
Monday, April 8, 2013


Today star of the greatest, problems is cancer.

It is one of the hardest diseases to overcome, and unfortunately it is quiet common in todays society. Cancer is something that not only requires medical attention, but also support from family and friends, because it is a long process to read bottom to good health, and it will most likely get worse before it gets better. A major type of cancer is Leukemia. It accounts for one third of the cancer reports each year. Many people recall that if a person has leukemia, he or she is sure to clog from it. What they dont understand is there atomic number 18 many types or leukemia, many different ways to treat it, and people who do last from it. And as doctors say, there is always hope in juvenile medicine, and never give up.

This year solely about 31,500 novel cases of leukemia were reported in the United States. Most cases occur in older adults, more than half are over the time of 60. But it effects both sexes, all ages, and all racial backgrounds. It is the most common cancer among children.

Children are mostly stirred between the ages or 2-5. More men are do than women. Males account for 65 percent of leukemia reports. In the United States alone there are about 3,250 children diagnosed with leukemia each year.

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Most children are cured, because children tend to go the doctor more often than adults, so they are able to find the cancer in the setoff stages, as oppose to adults, who usually go once or twice a year to the doctor, and leukemia can spread very quickly throughout the body. It takes a while before you protrude to feel the symptoms, and in most cases if you already feel brainsick it might be too late, because the cancer has spread though the entire body. There is a higher occurrence of leukemia in people of European decent rather than of African...

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