Tuesday, May 26, 2020
Finding the Best Chicago Style Essay Samples
Finding the Best Chicago Style Essay Samples The Basic Principles of Chicago Style Essay Samples You Will be Able to Benefit From Beginning Today So that the reader can seek out the bit of information required, in a simple way. Apparently, you can't state the page quantity of a web-based source, and therefore you don't. There are several free on-line tools created to aid a student to create an ideal page for the cover. Include the internet address of the webpage. The Characteristics of Chicago Style Essay Samples The URL or DOI ought to be the previous portion of the citation. In case the website has a print counterpart, like the site for a newspaper, put the site title in italics. The title page isn't numbered. The very first page of text ought to be labeled page 2. Thefootnote text is put at the base of the page where there's the citation. A note could be added if a more formal citation is necessary. It is essential to be aware that annotated bibliographies also exist so far as Chicago style is concerned. Though useful, a bibliography isn't required in works that offer full bibliographic data in the notes. Footnotes are the list of citations utilized in 1 page that are located in the base of the webpage. They must appear at the bottom of the page that they are referred to. They appear at the bottom of the page they refer to. Footnotes might not be an essential characteristic of writing, but they might be exceedingly handy for reducing clutter without needing to excise important asides or explanations a practice that could be handy in academic writing and elsewhere too. Both use the exact same formatting guidelines. Chicago recommends including a bibliography in most court cases, which usually means you're usually only require short notes. Chicago style is extremely popular with college and university students. Naturally, it may have deviations, so it is better to check online examples in order to perfectly understand how to compose Chicago style essay. The Chicago style is principally employed for manuscript preparation and publication and could also. MLA Format cover page has to be made for every single report prepared by means of a university student. If desired, you ought to be in a position to locate a Chicago writing style template on the web, which you are able to use as a guide. You've been redirected to our new website. So, you can see web sites of essay writing companies and internet encyclopedias to be able to find any information on Chicago style you will need. Some lack the appropriate grasp of grammar and vocabulary to produce the guide. A great academic writing implies the use of quotations. The students from the many scholastic levels would normally be asked to compose various kinds of essays for their classes. While writing a personal narrative, you should concentrate on only one experience. A Thought on what engages your attention is a great place to begin from in figuring out how to compose a 5 paragraph writing. It is crucial to receive a Chicago style example which will function as a guide to writing own essay. This manner of writing is favored for research paper topics where the author should include extensive commentaries on parts of the text. Sample thesis is an excellent reference point for people who are writing thesis for the very first moment. This kind of essay is made on the grounds of an interview performed by the author of the paper. You should try and follow evocative writing while completing this kind of essay. Sample essay two sample essay. You may always use a good Chicago writing style template to ease the formatting approach. Chicago style isn't very hard to understand. however, it is extremely tough to read entire manual of the style. This sort of Chicago formatting style uses author's name and date as its name suggests. There are lots of key reference styles utilised in academic writing. If it's too long for only one line, you use the typical double spacing. You separate the webpage number with a comma, other than that there'll not be any punctuation. The footnote number should be put at the conclusion of the sentence or the conclusion of a clause in a sentence. Page numbers of the principal section.
Sunday, May 17, 2020
Chuck Yeager The Pilot Who Broke the Sound Barrier
Chuck Yeager (born Charles Elwood Yeager on February 13, 1923) is best known for being the first pilot to break the sound barrier. As a decorated Air Force officer and a record-setting test pilot, Yeager is considered an icon of early aviation. Fast Facts: Chuck Yeager Occupation: Air Force officer and test pilotBorn: February 13, 1923 in Myra, West Virginia, USAEducation: High school diplomaKey Accomplishments: First pilot to break the sound barrierSpouse(s): Glennis Yeager (m. 1945-1990), Victoria Scott DAngelo (m. 2003)Children: Susan, Don, Mickey, and Sharon Early Life Chuck Yeager was born in the small farming community of Myra, West Virginia. He grew up in nearby Hamlin, the middle of Albert Hal and Susie May Yeager’s five children. By adolescence, he was skilled as both a hunter and mechanic. An indifferent student, he had no thought of going to college when he graduated from Hamlin High School in the spring of 1941. Instead, he enlisted for a two-year stint with the US Army Air Force in September 1941 and was sent to George Air Force Base in Victorville, California. He spent the next 34 years in the military. He enlisted as an airplane mechanic, with no thought of becoming a pilot. In fact, he was