
Thursday, April 4, 2013

Marketing - Professional Selling Course, Test Study Notes - 1

Developing Relationship Strategy

Emotional Intelligence - capacity to recognize our own encounterings and feelings of others to inspire ourselves, and manage emotions in ourselves and our races.

People with high level of emotional information display many qualities dealed in sales make up:







social skills.

Selling involves 3 major relationship challenges:

Building new relationships - starts with communication of decreed impressions during the initial contact

Transforming relationships from personal level to business level

Management of relationships

RELATIONSHIP STRATEGY - well-thought devise for establishing, building, and asseverateing quality relationships.


Project positive, professional image

Practise communication-style flexing

Behave ethically


Value Personal Selling

Adopt Marketing Concept

Become a puzzle Solver/partner

Every salesperson should have ongoing goal of evolution a relationship strategy that adds set to the sale.

The salesperson may be able to compete on the basis of harvest-tide solution, price, or service, but fail due to relationship puzzle a guest has with competition.

Customers perceive value is added to the sale when they feel good about the relationship they have with a salesperson.

Salespeople need to develop strategies and practise skills necessary to create relationship value for customers.

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ADD VALUE to the relationship as perceived by the customer:

Positive & adenosine monophosphate; Professional self image

Good manners




Ethical behaviour

Verbal & non-verbal behaviours

Well-modulated voice & ability to adjust communication style

PARTNERING - strategically developed, high-quality relationship that focuses on solving customers buying problem.

PARTNERING involves establishing, re-establishing, and maintaining relationships with customers.

PARTNERING emphasizes building a strong relationship during every aspect of the sale and working hard to maintain a quality relationship with a customer subsequently the sale.

Professional Selling today must be viewed as process, non an event.

Wilson believes there are 3 keys to partnering...

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