
Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Essay about an experience that is very memorable: using all 5 senses to describe the event.

My most memorable day started out with my brother and me tour my grandmother by bicycle for lunch on a Saturday. We rode our bicycles without incident to her house unless on the return trip, my brothers bike broke. I got finish my bike and walked it with him until we got to a long proud hill that led to the sandbag tracks we needed to cross. Before the railroad tracks there was a small dirt jump make by some kids a few weeks back. I left wing my brother and rode down the hill to pick up urge to go off the jump. As I reached the bottom of the hill, I could feel the wind ripping at my face so I looked down at my bike computer and saw that I was going 30mph. Tried to slow down but with no success due to the loose gravel this make me go off the jump slightly turned to the right.

I flew off the jump got about 15 feet of air and landed on the other side of the railroad tracks. When I landed however my front tire hit a large persuade and sent me and the bike into cartwheels.

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As I was tumbling in the air, I could hear my bike crashing and smashing against the rocks, just as I noticed my bike my head landed immediately on top of another large rock and I heard a snap. My back snarl like it was on fire from being twisted like a pretzel. My stab I could feel was swollen to about twice its conventionality size. As I reached up to feel my nose, I felt that my entire face was covered with blood. I reached up to hang-up my eyes so that I could see what had happened and...

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