failure. (Langley Research Center, 2005, Chapter 4) The takeoff and landings of the new generation of jumbo jets compound the problems of severe tip vortices. During takeoff and landing, the speed of the airplane is low and the airplane is operating at high lift coefficients to maintain flight. The atmospheric conditions aloft were favorable for a slow rate of vortex decay. The wake vortex from Japan Air Lines flight 47 would have had an age of about 100 seconds, and flight 587 would have encountered the wake vortex at a time before vortex linking and rapid vortex decay. The predicted circulation of the wake vortex at the times of the apparent encounters would have been between 63 and 80 percent of the vortex’s initial strength. In testimony at the public hearing, the main author of the wake vortex investigation report stated that, even though his ork supported a wake encounter, the wake was â€Å"nothing extraordinary. †(NTSB, 2004, p. 57) Aircraft Pilot Coupling Aircraft pilot coupling (APC) was previously known as Pilot Involved Oscillation (PIO). An APC event is when the dynamics of the aircraft (including the flight control system [FCS]) and the dynamics of the pilot combine to produce an unstable pilot vehicle system. APC events can result if the pilot i s operating with a behavioral mode that is inappropriate for the task at hand, and such events are properly ascribed to pilot error. However, the committee believes that most severe APC events attributed to pilot error are the result of adverse APC that misleads the pilot into taking actions that contribute to the severity of the event. (Aeronautics and Space Engineering Board Commission on Engineering and Technical Systems National Research Council, 1997, p. 14) APC problems are often associated with the introduction of new designs, technologies, functions, or complexities. New technologies, such as FBW and fly-by-light flight control systems, are constantly being incorporated into aircraft. As a result, opportunities for APC are likely to persist or even increase. (Aeronautics and Space Engineering Board Commission on Engineering and Technical Systems National Research Council, 1997, p. 19) Flight 587 APC Event What the pilots of Flight 587 did not know was that the rudder controls on the A300-600 become increasingly sensitive as airspeed increases above 165 knots; this unique sensitivity creates adverse APC propensities primarily in the lateral axis. Flight AA587’s APC event was triggered by an unexpectedly sensitive response of the rudder to an initial, single pedal input by the pilot during a wake vortex encounter. Due to the unique characteristics in the aircraft’s flight control system design, the pilot became caught in an adverse APC/pilot involved oscillation mode as he attempted to counter the effects of that input. Specifically, after making a control wheel input followed by a rudder input intended to achieve a desired aircraft response, the over-sensitivity of the rudder control system induced the pilot to make additional, essentially cyclic, corrective rudder inputs as he attempted to stabilize the aircraft. American Airlines, 2004, p. 60) Probable Cause of Flight AA587 Crash Flight AA587 crash was triggered by an unexpectedly sensitive response of the rudder to an initial, single pedal input by the pilot during a wake vortex encounter. Due to the unique characteristics in the aircraft’s flight control system design, the pilot became caught in an adverse APC/pilot involved oscillation mode as he attempted to counter the effects of that input. Specifically, after making a control wheel input followed by a rudder input intended to achieve a desired aircraft response, the over-sensitivity of the rudder control system induced the pilot to make additional, essentially cyclic, corrective rudder inputs as he attempted to stabilize the aircraft. Unknown to the pilot, because of the sensitivity of the rudder controls and the powerful nature of the hydraulically driven rudder actuators, these corrective inputs rapidly generated rupture loads. (American Airlines, 2004, p. 0) An aspect of Advanced Airplane Maneuvering Program (AAMP) training relative to upset recovery techniques introduced response time delays to roll inputs in the training simulator. Flight crews in training, when encountering the delayed responses during roll upsets, reverted to use of the rudder in order to provide the necessary roll response to initiate recovery.
The Black Economy In India
The Black Economy In India It has been reported that, Black money today is created at every level of the Indian economy. As the Parallel Economy is unaccounted for, the official National Income accounts do not represent the true state of the economy. In light of this statement, Give the future directives on the parallel economy and cite the practical obstacles faced on the way to fight the black economy. INTRODUCTION Parallel economy connotes the functioning of an unsanctioned sector in the economy whose objectives run parallel, rather in contradiction with the aroused social objectives. This is variously termed as black economy, unaccounted economy, illegal economy, subterranean economy, unsanctioned economy or hidden economy. A hidden economy in its broadest sense may consist of a) illegal economy, such as money laundering, smuggling, etc; b) unreported economy including tax evasion; c) unregulated economy, ie economic activities outside regulations. The money laundering is a lack of transparency standards in bilateral and multilateral trade with flourishing offshore banking in tax havens has allowed it to grow unabated in past couple of decades. Experts estimate that around 50 per cent of GDP-or about Rs 33 lakh crore of black money-is generated every year through corruption at various levels. While black money which operates within the country can be productive, what goes overseas is seen as non-productive. Impact of Black Money The circulation of black money has adversely affected the Indian economy in several ways. It leads to the misdirection of precious national resources. It has enormously worsened the income-distribution. The fixed income salary class finds itself ever be the lower rung of the income-ladder as they pay taxes. They are not able to catch up with the people in business, or in professions, or many of those employed who make money by black activities. Many high placed official and honest employees earn much less than an average small shopkeeper in big cities like Bombay and Delhi. The existence of a big-sized unreported segment of the economy is a- big handicap in making a correct analysis and formulation of right policies for it. Black money results in transfer of funds from India to foreign countries through clandestine channels. Such transfers are made possible by violations exchange regulations through the device of under invoicing of exports and over-invoicing of imports etc. Black money requires for its protection, proliferation and expansion of a service organization composed of musclemen, touts and brokers to combat the forces of law and order on the one hand and on the other hand, there are income tax advisers, or chartered accountants in the pay of black money operators. There are contact men, liaison officers, Dallas , who negotiate favors from top bureaucracy and political bosses through bribes of black money. Black money has corrupted our political system in a most vicious manner. At various levels, MLAs, MPs, Ministers, party functionaries openly go on collecting funds for party or elections. Ministers dole out favors of crores by accepting black money donations of a few lakhs from businessmen National policies are, therefore, being bent in favor of the big business under the pressure of black money. Causes inflations- The politics of black money