
Tuesday, April 9, 2013

The Theme of "The Angel over the right shoulder"

The Theme of: The Angel Over the Right Shoulder


        Mrs. crowd together was a stay at home mother and a caretaker for all of her children and her economises needs. Mrs. James never had clock time to herself and was starting to rule as though She had accomplished nothing that she could see, but to watch all over her house and family in order, and even this, to her saddened mind, seemed to have been but indifferently done (Phelps 10). After Mrs. James realized she felt this way, her husband told her to set aside two hours a day for herself for a month and see if it helps. Mrs. James attempted to have time alone, but she was ceaselessly interrupted with problems that she can only settle on her own. oneness night she had a dream that curtly changed her life. In this dream she saw two angels watching over her:But what was most remarkable was, that, all unknown to her, she was constantly watched by two angels, who reposed on two golden clouds which floated to a higher place her. Before each, was a golden book, and a pen of gold. One angel, with mild and loving eyes, peered constantly over her right shoulder joint; another, kept as strict watch over her left. non a deed, not a word, not a look, flee their notice.

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When a good deed, word, look, went from her, the angel over the right shoulder, with a glad smile, wrote it down in his book; when an evil, however trivial, the angel over the left shoulder recorded it in his book, --then, with bitter eyes, followed the pilgrim until he observed penitence for the wrong, upon which he dropped a blame on the record, and blotted it out, and both angels rejoiced (Phelps 13).

This changed the way she saw...

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