violently airsick the first few times he went up as a passenger. But he quickly gained his equilibrium and got into a flight training program. Gifted with better than 20/20 vision and natural dexterity, Yeager soon became a standout pilot, graduating as a flight officer in March 1943. World War II Ace Yeager was assigned to the 357th Fighter Group and spent six months training at various sites around the country. While stationed near Oroville, California, he met an 18-year-old secretary named Glennis Dickhouse. Like many wartime couples, they fell in love just in time for Yeager to be sent into combat. He was shipped to England in November 1943. Assigned to RAF Leiston on the southeastern coast, Yeager named his P-51 Mustang the â€Å"Glamorous Glennis†in honor of his sweetheart and waited for his chance to fight. â€Å"Man, I can’t believe how fast luck changes in war,†he later observed. On March 5, 1944, just one day after he marked his first confirmed kill over Berlin, he found himself shot down over France. Over the next two months, Yeager gave assistance to French resistance fighters, who in turn helped him and other pilots escape over the Pyrenees to Spain. He was later awarded a Bronze Star for helping another wounded pilot, navigator â€Å"Pat†Patterson, escape across the mountains. Under Army regulations at the time, returned pilots were not allowed back into the air, and Yeager was faced with the likely end of his flying career. Anxious to return to combat, he managed to wrangle a meeting with General Dwight Eisenhower to plead his case. â€Å"I was so in awe,†said Yeager, â€Å"I could barely talk.†Eisenhower eventually took Yeager’s case to the War Department, and the young pilot was returned to the air. He finished out the war with 11.5 confirmed victories, including an â€Å"ace in a day,†downing five enemy aircraft in a single afternoon in October 1944. The Army newspaper Stars and Stripes ran a front-page headline: FIVE KILLS VINDICATES IKE’S DECISION. Breaking the Sound Barrier Yeager returned to the United States as a captain and married his sweetheart Glennis. After graduating from test pilot school, he was sent to Muroc Army Air Field (later named Edwards Air Force Base) deep in the California desert. Here, he joined a major research effort to develop a more advanced air force fleet. One of the challenges faced by the research team was breaking the sound barrier. To achieve and research supersonic speeds, Bell Aircraft Corporation (which was under contract with the US Army Air Force and the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics) designed what became the X-1, a rocket-engine-powered aircraft shaped like a machine-gun bullet for stability at high speeds. Yeager was selected to make the first manned flight in the fall of 1947. The night before the flight, Yeager was thrown from a horse during an evening ride, breaking two ribs. Fearing he’d be bumped from the historic flight, he didn’t tell anyone about his injury. On October 14, 1947, Yeager and the X-1 were loaded into the bomb bay of B-29 Superfortress and taken up to an altitude of 25,000. The X-1 was dropped through the doors; Yeager fired off the rocket engine and climbed to over 40,000. He broke through the sonic barrier at 662 miles per hour. In his autobiography, Yeager admitted the moment was a bit anticlimactic. â€Å"It took a damned instrument to tell me what I’d done. There should have been a bump in the road, something to let you know you’d just punched a nice clean hole through the sound barrier.†Later Career and Legacy News of his achievement broke in June 1948, and Yeager suddenly found himself a national celebrity. Throughout the 1950s and into the 1960s, he continued to test experimental aircraft. In December 1953, he set a new speed record, reaching up to 1,620 mph. Moments later, he spun out of control, dropping 51,000 feet in less than a minute before regaining control of the aircraft and landing without incident. The feat won him the Distinguished Service Medal in 1954. With only a high school education, Yeager was ineligible for the astronaut program in the 1960s. â€Å"The guys didn’t have a hell of a lot of control,†he said of the NASA program in a 2017 interview, â€Å"and that, to me, isn’t flying. I wasn’t interested.†  In December 1963, Yeager piloted a Lockheed F-104 Starfighter to 108,700 feet, nearly at the edge of space. Suddenly, the plane went into a spin and hurtled back towards earth. Yeager struggled to regain control before finally ejecting at just 8,500 feet above the desert floor. From the 1940s until his retirement as a brigadier general in 1975, Yeager also served as an active duty fighter pilot, with long stints in Germany, France, Spain, the Philippines, and Pakistan. Civilian Life Yeager has kept active since retiring more than 40 years ago. For many years, he test-piloted light commercial planes for Piper Aircraft and served as a pitchman for AC Delco batteries. He’s done movie cameos and been a technical advisor for flight simulator video games. He is active on social media and continues to play a role in his non-profit, the General Chuck Yeager Foundation. Sources Yeager, Chuck, and Leo Janos. Yeager: an Autobiography. Pimlico, 2000.Yeager, Chuck. â€Å"Breaking the Sound Barrier.† Popular Mechanics, Nov. 1987.Young, James. â€Å"The War Years.† General Chuck Yeager, www.chuckyeager.com/1943-1945-the-war-years.Wolfe, Tom. The Right Stuff. Vintage Classics, 2018.â€Å"The Crash of Yeagers NF-104.† Yeager the NF-104, 2002, www.check-six.com/Crash_Sites/NF-104A_crash_site.htm.