thus has corroded the moral fiber of Indian polity. Ministers dole out favors of crores by accepting black money donations of a few lakhs from businessmen. National policies are, therefore, being bent in favor of the big business under the pressure of black money. Due to the pernicious impact of black money on the Indian economy and polity that the Wanchoo Committee concluded: It is, therefore, no exaggeration to say that black money is like a cancerous growth in the countrys economy which, if not checked in time, is sure to lead to its ruination. Survey on Bribery and Corruption India lost a staggering $462 billion in illicit financial flows due to tax evasion, crime and corruption post-Independence, according to a report released by Washington-based Global Financial Integrity. The document on the Survey on Bribery and Corruption was released at the first annual fraud conference organized by the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners here on June 21, 2011. The report stated that 68% of Indias aggregate illicit capital loss occurred after Indias economic reforms in 1991, indicating that deregulation and trade liberalization actually contributed to or accelerated the transfer of illicit money abroad. Reports that wealth is stashed in offshore destinations and tax havens also goes to indicate the extent of the problem, the report said. The KPMG India Fraud Survey 2010 suggested that today India is faced with a different kind of challenge. It is not about petty bribes, popularly known as bakshish anymore, but scams to the tune of thousands of crores that highlight political and industry nexus which if not checked could have far reaching impact on the economy. India has been facing governance challenges from within at various levels for a long time. Rigid bureaucracy, complex laws and long-drawn judicial process deter people from considering legal recourse in corruption cases. India has around 35 million court cases pending. Besides lack of manpower and poor infrastructure facilities, other factors hindering the anti-corruption drive include lack of teeth in the legal framework, the study said. A large number of respondents stated that organizations pay bribes to win and retain businesses. This is a typical scenario where organizations tend to overlook the implications of encouraging these practices and often look only at short term benefits achieved. They fail to realize that what has worked in their favor could also land into trouble later and lead to adverse consequences for them, the report said. The study noted that another key area where business is impacted is in the area of mergers and acquisitions. Nearly 37% respondents opined that the corruption could impact the valuation of a company thereby denying shareholders of a fair price. Moreover, it could also make it difficult for them to find a suitable business partner, thereby seriously impacting the growth prospects of the business, the study said. MEASURES TAKEN BY GOVERNMENT TO TACKLE BLACK MONEY There is no reliable information about the money of Indians in undisclosed bank accounts outside the jurisdiction of the country. There are various estimations based on various assumptions and presumptions which may not be correct. Further there is a marked difference in the amount of these estimates. A proposal for getting a study conducted to estimate the quantum of black money both inside and outside the country has already been approved by Union Finance Minister. The following Government institutes have been approved in March, 2011 for conducting separate studies on black money: National Institute of Public Finance and Policy (NIPFP); National Institute of Financial Management (NIFM); National Council of Applied Economic Research (NCAER). Memorandum of understanding has been signed between CBDT and each of three institutes on 21.03.2011. The study will be completed within a period of 18 months from the date of MOU. Government has formulated a five pronged strategy to tackle the menace of black money which is as below: Joining the global crusade against black money, Creating an appropriate legislative framework, Setting up institutions for dealing with Illicit Funds, Developing systems for implementation (new manpower policy); Imparting skills to the manpower for effective action (constant training for skill development). In line with above strategy, the Government has taken several steps in the last two financial years, the details of which are discussed in the following paragraphs. Joining the global crusade against black money: Black money does not limit itself to the geo- political boundaries. It transcends borders and has become a global problem. The countries across the world have started a concerted global effort and as a part of global effort against black money, India has played a proactive role in pointing out deficiencies in the assessment of various countries by the Peer Review Group of the Global Forum. Government is also playing an active role in ensuring that these countries remove the deficiencies to bring more transparency. India has joined the Task Force on Financial Integrity and Economic Development in order to bring greater transparency and accountability in the financial system. India has joined as the 34thmember of Financial Action Task Force (FATF) on 25th June 2010. FATF membership is important as it will help India to build the capacity to fight terrorism and trace terror funds and to successfully investigate and prosecute money laundering and terrorist financing offences. India has j oined the Asia Pacific Group (APG)against Money laundering. The 14th annual Plenary of Asia Pacific Group (APG) was held in Kochi from 18-22 July, 2011. More than 320 delegates from 41 jurisdictions, observers and various organizations attended the Plenary which was inaugurated by the Union Finance Minister. India is the co-chair of this forum till July 2012. India has gained Membership of the Eurasian Group (EAG)in December 2010. India has joined the Egmont Groupwhich is an international network fostering improved communication and interaction among Financial Intelligence Units (FIU). India is an active member of G 20 and has played a key role both in identifying issues and drafting communiquà ©s. In the G 20 Seoul Summit, November 11-12, 2010, a clause countries to further enter into Tax Information Exchange Agreements wherever required by the partner country was incorporated in the communiquà © at the instance of India. Creating an appropriate legislative framework: The Government has been constantly trying to strengthen the legislative frame work to control generation of black money in the country as well as control the flight of such illicit fund to foreign shores. In pursuance of this India has so far completed negotiations of 22 new Tax Information Exchange Agreementswith various tax heavens. Nine of these agreements have also been approved by the cabinet. India has initiated process of negotiation with 75 countries to broaden the scope of Article concerning Exchange of Information to specifically allow for exchange of banking information and information without domestic interest. As on date, it has completed negotiation with 18 existingDouble Tax Avoidance Agreement (DTAA) countries to update this Article. These agreements have also been initialed. 