
Thursday, April 4, 2013

Athlete's Warehouse.

Executive Summary

Colins unemployment status has caused him to consider opening up his own trading. His predicament is deciding where to locate his patronage; either at large(p) Eastern Building downtown or Exploits Valley in the mall. Due to him being unemployed, Colin get hold ofs to begin earning an income to live. To do so he needs to improve his communicate sales so that his net income would be sufficient to live on and to be able to pay back Eds investment in the business.

The intimately feasible solution to Colins situation is opening up the business downtown at the Great Eastern Building. This location produces a higher net income and a lower break withal point than the mall. Although the net income starts out quite low, once the business is established as a quality store with obedient merchandise and excellent customer service, customers loyal to them will provide to their store when they have a need or pauperization that they can fill.

Before the business is up and running, Colin must determine how he will integrate the four aspects of the marketing mix to reciprocate his target market . He will need to subside how he will promote his store to the local citizens in the best way possible, while giving them what they want and need on good quality products at affordable, competitive prices.

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Statement of Problem

Given that Colin is in an unfortunate situation, his primary concern now is deciding whether or not to open up a business. His immediate sequel resulting from this dilemma is that he must decide where to locate his business. It is this particular proposition dilemma that Colin needs to confront the issue of improving projected sales for the possibility of incurring a profit. In auxiliary to currently being out of work, Colin is looking...

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