Friday, May 15, 2020
Revolution Is Not A Bed Of Roses - 2053 Words
â€Å"Revolution is not a bed of roses. Revolution is a battle between the future and the past,†spoken by Fidel Alejandro Castro Ruz, on January 5, 1961 at Havana. Revolution is a strife Castro is very familiar with, especially the Cuban Revolution where he played a main part in that â€Å"battle between the future and the past†. Other than Fidel Castro, Fulgencio Batista also played a substantial role in the Cuban Revolution. Furthermore, the U.S. relations with Batista and Castro, as well as Batista’s prior reign initiated the revolution. In part, some causes of the Cuban revolution are Castro being a candidate for the Cuban congress and Batista’s history of seizing power of Cuba. Some major events of the revolution are The July 26th Movement and Fidel Castro forcing Batista out of his dictatorship. Lastly, effects of the Cuban Revolution are that the affiliations between Cuba and the U.S were strained, therefore a series of conflicts occurred. Which wa s the Bay of Pigs and the Cuban Missile Crisis. The Cuban Revolution was a turmoil of people being angry with the reign of Fulgencio Batista’s corruption, especially Castro, and that ignited the revolution to overthrow the dictatorship of Batista. The Cuban Revolution’s foundation is rooted with the power of Batista over Cuba. Batista helped overthrow the provisional president, Carlos Manuel de Cespedes, known as the Sergeant s Revolt. This started the future of Batista’s power over Cuba and a dictatorship. As said, â€Å"In SeptemberShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of John Keats And The Sick Rose By William Wordsworth837 Words  | 4 Pagesworks that we have read. Ode to a Nightingale by John Keats and The Sick Rose by William Wordsworth: I. Introduction of Romanticism a. Features of Romanticism II. How these features embody the written works of Romanticism exemplified by Bright Star and The Sick Rose a. Ode to a Nightingale i. How it embodies a love of nature, imagination and emotional extremes, and individualism (human rights/rebellion) b. The Sick Rose i. How it embodies a love of nature, imagination and emotional extremes, andRead MoreWilliam Blake s Poetry Of Innocence And Happiness1417 Words  | 6 PagesWilliam Blake was a poet, painter, and engraver, who was born in Soho, London on November 28th 1757. Blake lived in London at a time of great political and social change. The Industrial Revolution took place in 1760, the American Revolution began in 1775, and the French Revolution began in 1789, and all of these revolutions greatly influenced William Blake’s writing. Blake wrote his world famous Songs of Innocence in 1789 and later combined it with additional poems titled Songs of Innocence and of ExperienceRead MoreBattle Analysis : Battle Of Trenton1350 Words  | 6 Pagesanalysis of the battle will illustrate how Washington devised an offensive plan that demonstrated many of the principles of war still utilized in military operations today. Setting The Battle of Trenton occurred approximately 20 months after the revolution started. On November 16, 1776, the Battle of Fort Washington marked a decisive victory for the British. The British forces killed 59 Continental soldiers and took another 2,837 prisoner (â€Å"Weapons and war,†n.d.). Due to the defeat, ContinentalRead MoreWhat I Am My Life1058 Words  | 5 Pagessituation. For two weeks every night before I went to bed, I wrote down three items I was grateful for. Some of the words were â€Å"Health†,†Family†,†Friends†,†Food†, and†Childhood†. This list goes on, what I grasped is whatever I did that day predisposed what I wrote down. On days I lifted I would appreciate my health, when I went away with my family I recognized how much I appreciated my family, when I was home for a day I realized how much I adored my bed. The new custom I obtained made me appreciateRead More The Multiple Meanings of The Sick Rose and The Eagle Essay986 Words  | 4 PagesThe Multiple Meanings of The Sick Rose and The Eagle After studying the two poems, The Sick Rose and The Eagle in class and the discussion among the group, it seems to me that the poems haven’t got only one single meaning. I also noticed that poems could always be interpreted in different ways with different meanings based on your point of view and your personal knowledge and experience. Poems are also open to interpretations. The Sick Rose is a very decent example of which the poemsRead MoreAnimal Farm is an allegory that was written by George Orwell that tells the story of the Russian800 Words  | 4 PagesAnimal Farm is an allegory that was written by George Orwell that tells the story of the Russian Revolution and the Soviet Union by using a great deal of symbolism. Three things that Orwell represented in his allegory were the leaders of the Russian Revolution/Soviet Union, the government, and even objects that were important to the Revolution. In Animal Farm George Orwell used his characters to represent the leaders of the Soviet Union and the people of Russia. Mr. Jones, the farmer whom the animalsRead MoreLiterary Analysis Of Animal Farm By George Orwell1310 Words  | 6 Pagesselfishly modify the commandments in their favor. In the end, the farm is worse off than it was before the rebellion, becoming a dystopia. Animal Farm has many literary elements to better the reader’s understanding of communism during the Russian Revolution, such as symbolism, irony, conflict and allusions. All of the themes that appear in the novel revolve around power, dystopia and equality. Symbolism is a very crucial literary element in Animal Farm and appears in many instances. Symbolism isRead MoreTo What Extent Was Brutality Used by Fidel Castro During the Cuban Revolution1440 Words  | 6 Pagesâ€Å"A revolution is not a bed of roses ... a revolution is a struggle to the death between the future and the past.