22 new DTAAs have also been finalized where the Exchange of Information Article is in line with the international standards. In short negotiations/renegotiations of DTAAs with 40 countries have b een completed. DTAAs with Switzerland (amendment), Norway (revised), Mozambique (new), Colombia (new), Ethiopia(new), Georgia(new), Taipei(new), Lithuania(new) and Tanzania(revised) have been signed. The protocol amending our tax treaty with Switzerland was signed on 30th August 2010 and has been approved recently by the Swiss Parliament (on 17thJune 2011). After following the mandatory constitutional process the DTAA will become operational. It will enter into force when Switzerland completes its internal process. Upon entry into force it will allow India to obtain banking information (as well as information without domestic interest) from Switzerland in specific cases for a period starting from 1st April 2011. There are certain countries or territories outside India which do not effectively exchange information with India as an anti-avoidance measure. The Government has enacted legislation to prescribe a tool box of counter measures against these non-cooperative jurisdictions. For this purpose, section 94A has been inserted into the Income-tax Act through Finance Act, 2011. This section gives an enabling power to the Central Government to notify any country or territory outside India, having regards to lack of effective exchange of information by it with India, as a notified jurisdictional area. Once the country/territory as such is notified as a non-cooperative jurisdiction, transactions with residents of such country/territory are subject to higher withholding, certain disallowances and the transactions are also subject to transfer pricing regulations. The Government has proposed the following specific new measures for unearthing black money in the Direct Taxes Code Bill:For the purpose of levy of wealth tax, taxable assets have been defined to include deposits in banks located outside India in case of individual, unreported bank deposits in case of others, interest in a foreign trust or any other entity (other than foreign company) and any equity or preferential shares held in a controlled foreign company. The General Anti Avoidance Rule (GAAR)has been incorporated to deal with aggressive tax planning devices used to circumvent tax laws. Specific Controlled Foreign Company (CFC) rules have been incorporated to bring to tax passive income earned by residents from substantial shareholding in companies situated in low tax jurisdictions. A reporting requirement has been introduced making it obligatory on the part of resident assesses to furnish details of their investment and interest in any entity outside India in the form and manner as may be prescribed. According to the Global Financial Integrity Report, major channel for illicit outflow is transfer of funds through mispricing which accounts for 77.6% of total illicit outflows. The existing transfer pricing provisions of the government, which were introduced in the year 2001 are not detailed provisions as compared to transfer pricing provisions of developed countries. It was felt that there is need to upgrade these transfer pricing provisions to meet the challenges of growing intangible economy and various complex cost sharing arrangements. As per directions of FM, DGIT (International Taxation) has constituted a committee to look into the issue of revising the transfer pricing provisions. The committee has already submitted its interim report which is under consideration.The Prevention of Money Laundering Act (PMLA)was amended on 1st June 2009, whereby the predicate offences listed in the Schedule of the Act were substantially increased. This amendment has tremendously widened the s cope of Money Laundering Investigations. Setting up institutions for dealing with Illicit Funds; Government has decided to set up Exchange of Information (EoI) Cell for an effective exchange of information to curb tax evasion. Efforts are on to put the cell in place under Foreign Tax Division of CBDT. Government has approved the creation of the Directorate of Income Tax (Criminal Investigation), in the Central Board of Direct Taxes. The DCI will perform functions in respect of criminal matters having any financial implication punishable as an offence under any direct tax law. Government has set up Income tax Overseas Units in two Indian Missions abroad. Eight more such units are being setup in the current Financial Year to strengthen information exchange mechanism. In order to augment the reach of the Directorate of Enforcement, the Government has approved upgradation of five existing Zonal offices as Regional offices and five existing Sub Zonal offices as Zonal offices. It has also approved creation of a new Zonal office and 16 new Sub zonal offices of Enforcement Directorate a cross the country. The Process of filling up the additional posts sanctioned by the Government as also for upgradation of the existing offices and setting up of new offices of Enforcement Directorate has started. As per the Action Plan, the Ministry of Finance is filling up the Group A posts of the Directorate in three phases. Developing systems for implementation: Government has doubled the strength of Foreign Tax Division, which deals with the work of exchange of information. The Directorate of International Taxation and Transfer Pricing in the Income Tax Department have also been strengthened as major part of the flow of illicit money outside of India takes place through mispricing of international transaction.In a bid to strengthen the Enforcement Directorate, the Government has approved creation of 1318 new posts at various levels. The process of filling up of these posts has already been started by the Deptt. of Revenue. Imparting skills to the manpower for effective action: As a part of capacity building and skill development, 51 senior Officers were sent abroad for specialized training in the field of International Taxation and Transfer Pricing in F.Y. 2010-2011.Since skill up gradation in international tax and transfer pricing require substantial time and resource, a posting policy has been approved which provides that officers may be posted in the Directorate for the period not less than five years. Apart from the above the Government has also taken the following measures- The Government has constituted a Committee on 27th May, 2011 under the Chairmanship of Chairman, Central Board of Direct Taxes (CBDT) to examine ways to strengthen laws to curb the generation of black money in the country, its illegal transfer abroad and its recovery. The Committee include Member (LC), CBDT, Director Enforcement (ED), Director General of Revenue Intelligence (DRI), Director General (Currency), Joint Secretary (FTTR), CBDT; Director,(FIU-IND) as Members. The Committee will examine the existing legal and administrative framework to deal with the menace of generation of black money through illegal means including, inter alia, (a) Declaring wealth generated illegally as national asset; (b) Enacting/amending laws to confiscate and recover such assets; and (c) Providing for exemplary punishment against its perpetrators. The Committee will also consult all stakeholders and submit its report within a period of six months. 