
Monday, April 8, 2013

An Explication of Tennyson's 'Tithonus'

Alfred, Lord Tennysons Tithonus explains mans inclination for immortality gone astray. Tennyson writes the poem at a young and ambitious twenty-four years of age. This poem, however, is written ternary months after the death of Tennysons best friend. His feelings toward his friend, and death in general, ar depicted through his views toward immortality throughout the poem. He believes that youth is the identify to usefulness and happiness. Without youth, man grows much undesirable every solar day while losing his affectiveness. Tennyson, by using different figures of speech and imagery, shows the speakers desire for immortality. He also creates a thought that immortality is no more than cruelty consuming man. Through this idea, Tennyson shows the consequences that follow the desire for an attachment of mortal time. In the first paragraph, the speaker describes the decay of documentation objects as time moves on. The metaphor The vapors weep their burdens to the ground symbolise the comparison between nature, man, and death. The vapors of death bring grit to Earth the old burdeness living entities that end its usefulness for life. comely as a flower, we look upon youthful man as favorable and a joy to be around. As the flower begins to decay, the flower becomes less desirable and becomes discarded.

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Tithonus views immortality as cruelty that consumes him. He also realizes immortality is taking away his beauty just as After many a summer dies the swan. He views himself as a shadow of a man that he once was. He believes that he roams in the darkness of immortality, looking toward the ever dim East for the light of morning. He now knows that this light is no longer reachable.

The second paragraph describes Tithonuss quest to be with his fan forever and begins to realize the mistake in his...

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