†– Fidel Castro, 1961. This statement was certainly true for Fidel Castro and his revolutionaries during the Cuban Revolution, an armed revolt that took place between July 26th 1953 and January 1st 1959, which ended successfully. During this revolt, many of Fidel Castro’s fellow revolutionaries were killed in this process of violent revolution (My Life, p133, 2006). However, Castro andRead MoreAnimal Farm by George Orwell1100 Words  | 4 Pagesstatement when she states that quality young adult literature mirrors the concerns of society out of which it is produced and is able to distil the complexities of the issue for readers. First Paragraph: Animal Farm is a lament for the fate of revolutions and the hopes contained in them. Orwell believed that the basis for society was human decency and common sense, a basis that conflicted with the ideals for society that were prevalent at the time. Orwell harbored the belief that the governmentsRead MoreSteps To Compile A Reliability Report852 Words  | 4 PagesGenerator: front and back bearings, windings, insulation †¢ Gearbox: each stage bearings, each stage gears. †¢ Yaw system: gears, motors, bearing †¢ Frames: gearbox bed, generator bed For each component, an ideal report should include next characteristics {Needs review/enhanced by David and Emil}: †¢ Failure mode, †¢ Time (or number of revolutions) when the failure occurred, †¢ Time the failure was repaired or replaced. Ideal reporting spreadsheet would look like an example below: Table 1 Failure Date
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Business Dealing with Selling Cars Online Assignment
Essays on Business Dealing with Selling Cars Online Assignment The paper "Business Dealing with Selling Cars Online" is a brilliant example of a term paper on e-commerce. Advancement in technology has reshaped and revamped the way business is being done. There is a shift towards using the internet as a platform for firms to carry out business. The advantages associated with this technology have left almost all business firms whether big or small in size to consider adopting it with the notion that it will help them stay competitive and relevant in the current world of business. However, there is little knowledge these firms have with regard to both the advantages and disadvantages of adopting e-commerce. E-commerce is one of the fastest-growing industries worldwide and is one of the most rapidly evolving areas of national and international trade (Eisingerich Kretschmer, 2008). Using the internet to carry out business has been deemed to be the most current innovation in the world of business and offers an opportunity for businesses to carry out business through electronics. Firms have rushed to adopt e-commerce which entails making transactions online with the belief that it will help them gain competitive advantages and increase their market shares as well as revenue. Indeed there are numerous advantages associated with this concept such as capturing new markets by allowing firms to go global, 24/7 operation this has been shown to bring with it the advantage of reliability and convenience which allows potential customers who do not have time to buy products and services regardless of time.It is evident that e-commerce help firm cut the costs of doing business, for instance, there will be less paperwork which requires human resource, a flexible or telework arrangement can be put in place making working execute their tasks, duties, and responsibilities not necessarily in the office among other advantages (Eisingerich Kretschmer, 2008). However there is a need to first analyze if it is viable for a firm to adopt this techno logy ad for those firms that have already adopted the internet in doing business, there is a need for them to constantly evaluate its relevance and areas that need improvement. In this paper, I will try to analyze a questionnaire distributed by a business dealing with selling cars online. The task includes identifying the level of measurement of each question, performing a descriptive analysis of each question and finding if there is a relationship between gender and respondent buying a new car from the company’s website.Level of measurementIt is worth noting that in any research, the data collected through survey falls in one of the four-level of measurement, nominal, order, interval or ratio scale. Variables falling under this category are those that have value but with no mathematical interpretation and posses difference in quality but not in quantity. The major characteristic of this level of measurement is to name or label attributes. Data can only be put into groups and counted by frequency (Burns Bush, 2010).