6.1 The second meeting of the Committee on the Black-Money was held on 29th July, 2011 and it has been decided that the Committee would hold its next meeting in September 2011 and in the meanwhile; (i) Letters have been written to various Industry Associations, Voluntary Organizations, ICAI, ICWAI and NASSCOM requesting them to give suggestions/views on existing legal and administrative framework available under the various laws to deal with the menace of generation of black money through illegal means, (ii) More than 3300 comments on the issue of black money have been received from the public via-e-mail which are being examined. (iii) Suggestions for improving the respective laws sent by the organizations, as well as gist of useful suggestions received through email, would be compiled and circulated. (iv) Reminders will be sent to industry and trade associations, ICAI and ICWAI for expediting their suggestion. (v)Letters have also been issued to Chief Commissioners of Income Tax (Cadre Controlling Authorities), Director Generals of Income Tax (Training), National Academy of Direct Taxes, requesting them to give suggestions/views on existing legal and administrative framework available under the various laws to deal with the menace of generation of black money through illegal means. PRACTICAL OBSTACLES FACED ON THE WAY TO FIGHT THE BLACK ECONOMY Pricing Goods acquired illegally take one of two price levels: They may be cheaper than legal market prices. The supplier does not have to pay for production costs or taxes. This is usually the case in the underground economy. Criminals steal goods and sell them below the legal market price, but there is no receipt, guarantee, and so forth. They may be more expensive than legal market prices. The product is difficult to acquire or produce, dangerous to handle or not easily available legally, if at all. If goods are illegal, such as some drugs, their prices can be vastly inflated over the costs of production. Black markets can form part of border trade near the borders of neighboring jurisdictions with little or no border control if there are substantially different tax rates, or where goods are legal on one side of the border but not on the other. Products that are commonly smuggled like this include alcohol and tobacco. However, not all border trade is illegal. Consumer Issue Even when the underground market offers lower prices, consumers still have an incentive to buy on the legal market when possible, because: They may prefer legal suppliers, as they are easier to contact and can be held accountable for faults; In some jurisdictions, customers may be charged with a criminal offense if they knowingly participate in the black economy, even as a consumer; They may feel in danger of being hurt while making the deal; They may have a moral dislike of black marketing; In some jurisdictions (such as England and Wales), consumers in possession of stolen goods will have them taken away if they are traced, even if they did not know they were stolen. Though they themselves commit no offense, they are still left with no goods and no money back. This risk makes some averse to buying goods that they think may be from the underground market, even if in fact they are legitimate (for example, items sold at a car boot sale). However, in some situations, consumers can actually be in a better situation when using black market services, particularly when government regulations and monopolies hinder what would otherwise be a legitimate competitive service. For example: Unlicensed taxicabs. In Baltimore, it has been reported that many consumers actively prefer illegal taxis, citing that they are more available, convenient, and priced fairly. Illegal Drugs From the late 19th and early 20th centuries, many countries began to ban the keeping or using of some recreational drugs, such as the United States war on drugs. Many people nonetheless continue to use illegal drugs, and a black market exists to supply them. Despite law enforcement efforts to intercept them, demand remains high, providing a large profit motive for organized criminal groups to keep drugs supplied. The United Nations has reported that the retail market value of illegal drugs is $321.6 billion USD. Although law enforcement agencies intercept a fraction of the illegal drugs, and incarcerate hundreds of thousands of wholesale and retail sellers, the very stable demand for such drugs and the high profit margins encourages new distributors to enter the market without an increase in the retail price. Many drug` legalization activists draw parallels between the illegal drug trade and the Prohibition of alcohol in the United States in the 1920s. In the United Kingdom, it is not illegal to take drugs, but it is illegal to possess them. This can lead to the unintended consequence that those in possession may swallow the evidence; once in the body they are committing no crime. Prostitution Prostitution is illegal or highly regulated in most countries across the world. These places form a classic study of the underground economy, because of consistent high demand from customers, relatively high pay, but labor intensive and low skilled work, which attracts a continual supply of workers. While prostitution exists in every country, studies show that it tends to flourish more in poorer countries and in areas with large numbers of unattached men, such as around military bases. Prostitutes in the black market generally operate with some degree of secrecy, sometimes negotiating prices and activities through codewords and subtle gestures. In countries such as the Netherlands, where prostitution is legal but regulated, illegal prostitutes exist whose services are offered cheaper without regard for the legal requirements or procedures- health checks, standards of accommodation, and so on. In other countries such as Nicaragua where legal prostitution is regulated, hotels may require both parties to identify themselves, to prevent the rise of child prostitution. Learning from the Article Through this Article we learn that:- Introduction to Black Economy in India. The Measures taken by Government to curb Black Economy. The Challenges faced while tackling Black Economy CONCLUSION Parallel economy is a new threat for the Indian economy. In India parallel economy is expanding very rapidly. Government of India introduced commissions under Kaldor, Wanchoo, Rangnekar, Chopra, and Gupta for estimating black economy. There are many factors like Controls and Licensing System, Higher Rates of Taxes, Ineffective Enforcement of Tax Laws, Inflation, Funding of political parties etc. that influence its growth. In India amount of black money are increasing continuously which badly impacts the economic growth of the nation. Such money is a new challenge for Indian economy. Indian economy is badly affected by black money as it is underestimating GDP, increasing inequality of income, increasing illegal activities etc. Over the past 50 years, the government has at various times announced several schemes offering opportunities to bring black money overboard but the result are not so effective. Some of these schemes are: introducing the scheme of Special Bearer Bonds, demonetizi ng high denomination currency notes, stringent raids and scheme of voluntary disclosures. These instruments are expected to reduce the volume of the black economy.
Sunday, July 21, 2019
Atmospheric pollution
Atmospheric pollution Executive Summary Harmful gases, liquids or solids may be present in the atmosphere causing air pollution. There are however different types of pollutants of air. This paper discusses atmospheric air pollution and the resultant ecological problem, factors that lead to or that are affected by air pollution, in this regard, living and non living factors, the subsequent human impacts, considering positive and negative impacts, the current approaches taken for sustainability purposes, how such strategies may be achieved or attained, and the role of the government, society and international bodies. Introduction Air pollution is the availability of harmful substances in the atmosphere in gaseous, liquid, or solid form. Air pollution can be caused by various pollutants including: Particulate matter: this consists of aerosols in liquids, solids or gases suspended in the atmosphere due to burning of coal in industrial processes. The presence of aerosols in the air hastens the corroding and erosion of metals and building materials respectively. Inhalation of air containing particulate matter can interfere with the respiratory system of humans. This can result in cancer, asthma, bronchitis or other diseases (EPA, 2008). Sulphur oxides: these usually arise from the burning of coal and fumes from industrial