
Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Great Expectations by Charles Dickens. The Relationship between Pip, Estella, and Jaggers.

        The relationship amongst film, Estella, and Jaggers is going through a good deal ontogeny throughout the story. takes and Estellas relationship is very similar to as when clear up was just a roughhewn boy, and there is not much hope for the relationship to become real. Jaggers also has and allow feed much influence on the lives of Pip and Estella.

         The relationship between Pip and Estella is not getting much better and there is not much hope in it, the main yard being that Estella however treats Pip the same as when he was just a common boy. Estella explains that she has no heart and cannot sense emotions, which is from the cite You must know, said Estella, ...that I beat no heart -if that has anything to do with my memory (223). Estella, because she says she has no heart, will not have any feelings for Pip even if she grows to be a gentleman. This shows how there is not much hope in their relationship, because Estella will never have love for Pip. Estella also still calls Pip boy which is shown from the quote You silly boy, said Estella quote composedly, how can you talk such nonsense (248)? Estella still calls Pip boy, as if he was just a common boy, even though he has become more a gentleman.

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This shows how Estellas attitude for Pip has not changed and probably will not change, which does not bring much hope to their relationship. Another drill is when Estella allows Pip to kiss her, just like she did before; shown from the quote Will you never take warning? Or do you kiss my hand in the same spirit in which I once let you kiss my cheek (250)? Pip responds by kissing her, and this shows how Pip...

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