Gender Roles In Antigone - 1547 Words
In Sophocles’ Antigone, gender roles are a major conflicting theme throughout the entire play. The setting of the play was written during the Greek mythological days, around 442 B.C. During these days, men were dominant and held all of the power, so women were automatically treated as less. Antigone and Creon portray the conflicting sides between male and female, and Ismene and Haemon portray opposing sides to Antigone and Creon’s actions. Antigone, Ismene, Creon, and Haemon each show differences in behavior due to their sex versus the actions each character chooses to take. Antigone tells Ismene about her plans to bury their brother, Polynices, which is going against Creon’s orders. Antigone and Ismene, have contrasting perspectives on†¦show more content†¦Antigone is set in Thebes, which is an ancient Greek city that is set to be cursed and prone to disaster. By setting Antigone in Thebes, Sophocles allowed the tensions between male and female to be ex plored. Being that Antigone is the protagonist, her character is important in the play. She made the decision to bury her brother knowing that it was against Creon’s law. Ismene refused to help Antigone, which left her angry, yet still determined to bury her brother. She knew that burying her brother could lead to her own death, but she continued to show courage, strength, and determination throughout her role. In the beginning, Antigone says, â€Å"Dear god, shout it from the rooftops. I’ll hate you all the more for silence/ tell the world!†(17,100-101). This was said to Ismene, when they were discussing burial plans and Ismene was telling Antigone that she was against the plan. Antigone’s dialogue shows that she is not worried about being punished or worried about who knows what she has done. It is clear that Antigone is sincere about honoring the gods, her actions show that she feels that she is pleasing the gods and that is all that matters to her. â€Å"Thes e laws/ I was not about to break them, not out of fear of some man’s wounded pride, and face the retribution of the gods.†(30, 509-511). This demonstrates how she feels about man’s law vs. divine law. In the plot, there was not one time where Antigone deniedShow MoreRelatedRejecting Gender Roles In Sophocless Antigone1262 Words  | 6 PagesRejecting Gender Roles in Antigone Human nature dictates that conformity is a safer choice than expressing individuality. When placed in a situation where one must either remain silent or speak their mind and face severe consequences, there is much less risk in taking the first option. Sophocles, an Athenian tragedian from the fifth century BC, confronted this theme throughout one of his most popular works: Antigone. In the play, the title character must decide if she should honor her brother andRead MoreGender Role Of Women In Antigone By Sophocles814 Words  | 4 Pagesleast. Is a woman stronger than we?†(Sophocles.II.3.539-540) says Creon, King of Thebes and uncle to the disobeying but brave Antigone in Antigone by Sophocles. A patriarchal society is a community in which male domination over women, Sophocles explains the journey of Antigone in getting her brother buried and yielding against the laws of Thebes in a man dominated city. Antigone portrayed in the play is loyal and stubborn, she would do anyth ing that feels ethical and honest to her even if that disregardingRead MoreWomen s Oppression Of Women1657 Words  | 7 PagesSophocles’ Antigone, although fictional, presents an anecdotal example of a prominent proto-feminist figure, the protagonist Antigone. The work is set in Ancient Greece, a time period in which women played subservient roles. Accordingly, women are treated subordinately in the work. Hence, when Antigone commits a â€Å"crime†under the patriarchal order of the King of Thebes, Creon, through the prohibited burying of her brother, unfair treatment is imposed upon her. Creon punishes Antigone accordinglyRead MoreWomen in Ancient Greece1638 Words  | 7 PagesSophocles play Antigone encapsulates the conflict in Greek society between genuine and farcical democracy. Greeces patriarchal society excludes women from formal decision-making processes so that, in the case of Creon, leaders enact their own arbitrary rules. Creon refuses to listen to wh at Antigone has to say about her belief that her brother deserves a proper burial. His lack of compassion is exacerbated by his unequivocal misogyny. For instance, when his son Haemon sticks up for Antigone, Creon ridiculesRead MoreHow Modern Versions Of Medea ( Euripides ) And Antigone ( Sophocles )1246 Words  | 5 Pagestime, nevertheless concepts and ideologies present in traditional Greek theatre have become outdated. Strict gender roles were ever-present in society and a person was judged in relation to his or her compliance with these standards. Ancient Greek theatre hosts many misogynistic examples of the conformity to the gender roles of the time as well as the consequences of rebelling against the gender protocol. Women were to remain invisible, obedient and subordinate and to rebel against these restrictionsRead MoreThe Notions of Justice in The Republic and Antigone1707 Words  | 7 Pagesphilosophical literature, notions of justice are presented plainly. Platoâ⠂¬â„¢s The Republic and Sophocles’ Antigone both address elements of death, tyranny and immorality, morality, and societal roles. These topics are important elements when addressing justice, whether in the societal representation or personal representation. Antigone uses the concept of death in many ways when unfolding the tragic story of Antigone and her rebellion. The most obvious way is how death is used as a form of capital punishmentRead MoreThe Punishment For Overstepping Creon s Authority Essay1235 Words  | 5 Pagesexponentially more sinister. In Sophocles’ â€Å"Antigone†there is a clear gender conflict that forms between the protagonist Antigone and the antagonist Creon. Antigone’s determination to give her brother a just burial inspired the