processes. Due to the acid nature of the oxides, materials, human respiratory system and the vegetation end up being damaged (EPA, 2008). Carbon monoxide: this is a colourless, tasteless and odourless gas that humans have no protection against. Blood that is infiltrated with carbon monoxide carries less oxygen to other body parts. This can cause many health complications (EPA, 2008). Hydrocarbons: these are chemical compounds that contain carbon and hydrogen as the only elements. Just like carbon monoxide, hydrocarbons are also emitted by motor vehicles and emissions from industries. They result when there is partial burning of engine fuel. Under sunlight, hydrocarbons form ground level ozone which is manifested in smog. Besides that, ground level ozone can irritate the eyes, damage the lungs, and cause multiple respiratory problems (EPA, 2008). Nitrogen oxides: this usually results from high temperature combustions in motor vehicles and power plants. These oxides contribute raise the acidity in the air raising precipitation and smog production. Nitrogen oxides are dangerous to humans because they cause serious illness and deaths even though the exposure to nitrogen oxides may be short (EPA, 2008). Carbon dioxide: this is a gas that is described as natural in the atmosphere. It is produced by burning substances. It is vital for living organisms. There are other air pollutants that include the following: radioactive pollutants, ammonia, chlorofluorocarbons, toxic metals (like lead, copper and cadmium) and radioactive elements. All these pose a danger to the human health (EPA, 2008). Problem Description The presence of any pollutants in the air causes air pollution. Thus, the presence of all contaminants and toxins in the atmosphere forms atmospheric pollution which is also an ecological problem. Living organisms and the entire ecosystem suffer from health and ecological problems caused by atmospheric pollution. An average person inhales 20,000 litres of air per day. By breathing, we risk taking in dangerous substances or chemicals found in the air. Air is found anywhere and everywhere. Therefore, air pollution can be found in both indoors and outdoors. Pollution of the air can cause many diseases that include; cancer, tuberculosis, emphysema, among many others. The depletion of the ozone layer causes global warming which in turn results into the melting of the icecaps in Polar Regions hence the rising of the sea levels. The air was fairly clean until the industrial revolution. With the industrial revolution, many substances stated being burnt increasing the number of pollutants in the air. The rate of air pollution has been on the increase since then to date resulting in the growth of the hole in ozone layer above the Antarctica. This explains why the world leaders from the G 20 are worried and calling for frequent meetings concerning the global warming (Kurylo, 2010). With continued air pollution, the ozone layer will increase in depletion to an extent of allowing in more ultra violet ray s of the sun. The Ultra-violet rays of the sun are dangerous to the humans. They are responsible for causing cancer in countries like Australia. Dr Kurylo (2010) argues that the ozone layer has some weaknesses whose observation renews the concerns about the possible consequences and possible remedies. The Montreal Protocol of 1987 was expected to help reduce gaseous emissions like chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide etc to the atmosphere (Kurylo, 2010). Global Warming Recently world leaders had gathered in Copenhagen Denmark to discuss the way forward on carbon reduction to ease global warming. The theme was global warming. Global warming has been described as a scenario in which there is increased world temperature. This usually results from increased carbon emission that inhibits earths radiation from radiating back into the atmosphere which results in accumulated solar heat in the lower parts of the atmosphere. The major issue that is surrounding the global warming topic today is increased heat in the world that has affected man by far and wide in every aspect. Man is yet to discover better ways of using the much energy at his disposal that matches its rate of input. This article discusses the current modes of using solar energy (including solar cells), the new modes and the latest discoveries that include use of hydrogen as a form of energy. All these ways are aimed at reducing emission of carbon dioxide which is the core source of the problem s. Not every part of the world gets equals amount of sunshine. Much of the sun is concentrated in the tropics with the Polar Regions experiencing little or no sunshine depending on the season (Unep, 2003). Factors that contribute to global warming Green house gases: Global warming is highly attributed to increased green house gases (mainly carbon dioxide and methane) in the atmosphere. These gases are emitted to the atmosphere through human activities like industrial activities, burning of fossil fuels, agricultural and deforestation activities. These gases reabsorb the thermal (auto radiation) heat emitted by the earths surface and prevent it from leaving the lower parts of the earths atmosphere hence the trap of excess heat. They retain the heat in the lower parts of the atmosphere. Increased mans activities have raised the green house gases especially carbon dioxide and methane over years (Solar-centre, 2010). Solar variability and global warming: negligible increase in the solar irradiation has been observed. This results from the depletion of the zone layer. This contributes to minor increase in the global temperatures. The major contributor is the green house effect (Solar-centre, 2010). Impacts of Global Warming Global warming is depicted by changes in the weather patterns and precipitation throughout the world. Hurricanes and tropical storms may be experience often as a result of warmer oceanic waters. The high global temperatures results in melting of the ice in Polar Regions which end up raising the sea levels (Solar-centre, 2010). Global warming may also affect species of living organisms that cannot survive in warmer conditions. They will die and become extinct (Solar-centre, 2010). Due to global warming, there may be increased cases of diseases that may affect human health. Cases diseases like malaria and stroke may increase with the increase in flooding of cities and the poor quality of air. Another problem caused by global warming is desertification. Droughts will be more frequent causing a rise in famine cases (Solar-centre, 2010). Current Sustainability Strategies Many sustainability programs are ongoing throughout the world. Basing on the causes of global warming which include mainly green gas effects which originate from combustion of fossil fuels, there are numerous researches being conducted to find better alternatives to fossil fuels. The world is full of energy in form of heat. Researchers are working on ways of utilizing the increased heat. One of the ways that they have discovered is the use of solar energy as an alternative to fossil fuel. When well put to use, solar energy can steer tomorrows economic growth instead of fossil fuel (Solar-centre, 2010). Solar energy can be taped through the use of solar panels which use photovoltaic cells. These photovoltaic cells in solar panels are able to transform the energy from the sun directly into electricity. The taped electricity can then be stored into batteries. The stored energy can be used in various ways like powering a generator or running heavy machines. If the modern houses can be constructed using special solar panels to tap solar power, then people can light their houses without depending on electricity supplied from the grid. Instead, when they collect more