
Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Student Enrollment System Development in Java - myassignmenthelp

Question: Discuss about theStudent Enrollment System Development in Java. Answer: Introduction The Student information system is developed in order to easily insert, retrieve and manage the student data along with their academic details. We have used and implemented multiple classes in order to complete the tasks such as inserting student data, subjects and their enrollments in different courses. The project is developed using the Java swing Framework. Features of the developed system In order to create the GUI for the application we have used the JFrame which is the component of the Java Swing Class. The javax.swing.JFrame class is a container that inherits the java.awt.Frame class. This helps in developing the GUI for the applications and add different other components to the Jframe that builds the user form for the user through which they can interact with the application. The JFrame acts as the main window where components are added such as (buttons, labels, text fields or other I/O components). In this application, the main function is contained in the home class of the applications package. In this student subject and enrollment system we have added six buttons that will help the user to complete six different operations. These functionalities are, Insert Student details, Retrieve Student details, Insert Subject details for a new subject, Retrieve Subject details. In addition to that other functionalities like Inserting enrolment details, Retrieving enrolment details. Whenever a user clicks a button on the home page or the Main GUI of this application it will invoke a corresponding Jframe which will have different other components that will help the users to complete the operations. For this applications we have also implemented try-catch error handling options that will inform the user about any issues while operating the applications. Explanation for the used methods When the application is execute and the user clicks on the insert Enrollment button it will open a new Jframe which will contain two text fields and two buttons which are Subject code and Student ID who is enrolling to the subject when the user click on the submit it will lead to storing of the provided data to the Database when the application is connected to the database. Different classes are imported in other classes of this application package which required to call and complete the relevant data between the forms. The application is also implemented by using the Java event Listener and action listeners. The action listener is an interface which is used in order to receive the action events. At the point the action event happens as a result of users activity the related actionPerformed method is invoked in order to complete the specified steps. When the user clicks on the button to retrieve the data related to enrollment we have used the JRadioButton on the GUI so that the user can select according to which the user needs to retrieve the enrollment data. If the user selects the retrieval of data selecting the Student ID, then the application will show the subject to which the student is enrolled. On the other hand when the user selected the subject code then it will show the list of students who are enrolled under that specific subject. When the user clicks on the Insert Student, then in the next JFrame the users will need to provide the ID, family name, First name, address and phone number of the student. In order to store the data in the database. In order to retrieve data and show the selected data as for the students and subjects we have implemented three classes which are Enrolement, Student and subject. In order to save or store the data entered by the user it is important to connect the application using the JDBC connector. After the successful connection to the database the data from the different Jframe will be stored in the respective tables. Conclusion The core functionality for the proposed application is completed in the following parts. In the developed application it is possible to insert a new student or subject, retrieve the details of a student and enroll a student to a subject. Also the retrieve subject, enroll and student is implemented in similar way which are working properly. A new student or subject can be inserted and viewed. Furthermore the error handling for several issues are completely implemented for the application. Bibliography Almonte, N. A., Stubbs, W. R. (2014). U.S. Patent No. 8,863,015. Washington, DC: U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. Gibson, R. A. (2015). Building a Simple Global Security Application. In Swing for Jython (pp. 15-19). Apress. Mbarki, S., Laaz, N., Gotti, S., Gotti, Z. (2016). ADM-based migration from JAVA swing to RIA applications.International Journal of Information Systems in the Service Sector (IJISSS),8(2), 98-112.

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