people of Thebes, but enraged Creon. Although Antigone does not obsess over the gender struggle as much as Creon, there is no disputing that the gender roles of Ancient Greece fueled the central conflict of the drama. The clash between Antigone and Creon was symbolic towards the subjugationRead MoreThe Feminist Criticism Of Antigone Essay1703 Words  | 7 PagesStudent’s Name Tutor’s Name Course Code Date Sophocles Antigone The feminist criticism approach evaluates how sexual identity impacts the creation and perception of literary pieces of art. It was originally an offshoot of the feminist movements but has currently employed certain approaches, such as the Masculinity approach, which is advocated by Robert Bly. Feminist criticism takes a primary role in articulating the patriarchal perceptions that have dominated the Western thought. The perceptionsRead MoreAnalysis Of Sophocles Play Antigone 1308 Words  | 6 Pagestreating each other equally. Gender is a range of characteristics associated with males and females. You could say that when gender and equality are put together both sexes are treated adequately. However, it is most of the time difficult to fulfil equality in real life and it is barely seen in literature.Women were mainly and only useful for establishing a bloodline that could carry on the family name and give the proper last rituals to the husband. Sophocles play Antigone shows us the three differentRead MoreSophocles Antigone : The Third Of The Three Theban Tragic Plays1106 Words  | 5 PagesSophocles’s play, Antigone is the third of the three Theban tragic plays and was written around 440 B.C. and is still well known today. Sophocles s play Antigone tells a tragic story about family honor and a sister’s love for her brothers. After Antigone’s two brothers, Polynices and Eteocles died in battle, Creon became the new leader of Thebes. Creon orders that Eteocles have a proper burial while Polynices’s body remain unburied, simply left to rot. Antigone refuses to let her brother’s body
Globalization of Clean Energy Technology †Free Samples to Students
Question: Discuss about the Globalization of Clean Energy Technology. Answer: Introduction Siemens is German engineering company with its headquarter in Europe found in 1847. It is one of the largest industrial manufacturing companies in Europe with its branch spread worldwide. The company and its subsidiary approximately employ more than 372000 people globally and earn global revenue of around 83 billion (in 2017). The company is listed in the Euro stoxx 50 stock market indexes. Globalization refers to the trend in which the organizations develop international influence and operate with the international market (Rothaermel, 2015).. Siemens being an multinational organization operates more than 190 separate countries. The goods are manufactured in Germany and exported through ships to all parts of the world. In the span of time of 20 years, global volume of export has increases four times. In 2016, goods worth US$16 trillion were exported Globalization faces many challenges in Siemens, in the discussion the various risks opportunity and the organizational structure of Seim ens have been talked about (Vishnevskiy, et al., 2015). The Seimen is a German electronic multinational company that operates six segments of the industry including healthcare, energy, IT solutions, financial service and investment of equity. There are fourteen divisions of these six segments including the Drive Technologies, Divisions Industry Automation, ,Industry Solutions and Mobility, Building Technologies, Diagnostics, the division of Fossil Power Generation, and Power Distribution, the Divisions Imaging Information Technology, Renewable Energy, Oil Gas, Power Transmission, Workflow and Solutions. The presidents and the chief officer of executive of Siemens is Peter Loscher who belongs from Austria. Seven members head the different sectors. For more or less 160 years, Siemens have been operating more than 190 regions all over the world. A world of talent that is proven, delivering many innovations, giving the consumers a sound edge of competition, helping the societies to master their most major challenges, and cration of sustaina ble value. Siemens values are responsibility, committing to ethical and responsible actions, excellence, achieving high performance and excellent results, and innovation, and being innovative to create sustainable value. Political factors: The political factors refer to the degree of government intervention in the economy along with the business policies and procedures adopted. Siemens stands to have a strong political strength in times of uncertainty and turmoil. The reduction of the taxes and tariffs of the capital goods can affect the company (Kotler, 2015). The company has adapted an export control policy in which it prohibits from participating directly and indirectly in the developments and manufacturing. Economic factors: The economic factors include the taxation charges, economic growth rate, inflation and exchange rate. These factors have a huge impact on the Siemens business policy. In 2008, the decrease in inflation rate resulted in the downfall in the companys investment. Social factors: Social factors refer to the trends that can affect the demand for the firms production and changes in the taste and preferences of the customers. Increase in the urbanization has a great impact on the company. When people move to urban areas for better opportunities, the company can get more employees for engaging in their company. Preference for energy efficient vehicles with low cost increases the demand for the product. The corporate social responsibility also a part of social factors. Technological factors: The change in the factors of technologies changes the production and the quality of products along with innovations. The technology can also help in the reduction of the cost of the production (Lasserre, 2017). Siemens uses high tech and modern electronics for their developments. This