power, they supply the excess to the grid (Solar-centre, 2010). Hydrogen: this is another alternative to fossil fuel. In the modern world, hydrogen is mainly used to manufacture ammonia, refine petroleum, and synthesize methanol. It is also used by NASAs pace shuttles, and in hydrogen fuel cells. Since research is underway, in future we could use hydrogen to fuel vehicles, fly planes as well as providing power for our homes and offices (California energy commission, 2006). According to California commission (2006), a machine that uses hydrogen as energy is eco-friendly since its pollution is negligible. And in fact some experts think that the future economies will be hydrogen driven unlike the current economies which are fossil fuel drive (California commission, 2006). One of the major challenges that come with the consumption of fossil fuels is the emissions of carbons which pollutes the atmosphere as well as increase the green house effect. Cars are a big contributor to environmental pollution due to their carbon emission that is in form of carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides, carbon dioxide and hydrocarbons. All these add to atmospheric pollution. According to MacKenzie (1994), hydrogen is one of the most abundant elements (is found in water, fossil fuels, atmosphere plants and animals), and it is therefore the best alternative for the non-renewable sources of energy like gasoline. It is a safely combustible fuel though safety precautions that accompany any fuel should also be applied. It is not such a dangerous fuel since its leaks evaporates faster than gasoline thus minimizing the hazard of explosion. Many manufacturers are now realizing a breakthrough with manufacture of hydrogen vehicles (Nadis MacKenzie, 1986). Plan for Sustainability This has involved various meeting held by the world leaders concerning the increasing rate of global warming. These meeting have resulted in the various governments investing heavily on researches fro alternative sources of energy other than the fossil fuel. The out come is the innovation of a hydrogen car that uses hydrogen as fuel. Other researches are underway for solar powered vehicles and machines. Therefore, the break through of these researches could see the future economies driven by either hydrogen or solar energy (Unep, 2003). Benefits and Challenges of the Sustainability Plan The benefits of the sustainability plan are that the green house gases will dramatically reduce. The world will experience reduced temperatures with less global warming hence reduced melting of ice in Polar Regions. There will be no more rise in sea levels and unpredictable weather patterns translating into less drought cases (Solar-centre, 2010). However, the sustainability plan is experiencing various problems like reduced funding for researches. Also, hydrogen and solar appliances are still very expensive for an average man to purchase. This means that economies will still be powered by fossil fuel will until when everybody will be able to purchase the appliances that global warming effects will be done away with gradually (Solar-centre, 2010). Required Government, Societal and Global Support The responsibility of the government is to provide funds for research in the better sources of energy other than the fossil fuels. It is also to ensure that when the research is done and complete, the appliances are readily available to the market at a pocket friendly price to the average man. The government should also be engaged in passing restriction acts that prohibit the further environmental pollution. Most of these restrictions affect industrial companies and businesses. It should ensure that the acts are enacted and law breakers are dealt with accordingly (ILO, 2008). On the other hand, the average man is to ensure that he uses the most eco-friendly fuels and appliances available in the market. Skilled workers in the field of research should also avail themselves to assist the government in research rather than hiring foreign experts. Conclusion Despite the many efforts to reduce air pollution, air pollution and global warming are still a challenge. Green house gases like methane and carbon are still being emitted from the combustion of fossil fuels. The resultant global warming is causing increasing sea levels as the ice in Polar Regions is melting. The main cause of this is the use of non- renewable fossil fuel. However researches are underway on the use of renewable energy like the solar power and hydrogen. If successful, the research could make the future economies to be driven by renewable sources of energy like solar and hydrogen. Governments and the society have a responsibility. The government is to formulate environment conservation policies while the society at large is to conserve the environment by using eco-friendly renewable energy in their appliances. References California energy commission. (2006). â€Å"Hydrogen and future energy sources.†Retrieved on February 19, 2010 from: EPA, (2008). â€Å"Air Pollution Basic Information.†Retrieved Feb 19, 2010, from: ILO. (2008). â€Å"Global challenges for sustainable development: strategies for green jobs.†Retrieved on February 19, 2010 from: MacKenzie, James, J. (1994). â€Å"The Keys to the Car.†Baltimore, MD: World Resources, Kurylo, M. (2010). â€Å"Atmospheric Composition.†Retrieved on February 19, 2010 from: Nadis, S. MacKenzie, J. (1993). â€Å"Car Trouble.†Boston, MA: Beacon. Retrieved on February 19, 2010 from: Solar-centre. (2010). â€Å"Global warming.†Retrieved on February 19, 2010 from: Unep, (2003). â€Å"How will global warming affect my world?†Retrieved on February 19, 2010 from:
Saturday, July 20, 2019
Extraversion :: essays research papers
Cross Cultural Evidence for the Fundamental Features of Extraversion      There has yet to be any determining evidence defines the characteristics of extraversion. The experimenters in this particular experiment have hypothesized that the facets of extraversion are somehow linked by reward sensitivity. This hypothesis was also tested against a model in which they are linked by sociability. There has been much work on this topic in the past, beginning with the works of Jung and James in the early 20th centuryâ€â€to the work of Watson and Clark in 1997. And even after a century of study, they are still unable to truly define the characteristics of the extraversion dimension of personality. In the many attempts to define extraversion, Watson and Clark have defined six basic facets of the personality trait. These are: venturesome, affiliation, positive affectivity, energy, ascendance, and ambition. Researchers Depue and Collins, in 1999, also offered a more succinct depiction of the characteristics of extraversion, this only having thre e basic parts. The first being affiliation, the enjoyment and value of close interpersonal bonds, also being warm and affectionate. The second, agency, being socially dominant, enjoying leadership roles, being assertive and exhibitionistic, and having a sense of potency in accomplishing goals. The final facet being impuslivity, but this one has been argued upon whether it should be included at all in the characteristics of extraversion at all.      Their first study was composed of 443 college students from two large universities in the Midwest. The participants were offered credit in their introductory psychology classes in return for their participation. They completed a questionnaire as part of their participation. 52% of the participants were men, and 48% were women. 94% were between the ages of 18 and 25. Only the 404 students that had complete data were used to set up the model that the experimenters formed. The second study tried to show any coincidence between the findings of American students and international ones.
