
Wednesday, April 10, 2013

The Best Things in Life Are Free

All the best social occasions in carriage story are free. Our shaper has habituated us sunlight for our plants to grow and night so we plenty sleep. Food and animals we survive on. Life itself is the best thing our lord has given to us. Conscious to choose from well-behaved and bad near and wrong. We are given air to breathe and this land to raging on. He has given us these things to use in the justly manner. All these things have been given to us for free and completely we are asked to do is to become hot people

The best thing in life that our lord has given us is life itself. If we didnt have life we would non be alive we would not have to worry. We were given life as a outpouring to see if we were given all these things for free we would become good people and live in peace and harmony. But we dont we parcel out life for granted we think we have paid for life this is why no one ever stops and thinks am I doing the right thing

Our lord has given us a conscious to decide between wrong and right good and bad. This is the thing which animals dont have. We hushed do not respect this we still do things which are bad and we do them over again and again we do not care or think well-nigh what we are doing. If our lord had given the animals a conscious I think and most people do that they would have apply it better. None of the people look before they leap. In other nomenclature they do not care if the are doing something wrong or write.

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The actually sometimes dont even know what they are doing.

The second...

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