helps them to get the maximum production at minimum cost. Seimen also has built a worldwide innovation of networks that helps them to improve processes and product continuously. Environmental factors: The environmental factor includes the weather climate and the desire to protect the environment. This affects the industries to move towards more environmentally friendly products and processes. This also a part of the corporate social responsibility of the firm. Legal factors: The legal factors that influence the environment where the firm operates. It affects the cost and the demand of the firm. For example, the Seimen was given the burden of reduction of the green house gases. The foreign trade regulations and labor legislation falls under the legal factors. Internal factors affecting the Siemens Strengths: The strength of Siemens includes the market leadership that it possesses through innovations and best quality products. It produces products such as industry, health care and infrastructure and energy. Most importantly, the Siemens is known for its financial stability and excellence it maintains (Pogue Miller, 2018).There consist of a strong advertisement and marketing which can be stated as strengths. The processes of advertisements are done through media, TV, sports and lifestyle events. Weakness: There are hardly any drawbacks in the company of Seimen. However, in order to analyze the weaknesses the pointed out limitation is that the company has dependence on the third party for the efficiency in the operations. Moreover, there had been few allegation on the companys corporate environment corruption has been found out. The risk of the company refers to the possibility of a loss that the company may face, it is the uncertainty or the anticipation of loss that is made before hand. There are various kinds of risks that Seimen faces. The various fines and lawsuits: One of the major risks of the Seimen Company is the various outcomes and consequences that it has to face if there is a non-compliance with the legislation. It can result in different kinds of fines and lawsuits that can lead to a direct reputational and financial effect on the company (Burt et al., 2014). Financial loss: Another major risk that the company faces is the financial risk. It refers to the direct financial losses. Examples of such losses are the various frequent accidents with employees that need to be away from work for a long time. Physical risks of Seimens: Destruction risks of facilities of the company and physical equipment that is Lack of training in using equipment can generate physical losses as well as lack of maintenance, which can culminate in fire or leakages. Company risk of Reputation:Any kind of misconduct of the company that can affect the heads relevant to stakeholders can affect the reputation of the company. Maintaining a good reputation is very important. There is a always a fear for the company about the risk. Any kind of spoilage in the reputation can lead to fall in the goodwill. For example. Child labor practice in the corporate operations can create huge damage on the companys reputation and the business may lose clients. Global economic risk: Uncertainties in the global market of Siemens from annual report 2017, mainly starts from the risk of that are political had very less impact on the worldwide economy. Global pressure with Iran and North Korea enhanced and the negotiations about the U.K. leaving the Union of Europe are complicated and tensions of separation in Spain added significant uncertainty. These developments weigh potentially on decisions of investment but this materialized barely in 2017 fiscal (Berend, 2016). Business measurement practices of Seimens The performance management refers to the monitoring process of the targets and the performance against actual results for establishing the best process of analyzing how nicely the business and its members are functioning as a whole as one unit. The Seimen faces high increase in the demands for measurement of the performance of the environment (Bernardino, 2014). This is necessary for the achieving of the development that is to make the financial stakeholders be rest assured that the investments made by them are not at risk. To Enhance the Performance of the different decision making procedure that the Seimen uses are as follows: The Balanced Scorecard- A system, which is a strategic system of administration that joins all the unique and quantitative measures of significance to the endeavor. The gather of the measures all classes apparently aids in the social affair and choice of the proper execution measures for the venture. Another technique used to measure the performance of the Siemens business is benchmarking. It is thecomparison of the process of business andperformance metricswith bests practices of other industries. The benchmarking measures the time, quality and cost of Siemens to analyze its performance. By this method, the management gets to know how well the company targets are achieved. The strategies globalization that the Siemens uses for achieve its goals: Operational: Astrategy for globalization for Siemens has high degree of centralization with the headquarters that coordinating Siemens to seed out the standardization and generate the economies of scale. The focus is on the cost reductions (Cooke Wells, 2015). However, at times of high demand, when the local responsiveness is high, there is hardly any recommendation tht they can provide. Financial: For measurement and comparison of the financial development in the market and the competitive environment, Siemens use defined system key indicators like capital efficiency, growth, profit margin, and capital structure and dividend payout ratio. Human resource: The most important pillar of Siemens human resource strategy, alongside the operational performance, operational excellence and corporate social responsibility, is continuous management, development and motivation to its employees (Gallagher, 2014). Marketing: The processes of advertisements are done through media, TV, sports and lifestyle events. Conclusion The Globalization possesses many challenges to Siemens. However, Siemens has always been an efficient part of the global business for 162 years. The securing process of the business is to make sure that it offers a wide range of high-class services that add value to customers work. Siemens offers highly products that are technical with service benefits added in. This kind of service capability drives a advantage of competition over other suppliers. This strategy is deliberate. Reference list Berend, I. T. (2016).An economic history of twentieth-century Europe: economic regimes from laissez-faire to globalization. Cambridge University Press. Bernardino, R. (2014). Internationalization drivers and Global Markets.Information Technology People,8, 43-47. Burt, P. J., Tower, J. R., van der Wal, G. S., Ackerman, D. A. (2014).U.S. Patent No. 8,830,340. 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Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Student Enrollment System Development in Java - myassignmenthelp
Question: Discuss about theStudent Enrollment System Development in Java. Answer: Introduction The Student information system is developed in order to easily insert, retrieve and manage the student data along with their academic details. We have used and implemented multiple classes in order to complete the tasks such as inserting student data, subjects and their enrollments in different courses. The project is developed using the Java swing Framework. Features of the developed system In order to create the GUI for the application we have used the JFrame which is the component of the Java Swing Class. The javax.swing.JFrame class is a container that inherits the java.awt.Frame class. This helps in developing the GUI for the applications and add different other components to the Jframe that builds the user form for the user through which they can interact with the application. The JFrame acts as the main window where components are added such as (buttons, labels, text fields or other I/O components). In this application, the main function is contained in the home class of the applications package. In this student subject and enrollment system we have added six buttons that will help the user to complete six different operations. These functionalities are, Insert Student details, Retrieve Student details, Insert Subject details for a new subject, Retrieve Subject details. In addition to that other functionalities like Inserting enrolment details, Retrieving enrolment details. Whenever a user clicks a button on the home page or the Main GUI of this application it will invoke a corresponding Jframe which will have different other components that will help the users to complete the operations. For this applications we have also implemented try-catch error handling options that will inform the user about any issues while operating the applications. Explanation for the used methods When the application is execute and the user clicks on the insert Enrollment button it will open a new Jframe which will contain two text fields and two buttons which are Subject code and Student ID who is enrolling to the subject when the user click on the submit it will lead to storing of the provided data to the Database when the application is connected to the database. Different classes are imported in other classes of this application package which required to call and complete the relevant data between the forms. The application is also implemented by using the Java event Listener and action listeners. The action listener is an interface which is used in order to receive the action events. At the point the action event happens as a result of users activity the related actionPerformed method is invoked in order to complete the specified steps. When the user clicks on the button to retrieve the data related to enrollment we have used the JRadioButton on the GUI so that the user can select according to which the user needs to retrieve the enrollment data. If the user selects the retrieval of data selecting the Student ID, then the application will show the subject to which the student is enrolled. On the other hand when the user selected the subject code then it will show the list of students who are enrolled under that specific subject. When the user clicks on the Insert Student, then in the next JFrame the users will need to provide the ID, family name, First name, address and phone number of the student. In order to store the data in the database. In order to retrieve data and show the selected data as for the students and subjects we have implemented three classes which are Enrolement, Student and subject. In order to save or store the data entered by the user it is important to connect the application using the JDBC connector. After the successful connection to the database the data from the different Jframe will be stored in the respective tables. Conclusion The core functionality for the proposed application is completed in the following parts. In the developed application it is possible to insert a new student or subject, retrieve the details of a student and enroll a student to a subject. Also the retrieve subject, enroll and student is implemented in similar way which are working properly. A new student or subject can be inserted and viewed. Furthermore the error handling for several issues are completely implemented for the application. Bibliography Almonte, N. A., Stubbs, W. R. (2014). U.S. Patent No. 8,863,015. Washington, DC: U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. Gibson, R. A. (2015). Building a Simple Global Security Application. In Swing for Jython (pp. 15-19). Apress. Mbarki, S., Laaz, N., Gotti, S., Gotti, Z. (2016). ADM-based migration from JAVA swing to RIA applications.International Journal of Information Systems in the Service Sector (IJISSS),8(2), 98-112.
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