Friday, July 19, 2019
MTV :: essays research papers
Somewhat perversely, it might be expedient to begin by pointing out that this paper is not about the music video per se. There will be no close textual analysis of individual clips. Eminent pop philosopher Elvis Costello once said that "writing about music is like dancing about architecture. It's a really stupid thing to want to do" (quoted in Goodwin, 1993: 1). Conscious that 'accidents can happen", this paper is concerned with the institutional as opposed to the purely textual; with the processes of production and reception (although it should be noted that it is perhaps inevitable that such a consideration will touch upon the channel - if not the videos themselves - as "text" in its most socially-engaged sense). The focus here, then, is on those organisations which broadcast music videos, on Music Television (MTV) in particular, and on the possible impact of what has become a truly global phenomenon. There is a common perception that American products dominate the world's markets. Coke and Pepsi slug it out across continents. It would appear that there is no place on earth where one cannot purchase a Big Mac. In his book Superculture, Christopher Bigsby offers this assessment of America's global dominance: American corporations shape the physical and mental environment, influence the eating habits, define the leisure pursuits, produce TV programmes and movies: devise, in other words, the fact and fantasy of the late twentieth century (Bigsby, 1975: 4). The perceived threat of globalisation has prompted fears and resentments not dissimilar in temper and tone to those by-now familiar reactions to the threat of Americanisation. Globalisation is sometimes seen as a force that will erode or, worse still, dissolve cultural difference and variety. Yet, the presence and pervasiveness of American-made goods does not necessarily signal the death of the local, regional or national. As Frederic Jameson notes, late modern or postmodern capitalism has led to a more disorganised set of relationships between trading nations. Thus, it is one of the characteristics of the dreaded "P"-concept - postmodernism or, perhaps more accurately, postmodernity - that it leads to uncertainty and paradox, as opposed to certainty and confidence. As a kind of postmodern capitalism, globalisation reflects this. For with it, the act of cultural transfer becomes more problematic, the flow of goods and ideas so much more difficult to "police". Economically, globalisation refers to a shift in capitalist practice. Today's multi- nationals talk of "global marketing strategies" and securing a "global market share" - corporate- speak which alludes to a kind of capitalism sans frontieres. MTV :: essays research papers Somewhat perversely, it might be expedient to begin by pointing out that this paper is not about the music video per se. There will be no close textual analysis of individual clips. Eminent pop philosopher Elvis Costello once said that "writing about music is like dancing about architecture. It's a really stupid thing to want to do" (quoted in Goodwin, 1993: 1). Conscious that 'accidents can happen", this paper is concerned with the institutional as opposed to the purely textual; with the processes of production and reception (although it should be noted that it is perhaps inevitable that such a consideration will touch upon the channel - if not the videos themselves - as "text" in its most socially-engaged sense). The focus here, then, is on those organisations which broadcast music videos, on Music Television (MTV) in particular, and on the possible impact of what has become a truly global phenomenon. There is a common perception that American products dominate the world's markets. Coke and Pepsi slug it out across continents. It would appear that there is no place on earth where one cannot purchase a Big Mac. In his book Superculture, Christopher Bigsby offers this assessment of America's global dominance: American corporations shape the physical and mental environment, influence the eating habits, define the leisure pursuits, produce TV programmes and movies: devise, in other words, the fact and fantasy of the late twentieth century (Bigsby, 1975: 4). The perceived threat of globalisation has prompted fears and resentments not dissimilar in temper and tone to those by-now familiar reactions to the threat of Americanisation. Globalisation is sometimes seen as a force that will erode or, worse still, dissolve cultural difference and variety. Yet, the presence and pervasiveness of American-made goods does not necessarily signal the death of the local, regional or national. As Frederic Jameson notes, late modern or postmodern capitalism has led to a more disorganised set of relationships between trading nations. Thus, it is one of the characteristics of the dreaded "P"-concept - postmodernism or, perhaps more accurately, postmodernity - that it leads to uncertainty and paradox, as opposed to certainty and confidence. As a kind of postmodern capitalism, globalisation reflects this. For with it, the act of cultural transfer becomes more problematic, the flow of goods and ideas so much more difficult to "police". Economically, globalisation refers to a shift in capitalist practice. Today's multi- nationals talk of "global marketing strategies" and securing a "global market share" - corporate- speak which alludes to a kind of capitalism sans frontieres.
My Writing Style Essay -- Writing Education Teaching Essays
My Writing Style We all have a style, and it would seem that I wouldn't know another style, better than I know my own. However, I really wasn't aware that every circumstance causes me to change my 'style' accordingly. It seems that we are all just actors and actresses, playing various social roles, and yet we think we are being our 'self'. There were times when I was really nervous, perhaps before a job interview or meeting new people, and my mom would say , " don't be nervous, just go and be your self." The 'self' is an integration of the social roles we play and it is complex because we change our behaviors and our perceptions as situations dictate. The line you just read, illustrated an official writing 'self' that I slip into because it's still such a habit to write in the official style. Let me assure you this is quite frustrating. Anyway, now that I know what my 'self' is, the advice above seems worthless. Realistically, I am always my 'self', otherwise, who else would I be? Often times, I realize that I am not sincere while I am talking with people. My insincere 'self', is the style which surfaces more often than I like to admit, especially while I am at work. At work, customer after customer goes through my checkout line, and I greet each one with a polite and courteous, "Hi, how are you today?" The customers must think I care and want to know how they are actually doing, because some of them share with me, even the smallest details about their life story. To this, I usually say, "Oh, that's good," or if they have just enlightening run-down on how crummy life is, I will reply, "I'm sorry to hear that," in a very sympathetic way of course. During encounters with customers like this, I am often thinking; I have to g... ...h beyond the rigid theme writing stipulations. I continue to struggle with avoiding the know-it-all voice and style which still continues to naturally falls on the page. It's a style composed primarily of official sounding latinate words, and often it doesn't get across what I am trying to say in my writing. I think that the best way to defeat this style, is to continue to write as if I were engaged in a conversation. I realize now that good work isn't' t always defined by how eloquent it sounds. I have also realized that I don't even like reading what I write most of the time because I don't like to be talked at. I would rather read a paper which sounds less condescending, and one which sounds more like the paper is sharing ideas. I would rather write papers which reflect more of my 'self' and as for my conversations, well, I can't help being my 'self' if I tried. My Writing Style Essay -- Writing Education Teaching Essays My Writing Style We all have a style, and it would seem that I wouldn't know another style, better than I know my own. However, I really wasn't aware that every circumstance causes me to change my 'style' accordingly. It seems that we are all just actors and actresses, playing various social roles, and yet we think we are being our 'self'. There were times when I was really nervous, perhaps before a job interview or meeting new people, and my mom would say , " don't be nervous, just go and be your self." The 'self' is an integration of the social roles we play and it is complex because we change our behaviors and our perceptions as situations dictate. The line you just read, illustrated an official writing 'self' that I slip into because it's still such a habit to write in the official style. Let me assure you this is quite frustrating. Anyway, now that I know what my 'self' is, the advice above seems worthless. Realistically, I am always my 'self', otherwise, who else would I be? Often times, I realize that I am not sincere while I am talking with people. My insincere 'self', is the style which surfaces more often than I like to admit, especially while I am at work. At work, customer after customer goes through my checkout line, and I greet each one with a polite and courteous, "Hi, how are you today?" The customers must think I care and want to know how they are actually doing, because some of them share with me, even the smallest details about their life story. To this, I usually say, "Oh, that's good," or if they have just enlightening run-down on how crummy life is, I will reply, "I'm sorry to hear that," in a very sympathetic way of course. During encounters with customers like this, I am often thinking; I have to g... ...h beyond the rigid theme writing stipulations. I continue to struggle with avoiding the know-it-all voice and style which still continues to naturally falls on the page. It's a style composed primarily of official sounding latinate words, and often it doesn't get across what I am trying to say in my writing. I think that the best way to defeat this style, is to continue to write as if I were engaged in a conversation. I realize now that good work isn't' t always defined by how eloquent it sounds. I have also realized that I don't even like reading what I write most of the time because I don't like to be talked at. I would rather read a paper which sounds less condescending, and one which sounds more like the paper is sharing ideas. I would rather write papers which reflect more of my 'self' and as for my conversations, well, I can't help being my 'self' if I tried.
Thursday, July 18, 2019
Explain the Influence of Management Style on the Nature of the Employment Relationship Essay
It always a great deal for management to perform effectively in an organization, it is because they are the ones that are always look into by the people within the company. With the policies and guidelines that they give for the employees in order for them to achieve their goal effectively is the main reflection on the management style they implement and want to follow in the company. That is why in order for a company to succeed, management is always one of the main key, because it provides a better deal on addressing the main issue of relationship as well as policies. What is important for the management is that, no matter what and how they provide their management style in an organization, it should have positive output for both its people and also the stakeholders. Or always find a way to â€Å"strike the balance†between the two, because if people in the organization will not be given the right attention, it will be hard for company to survive, since these people are called as the â€Å"front liners†and the reflection of these performance will surely be reflected on the service they provide for the customer. On the other hand for the stakeholders, they maybe people that do not want to know more about how people or staff deals with their work, but more focus on the stability of the company, or simply â€Å"bottom line†. But, in order to achieve this there should be leader that must stand in front which will lead all these into reality. They say that a good leader is a good coach as well as moderator; these people are some of the very few people that knows how to encourage and provide hope for people and convert them to be an asset in the company and instead of a threat. Because there are other managers who thinks of efficient and effective people as threat, threat because they can overthrown the manager, because some managers are not that highly motivated and do not want to challenge themselves, that is why most companies development or progress are hardly achieve by these â€Å"power tripping: managers who would not want to see potential leaders to be what they deserve they can be, and inte4ad they be given challenge, they are either being ignored or left behind. For most effective managers or leaders who really provide great influence in an organization, they see company as business, not finance. This is the problem with some appointed managers or managers that are just being assigned without really understanding the position well. Actually managers are not financial comptroller, where the latter works more on how to control expenses but look into prioritizing how to increase sales and revenues. Managers forget the fact that they must lead and not always focus on the financials, because if they focus on the financials they should not be manager anymore, instead they should be working in the accounting or finance department. Another is that, managers are in the company to provide action and not just lesson. They must also provide community action, an action that would really help the company to go to its greatest potential and always dwell on how to prioritizing the important activities that needs to be done. For being an action man or woman in the company, it is also easy to find respect from the organization, since there is always hard work shown, and all of these provides great influence and eventually will result to success in the employment relationship within the organization. (Heller, R, 2007, pars. 4 and 9). Employee relations and theoretical interpretation In employment relation to employment relation, there are different types of theory that is applied in an organization. These are: (1) Unitary Theory, (2) Pluralist Theory, System, (4) Marxist, (5) Feminist, (6) Comparative, and (7) Postmodernism. For unitary theory, it is the existence of a single policy or authority that is being practice within the organization. This type of management theory is known in the very early years, where leaders form their own rule in the basis of what they think is right and people are mostly not given the rights to contradict or over rule the policy or guideline that was implemented. Classical Pluralism, is however is considered as the form of management is greatly influence by an electorate political group or any group that holds power over the society. Their main power is strengthen by the ideology that come from the community or societal group and this form of management style is well supported since it is perceived as for the good of many and not just from the group. System theory focuses is focusing on the inter-disciplinary representation of field science, which is complex nature of science, nature and science are the main basic on this theory. This also means that in every decision there is always a scientific explanation which needs to be followed or adhered. For Marxist theory, its philosophy mainly focuses on the diverse theory that Karl Marx which is mainly in the light of communism, this theory mainly involves such diverse fields like, aesthetics, ethics, ontology, epistemology and the philosophy of science as well. This is made popularize in the early strict and communistic era in Russia. On the theory about Feminism, it also provides a wide variety of discipline which mainly focuses on the common ideology of women’s role in politics, and these include: anthropology, sociology, economics, women as well as gender studies. This form of management looks after on the main concern of the greater women in the community which can be effectively being applied in the form of management within the organization. Lastly, for the theory about Postmodernism, which only shows that most of the people here are great fun of opportunities, like on and off the job training, like in the case of a project that will be eventually be started since the government has allocated some ideas in the organization. These theories have provided different impact in the organization since every theory is applied appropriately in the companies. It also provides a clear guideline as to how people can be managed effectively. Like take for instance a company that lies on the service that they provide, for example a company of systems development, which has given the authority to let users to participate in forming and firming the management standards and practices that the company must used. For the last two theories for management practices, comparative and post-modernism, for the first theory, Cooperative theory, this form of management, shows big importance to the greater majority of the people and these is brought out by the well collaborative effort shown from the employee and the management as well. This also shows that management must play big attention in their respective stores in a typical â€Å"look and feel†of the organization. (Hollinshead, Nicholls, and Tailby, 2003, pp. 9-41). The Importance of Collective Bargaining in an Organization For some companies accepting the presence of a Union is not that well accepted, because for some management it is just a source of employees of pushing other request that might even defeat the main vision or mission of the company. In fact the main objective of it is to provide a better deal of the needs of the staffs and not just raising some wants, which may lead to negative result. Companies or staffs must not always look into having an agreement that focuses not only for employee compensation or benefits but it should also focus on some other concerns like safety and help provision. This is because most industry, most especially manufacturing companies, automatically has a union and it provides a clear directive on what the policy that must be followed and this process must be strictly be send and follow up users. Collective bargaining has it own process which helps the management and the employees union to follow for better understanding of its agreement. In Ireland, this process is formed in a way that corresponds also to the company guidelines which is important to have it more appreciative and well respected by the stakeholder. (How Has Collective Bargaining Happen in Ireland, 2007).
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